Can't find match VS Sadako

You're not missing much. If you played against Wraith and Pig, you played against The Onryō
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SBMM ruining nee chapters sadly
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Same. I've played against 1 Sadako, 3 Nurses, and 1 Trapper. SBMM made no sense in any of those matches either.
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Did you remember to restart the game?
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That has nothing to do with it. I allready have the update of course
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All of my matches have been today have been with Sadako as the killer.
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Okay I finaly found 1 match againts her. It only took 8 games! Time for 8 more I quess!
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Get used to it she won't be played much outside of this week of release. I'd rather play Wraith or Freddy then her she's D tier.
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I played her once today, but won't touch her until grades reset at the 15th. The less I play her the lower my MMR will be on the 15th and the "easiest" I have it to try to get her Adept achievment.
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Same thing with Artist at her release.
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All I have had tonight was her, and one baby Billy.
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I'm playing her every game, been around 10 or so so far. Definitely my favorite stealth killer, at least.
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Wouldn't sadako be low MMR. If killers actually have seperate mmr
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just faced a p3 sadako and she gave me hatch it was very sweet
new killers take the average mmr across all your killers
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You missed nothing, cuz its another camper and tunneler xD
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She's been pretty rare, yeah. I finally got one later on in the day and rather than use her power she just tunneled and camped me. :(
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I've played maybe 12 survivor games since the patch and have yet to see her. It's all Nurse, Huntress, Blight and Bubba - with a single facecamping Myers.
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I think when you get a new killer it starts them at the average of your other killer MMRs or something like that versus assuming you are a brand new player.
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I played her last night four or five matches. I had a good time, she actually seems to be one of the better feeling stealth killers! 🙂
A funny thing that threw me off sometimes was her lack of collision combined with stealth meant survivors occasionally go right through her when you run up to them before you Manifest, either by accident because they didn’t see you or because they did a spin and just went right past you.
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Is that true? If I recall (and I may be mistaken) new killers are pegged directly below the MMR of your 'best' killer.
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Could be, I don’t know the details. 🤷♂️
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I'm also not convinced regarding the effectiveness of her stealth. Survivors seem to know exactly where I am at all times even though I'm demanifested.
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Well she's literally invisible outside of 24 meters while Demanifested, and even within that range she has no red stain, no terror radius, is invisible half the time and is a short killer with a smaller than usual cross section. So she's about as stealthy as you can get in a killer other than a stationary Wraith or Insidious using killer. (Even Wraith can be seen as a shimmer moving around and is taller than her so in some ways he can possibly be easier to spot depending on the situation.
Of course there are a fair number of survivors who use Spine Chill, so you need to be mindful of trying not to look directly at people you're approaching when possible. And if they're on comms and someone is keeping an eye on you that can work against you too, although because of her teleport and invisibility beyond 24 meters she might be a bit less vulnerable to people on comms than some of the other stealth killers.
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Why use Sadako when you have free-wins-Blight running around.
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I've gone against her plenty. I'm actually tired of her already. Just do what I do: escape over and over to attempt to get to high MMR, and get thrown in with unoptimal game throwers anyway.
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Out of 20 games so far, I've only managed to get a full condemned survivor twice.
Her power is niche and her special traits (condemned) are kinda of a let down. Just go play PH he's much more reliable.
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Mm. That's the thing.
Aside from her admittedly good visual and audio design, there is absolutely nothing she does that other killers don't do infinitely better.
If you want stealth+mobility, Wraith has equal if not better mobility, an anti loop in the form of his dash and actually effective stealth.
If you want stealth+lethality, Ghostface has proper undetectable status (why does Sadako need a lullaby?) and an instadown.
On top of this, she has some incredibly janky design elements, what feels like it should be a decent secondary objective/passive slowdown that is mostly just completely ignored and is easier to loop than Pig.
I've played 15 games with her now, and she's C tier at best. I've played against her twice, and she barely made an impact. I don't think anyone got more than 2/3 condemned in either game, and the games were a 4out and a 3out respectively, with the 3out being me giving her a pity kill at the end.
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Remember, Weak killers are fine! just don't expect to see them much and enjoy blight and nurse for 50% of your games :)
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Yeah but no
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MMR doesn't reset monthly only survivor and killer grades.
I've already tested that on Billy who I play like once every 2 years, first game since MMR and I had an SWF and got absolutely bullied into nothing.
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MMR doesn't reset, but you got different MMRs for different killers, especially when you start with one. The killer MMR needs a few matches to home in, so in the first few matches with a brand new killer you got quite the advantage and its much easier to gain a merciless rating. What throws this system off if lobby dodging. If a killer dodged a lobby that blood-thirsty survivor group will be prioritized to give them any game, just to keep waiting times as least somewhat manageable, but this outliers aside you should have fairly "easy" games with a new killer.
And also after a grade reset in the ashen and bronze region you only need a so-so good-ish game to get a merciless rating, where as in Iri you need practically a perfect game. If you happen to be in Iri1 you actually NEED a perfect game to be rated merciless, I got pictures of 1 gold and 3 iri medals that were short one little step, so just save yourself the hassel and only try to go for the adept achievments when you are in the lowerish grades.
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I played against 6 straight tonight.
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I've never had an easy game on any of my killers who I don't play since the MMR update.
Trapper was played when they buffed his addons, got demolished by SWF.
Wraith, bullied by SWF.
Hillbilly, smashed by SWF.
And don't get me started on nurse, when ever I do a practice game, gens are all rushed in like 3-4 mins and I end up with a few downs and no hooks.
They all share your main killers MMR minus a small amount to keep matchmaking favourable for survivor wait times.
My survivors are high MMR and I'm always getting killers with like 50 hours etc.
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I've played 4 games since the update and not faced her yet. Trickster, Pinhead and Nemesis were non stop during release week.
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Artist really made me hopeful regarding future designs. She' close to perfect, almost Plague level. Not too strong, not too weak, simple to understand but with an infinite skillcap. Plus her perks were the first real shake-up to the killer meta in ages.
Onryo makes me...the opposite.
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Artist was clearly designed with bird mines as part of her kit, but they took that away leaving a slow and clunky husk.
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I thought that initially, but as I've played her more (and watched a streamer do a streak on her)...she's still stronk. Her ability to shove people off gens from the entire map away and shut down loops is incredible. Definitely one of my strongest killers now, and really enjoyable to play.
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With or without DMS?
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DMS is wonderful on her, but not essential. Even without it, even decent players will have to let go and get rid of their birds, and then probably hide because you could easily be on your way to them.
These days I run PR + Agi + STBFL (works amazingly well on her) + BBQ (long range sniping). DMS is good, but I've found that sometimes it creates a 'dam' effect, where it stalls the gens out for a while, only to have 3 of them pop at the same time.
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Probably will take a while it actually took me a couple of days after the previous Dlc to play against the artist
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That build + survivors leaving gens says enough :|
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I've been seeing her a lot since Tuesday. Almost every match I go against her. I'm kind of hoping her popularity will die down so I can get some variety in killers.