Anybody else feel like this chapter is quite underwhelming?

I think I felt more hype for Pinhead's chapter than this one TBH.
The killer is weak, the survivor is no where near unique (not even faithful to the original story) and there are no new maps even the perks are quite buggy/underwhelming.
I'm quite disappointed since I really wanted this chapter to be good.
This is what happens when you release the teaser for the upcoming chapter MONTHS before it being actually released.
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That's the popular narrative, but I like it.
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i was expecting Pingu and instead we get a Japanese mop.
I am disappoint.
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I like the Killer but its another hybrid mash up Killer, I could be playing Demo, Wraith or Freddy and have the same experience.
The only thing im enjoying is the new coat of paint on the main menu that will be gone forever one day.
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No new map, weak new killer and perks, and another boon. This almost couldn't have gone worse.
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Well, yeah, a bottom tier killer with a fanfic survivor and mediocre perks IS a bit disappointing on paper. However, Sadako is a legend and the idea behind Yoichi is inspired, ar least. And personally, at least one killer perk is fun and one survivor perk is busted. So, all in all, I rate 8/8 m8. No NFTs, and no performance issues make this the best release since I joined the game, at least!
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The new killer is awful. Truly.
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don't forget, they also re enable the old infinite in the badham school...
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Oh my God, I loaded into that map and all of my precious walls were broken. I threw a b fit, bruh. I was whining about it the whole game and swore that I would, from that point forward, use the Scott Jund method.
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Is it still fanfic when it's considered canon to ringu lore thou?
Post edited by Smoe on1 -
I was still excited for it. But any chapter that doesn't include a map will always be a little underwealming for me. I was also hoping for a few surprises to be thrown in that weren't in the PTB as we have had teases about upcoming changes.
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Let's see. We got a killer with a power similar to other existing killers who is on the weak side. Both new killer and survivor perks are meh overall.
It's not really hard to see why the chapter isn't that exciting.
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the boon is underwhelming and not worth to equip, yea some really good survivors can squeeze out a bit more on a loop if they're lucky enough to loop around the Boon, but this won't happening every game. They have only 4 perk slots and there are far better options to bring.
I generally like 2 of the new killer perks. Merciless Storm is not that strong and more of an annoyance for survivors but the other 2 have good synergizes with existing meta perks and i will use both of them a lot i guess
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They buffed elementary school and took away the breakable walls again.
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You never run just the new boon though. That would be like running Exponential alone. If you bring boons, you include CoH in it.
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Yep. Yoichi isn't that interesting and his perks are all bad. Sadako is fun to play, but she needs a few tweaks to make her a bit more viable. Her perks are ok, but nothing too good.
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thats the problem i have with boons other than coh.
need a whole build around them to get slight value
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You'll have to explain.
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They're racing for that Cold Hard CASH, they know the playerbase isn't getting any bigger and it's not going to stay like this for long, their key motivation here is if even more player leave the less money they'll get from selling dlc so might as well make more and fix the problems later.
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They did reveal sadako really early and like you said, nothing in this chapter is exactly good, just ok.
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If i wanted to play an angry little girl from Asia i'd go with Spirit.
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Ive felt underwhelmed by the last 2 years of chapter releases. I seriously feel that the game is hemorrhaging its life blood and instead of closing the wound, bhvr has decided to keep pumping in fresh blood.
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Silent Hill best chapter.
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Hey fam, how did your plan work out? Did you get Sadako to P3 in one day? Did you have fun with her? Please tell me about your experience :)
Personally, I got her to lvl 40 asap and tried her out once, but will wait till Grade reset to actually play her, because I am a whiny and thin-skinned killer main, by now.
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I think most people take a way too straightforward look at this perk and write it off as garbage. I am not saying that it is an overtly strong perk or got meta potential, but here is the gyst of it:
speed is one of the most sensitive aspects of the game. A lot of the loops are designed for certain values and if you mess with it the effects can be big. You can see this with how people get caught by Clown every time in normally save loops, because they underestimate the effects of his bottle slows. Clown has a lot other issues which hold him back, but he is excelent at breaking up otherwise save loops.
With Dark Theory you will escape a lot more by a hair's breadth. Everytime you got hit just by the edge of a killers lunge would be a whiff, and this could quickly add up. Also the killer might not notice its effect right away, or deem it not too pressing to hunt down that totem, where as a CoH can nearly never be left alone, least the killer is ok with comitting the each and every chase and never let some survivor escape.
I guess you could swap Dark Theory in and just see how it works out. In (Dark)theory you should escape more chases and get longer looping times, without being too oppressive on the killers side to go out of their way to shut it down. This would be its strength. Other perks will give you a more tangible effect, but I think DT is more subtle, so many players won't recognize what it can bring to the table.
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If I wanted a stealth Killer that could teleport around the map, I'd play Hex: Plaything Demogorgon instead of Sadako
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Well, there aren't any NFT's in this Chapter.
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I got the killer and survivor adept. Not seeing either of them much. Can't say I'm very surprised. I play Sadako some though.
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I’m almost convinced the only way I won’t be burned out is if they bring new game modes because I’ve just been so burned out lately that no new content will interest me, but I know they won’t do that anyway so..
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The Killer Portrait looks so bad.
Power is very basic and all perks (Including survivors) are garbage. Parental Guidance was interesting but after nerf, it's reserved to troll/niche builds.
No map either. Yawn.
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Yea the "alleged" leakers were going to reveal the chapter anyway so BHVR had no choice but to announce it as early as they did. I hope it doesn't happen for the 6 year anniversary...