This game is officially trash!

Thanks to recent perks and updates this game is officially in the tank! I've had my fill of this game. Every single match it's camp tunnel repeat and mash up trash combinations perks to secure a 4K! I can't wait for a better game to come out by a decent developer team!
I mean for someone who thinks the game is trash you sure do go outta your way to make a post about the game when you could just close the game and move on with your day. Kinda weird.
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Under the 5th amendment of the 2nd revised code of the US constitution, I now herby proclaim the online PvP media title “Dead by Daylight” as a trash game.
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Go play fortnite. The team is great
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That's wonderful, um.
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Who made it official? Was there a committee? If there was a committee, was there a town hall or some way for the community to have their say? Or is this one of those "Voted Best X in the industry" where it's some random organization that has no authority or power that declared it X?
I just want to make sure I have all the information on this official ruling.
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I proclaimed it trash, as mentioned a few posts above.
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I don't want him there so I can hear complaints too.
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Well you said it was an amendment to the constitution. Has it gone through The House and Senate yet? Do they have the votes? If it does go through, will Biden veto it?
Also does this ruling affect the international market or is this ruling strictly a US ruling?
So many questions!!!
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welp, you all heard him. Supreme ruler of everyones opinions has stated the game is trash. everyone has to log off now because he said so.
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This is an international ruling, it was voted on and passed through by all 3 segments of the US federal government.
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See you tomorrow
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Ok, good to know. Thank you for the info! I don't pay enough attention to the news, too depressing. Usually the important things like this I'd still catch but this somehow slipped through unnoticed.
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Sounds like a skill issue.
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If you find someone who cares let me know
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Damn killers trying to get kills!
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Good for you
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This is escalating.
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Funny how there are tons of videos and streams showing survivors escaping all the time. Maybe the problem is you.
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i think the game is pretty damn trash but i put down around 100 on it every month and i've had it since 2017 the problem is that the devs doesnt do what the community wants no one asked for half the damn updates they are completely useless and there are better things to fix
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ok then leave
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Link to official source?
Really interested in seeing it!
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Regardless of that you don't come to the forums and go "games trash bad devs" adding nothing to the conversation it's the reason the game is the way it is because people consistently crap on the dev's without giving valid reasons "WHY" the game is bad or how they can improve it. Quotes from the OP.
The plain and simple "Camp Tunnel Slug" wow the strats that make killer effective against gen speeds.
"trash perk combinations" Okay I agree to some extent but that's bandaid perks for you.
There's a clear difference with constructive feedback vs dev's bad we need better game posts.
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all my post has been with reasons coh counter like 3 killers black bars ruined stretched BUT ALSO ON KILLER!?!?!?!, they dont listen to us they nerfed twins my main for some reason they nerfed pig when i mained her, they add weird sounds no one wants, they dont fix known issues or comaplins that literally the whole community agrees on why did u just assume i think the game is trash without any reasons... oh yea we have 3000 ms huntress mains from russia ruining half the games agianst huntresses,
"The plain and simple "Camp Tunnel Slug" wow the strats that make killer effective against gen speeds.
"trash perk combinations" Okay I agree to some extent but that's bandaid perks for you.
There's a clear difference with constructive feedback vs dev's bad we need better game posts." ??? what do you mean??
when i make a post i state the problem i state why i think its a problem and i leave it up to the devs to figure it out most of the times... or simply say what i want to be fixed but they dont care...
We dont want MMR, dead hard is a extra life, we cant see the killers ping, we cant see teammates perk so we can get queud with people running no mither ruining the game...
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That wasn't aimed at you. That was aimed at the OP I was responding to what you said by pointing out what the OP said not you. That's why I said "Regardless of all that" what you were saying was constructive what the OP is saying isn't.
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Really rizzles my dazzles
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Thats cool and all but have you ever had Garlic Bread?