Why did Nurse get re-enabled?

When Nurse was disabled, it was much better because the team wouldn’t throw the game immediately when they found out its a Nursie. The game was something special and I enjoyed the weeks when she was disabled because you didn’t have to worry about the slugging Killer that sweats for the 4K.
What are you thoughts about the Nurse re-enabled?
p.s: this is just a opinion, don’t get upset/triggered about this thread.
Maybe the amount of blight complaints will go back to normal now.
Also, every killer can slug for the 4k, this isn't a nurse specific feature...
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Same here also I've got more nurses than sadako, remove her again
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Because the reason for her being killswitched was solved. She had a serious Bug, got disabled because of it, this Bug was fixed, so she is enabled again.
(Some strange people here would say she got buffed, because some think that Bugfixes equal Buffs...)
That being said, Nurse still needs a full Rework and should not exist like that, but this is a whole different topic.
But fixing Bugs and enabling those things which got disabled due to said Bugs is the right way to do.
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She was bugged, she's not bugged anymore so she doesn't need to be disabled
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Why entire survivor perks aren't disabled?
I know it will be much better for game, everyone would enjoy this game more and super healthy for the future.
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Nurse is fine. If anything, looking at her kill rates and following the logic from the Cenobite and Wraith nerfs - she actually needs a buff!
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BHVR should disable the whole game, its so much better that way, everyone is happy.
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Nurse doesn't need a buff, the only thing i would change is getting rid of her light burn. That thing is crippling if a survivor knows how to do it, it's a super rare occurance someone try's it so it's kind of pointless to exist as well, but it's damn panic inducing when it happens.
As for eveything else (outside maybe some pointless add-ons), Nurse is pretty much fine, she shouldn't be reworked, nerfed or changed because there are player's who know how to use her and other player's don't try changing how they play to avoid her. There's also enough new stuff that survivor's can use to counter her. (yes i'm somewhat hypocritical asking to remove a feature then saying people don't try changing how they play, but when light burn's happen and there's more than 1 survivor who know's how with a flash light it's a real tough time.)
Last note, your probably going to see more nurse's than sadako (besides the obvious adept achievment trys once reset happens), but more because Nurse player's are getting that rust off.
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A slugging nurse, usually isn't sweating, it's just that EZ for them!
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It's very hard to lightburn a nurse successfully. But lightburn on Wraith must definitely go.
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To give survivors that know what m1 is more of a challenge? The other killers are balanced around survivors that do.. nothing, for some reason.
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Nurse is difficult for most of the survivor mains b/c her counter play isn't *throw pallet, tea bag, click click*. She actually requires a change to survivor play style.
Personally I enjoy going against Nurse when i play survivor b/c it's a challenge. Gens really don't take long to complete, especially if you can double up on the repair while one person can eat up 30 seconds of her time in a chase. Including the time to get picked up and hooked. I felt the same about Spirit before her nerf.
Nurse is super strong but she has counter play. Anyone who DCs b/c they see Nurse should uninstall the game. No refunds.
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As a nurse main I'm thrilled she's back
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This honestly isn’t a good mindset because I’m sure people that enjoyed her were dreading the whole month. I hate Nurse too but no killer should have to go through this. Imagine if Spirit got killswitched for a whole month, I’d have a heart attack.
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Lets disable DH. The game will be so much better.
See the issue?
This. I put in the time to p3 my nurse and to git gud. Now that im a good nurse, not a god nurse, op thinks i shouldnt play a killer i invested my time into because he doesnt want to face her.
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Sadly I don't see one, because it's a fact.
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I'm happy that Nurse is back. I've missed her xd
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Yea. In addition to the blight lets just bring the old blight to the game too.
In fact I stopped playing during the last couple of days cuz (no joke) 90% of my matches were against nurse, blight and spirit.
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The nurse is definitely boring to go against.
I don't mind killing myself on hook to go fast next.
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Nurse is not fine at all. She has no counterplay. If you think she is fine you are biased.
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It's true. I'm biased. I've never played a single match as Nurse, but I know she has counterplay and have used said counterplay against her, so I must be biased. No chance you are just incorrect.
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Can you elaborate? because all stats and tourney indicate she is counterable and plays just fine.
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The numbers say different. She has the lowest kill rate of all killers.
(Yes, I'm making a point here - if BHVR are going to nerf killers based purely on kill rates which are overly offset by extremely new players, then they should also be buffing killers based on those kill rates).
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I actually like going against a good nurse. Keeps me alert. Its a rush. A god nurse on the other hand, that just flat out sucks.
I still dont kill myself on the hook just because im not having fun. Its unfair to everyone else in the match.
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She got her bug that got her killswitched fixed. So she got re-enabled. This isn’t rocket science.
Anyways, I’m glad the best-designed and best-balanced killer in the game is back. Missed playing as and against her.
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Nurse has a high skill floor and ceiling. Meaning she is difficult to learn how to play well(floor) but the limit to her power is higher than other killers(ceiling). Shes classified as the number 1 killer in majority of lists because in high MMR play she is the best because of the high skill ceiling. But her kill rates are lower because of the high skill floor.
This is the exact opposite with the trapper. He has a low floor and low ceiling so new players can pick him easier and not get stomped but he's not super popular in high mmr play because there is only so much you can do with him regardless of your skill.
Basically I am saying the nurse does not need a buff but also should remain enabled while working properly.
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Nurse is overpowered, broken, busted, outdated, boring, unfun and miserable to face especially playing against a cracked nurse.. If you’re even remotely a decent nurse all you do is slap on haunted grounds, retribution, ruin and undying and you can literally have all four healthy survivors on the ground in 60sec… Nurse needs to be nerfed to the ground and the overheat mechanic on hillbilly needs to be removed so an actual fun killer to play against and that has counter play can make more of an appearance in matches.
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Because her bugs got fixed. Nurse's balance is a whole another issue of itself, but that wasn't the reason why she was disabled.
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I prefer her disabled; Nurse is busted and always has been. She becomes the true easy mode of this game once you memorize the blink distance after a few days.
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If you want people to believe farfetched theories, you should probably attach some proof with it.
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What an incredibly constructive post. Hey, I can do that too!
”Anything Bingo”
Needs to be nerfed (cause I said so) | Overpowered (cause I said so) | Outdated (cause I said so)
Broken (cause I said so) | Using dev-designed gameplay strategies | Subjective opinion that is irrelevant to balance
Subjective opinion that is irrelevant to balance | People trying to win | No counterplay (cause I said so)
Oh hey, I got a full board Bingo, nice.
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She was disabled because there was a bug that needed to be fixed, not because you didn't like playing against her. Bu was fixed, now she is back.
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Although I understand not liking Nurse, killers aren't killswitched because players don't like them. They're killswitched because there's something glaringly wrong with them that physically breaks the game. That said bug was fixed. Therefore she was reenabled. The devs unfortunately don't care what you think of a specific killer, it has nothing to do with why they're enabled/disabled.
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It's not far-fetched in the slightest, you're just another blatantly one-sided player who only cares about killers. It's quite common on the forums, pretty unfortunate.
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I play solo survivor/SWF as much as I do killer, and also advocate for both, but please, tell me more.
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Tell me more lies. Solo isn't even remotely on the same level as SWF, which is fairly busted as well.
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I don't know why you feel the need to be so aggressive. People can have different viewpoints from you. Also I fail to see how that's relevant at all. I play solo more often than I do SWF, and I do fine.
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Say what counterplay she has. All counterplay she has is countered by being good with her. Also maybe your just going against bad nurses 😴
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Mindgaming. Do you need help learning?
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Mind gaming, backtracking during blink. Juke+slow vault. There are literally thousands of posts made here from people, videos all over the internet. In the information age, ignorance is a choice.
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All counterplay she has against all counterplay is countered by being good with survivors, maybe survivors are just bad against nurses.
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You seem to be under the impression this is a PVE co-op game.
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So do you play her? Because if she is easy mode guaranteed win as you say, you could get in enough wins by tomorrow to hit rank 1 from Ash 4 with her and get a huge extra bunch of blood points from the rank reset in a few days. Since she is an easy guaranteed win and killer queues are short, it should make sense that the people who think she is unbeatable would spend a single evening playing her to get their big bp reward in 2 days.
Somehow I feel the people who say this never actually play Nurse at all and won't even if you challenge them to, despite them insisting it's easy.
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Yeah I'm sure billy is super fun to go against, especially when you're just hugging windows and lobbing pallets for your dear life. People find "fun" in billy because you can just invalidate his power with a window or pallet. The counterplay against billy is just braindead pressing spacebar.
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hopefully BHVR will comment on this buff for nurse https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1421266747?t=2h6m53s
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Edit: Sorry, I was wrong. It clearly is a bug though, it wasn't mentioned in patch notes.
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Nurse is easy mode?? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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Why did you have to make this post?
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Nurse is unhealthy for the game.