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Why Twins are hated on so much?

Bob9 Member Posts: 20

What in DBD history has happened that people hate/don't play/mention twins that much? They seem like a great killer if someone would learn how to play them. The idea of holding off sulvivors with victor and killing others with charlotte seems cool and good so, why such an major opinion on them?


  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    They are tough to master ive been playing them for a few years and like blight you get rusty fast if you take a brake from them. The problem people tend to have for them is the vic sniping method which is hard to manage on the survivor side

  • CuteAnimeGirlIRL
    CuteAnimeGirlIRL Member Posts: 38

    Because it's in vogue to criticize.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    Speaking purely from the killer side, what's fun about Twins is trying to hit long range or over obstacle pounces. What's very not fun about them is constantly eating a DS when you down someone with Victor, how slow it is to transition, Circle of Healing forcing you to hook everyone one by one and not allowing you to keep up pressure, Dead Hard straight up eating pounce giving the survivors a free kick. BHVR keeps trying to balance killers by making them frustrating, clunky, and unfun to use

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,080

    They are very clunky to play, they have awfuly long cooldowns with bad speed curves, Victor cannot use any Perks that are not globally on the map like Hexes or already blocked Generators and they don't have really great add-ons, which isn't fun for the Killer. if they want to have a chance to win against decent Survivors, they need to slug and camp (which can backfire of course), and you can image that isn't very fun for the Survivors.

    Victor also is pretty much hardcountered by the current healing meta or elevated windows that don't have a wall behind them (imagine Haddonfield balconies). It also doesn't help that Victor's hitboxes can due to latency (or poor programming) sometimes go through Survivors, or a little tiny elevation or a small tiny itsy bitsy rock can just stop your pounce instantly making you easily kickable, you can say goodbye to your pressure if that happens.

    They weren't thought out at all when they came out and they're still not now. But I still play them, because I like to suffer.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,583

    Their play-style used to promote camping.

    I believe it comes from that time.

    I don't like to play nor verse her myself.

  • Bob9
    Bob9 Member Posts: 20

    People say twins are ez to counter so why they aren't fun to go against?

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,583

    Maybe they are now, I don't know. I think they have been nerfed but I've been away for a long while.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,514

    Played against Twins yesterday. Demolished us. Victor is so funny but can be annyoing as f.

    Mostly you only hate killers that are good and kill you. If you can outplay the killer and win you don´t complain.

    They are completly fine but i can easily understand why people hate them. And i believe good twins can deal with a SWF.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,881

    Hated on as in people not liking to play against them is because they're slug heavy with victor which can be easily negated by working in pairs. Plus they get counter by CoH hard now soooo...

  • Idontknowtbh
    Idontknowtbh Member Posts: 467

    This is the reason I don't like them. Because most twins will just do that.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Reasons I can think of for both sides.


    1. -Most just camp or tunnel
    2. -They are very strong against solo Qs
    3. -People think Victor is difficult to loop
    4. -They can be in 2 places at once which when combined with Victor zooming they can control a large portion of the map if survivors aren't coordinated


    1. -They are punishing to learn
    2. -They have no desirable perks
    3. -Healing destroys them and atm healing is very popular
    4. -Victor is really janky
    5. -They are not great against coordinated teams
    6. -Imo they are the most frustrating killer as you lose probably the more progress towards a down than any other killer from missing their power and this can just be because of DH or annoying hitboxes
    7. -General lack of killers atm
    8. -Too complex of a power for new players to want to pick up
    9. -PTSD from launch

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    From watching tournament play it's literally camp a hook with Charlotte, well chasing with Victor.

  • ItsJesseFFS
    ItsJesseFFS Member Posts: 100

    My personal problem with Twins is literally the fact that there's nothing you can do against Victor except hope he misses a pounce.

    Mind you, I'm primarily a solo survivor, I very rarely swf. So the "group up" counterplay argument doesn't help me here.

    Lockers are yet another counterplay argument I see, but truthfully that doesn't feel like counterplay. Victor holds you hostage in it just for enough time to have Charlotte come. And the cooldown for Victor is so short that she can just use him again. Absolutely nothing you can do except delay the inevitable. That is such a completely miserable experience.

    And even on the rare occurrence that I do play with friend(s), it's still such a totally miserable experience to go against.

    To me personally, it truly does feel like Victor is quite possibly the biggest crutch in the entire game (MY opinion). He has way too much going.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    Slugging and camping is their strength. Not really fun to go up against.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Small objects are strong against victor. He slows down so massively while charging and due to the time it takes to charge that you can just run around the tree forever and thes a which side does he commit to mind game.

  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,045

    Camp dropped pallets. Victor can't break them and he needs to be at a very specific angle and distance to jump over them and hit you. This means that when you see him running to your side, you can vault the pallet and move around the corner, as he won't be able to charge his Pounce in the right position and angle in time. Then, when he runs over to your side, vault back and repeat the process. Crouching also makes him miss you often if he's going for over-pallet pounces, and all it takes is one missed pounce and kick for you to get time to get away. It's also pretty easy to juke his pounce, and looping him around small round objects makes it very difficult for him to pounce in the first place. There's also lockers and grouping up, obviously, as well as kidnapping Victor when healthy so he never gets used on you. And Dead Hard, which is an 100% guaranteed kick on Victor as he stops in place when pouncing on a Dead Harding survivor. And his buggy pounce collision often means he'll bump off nothing and give you a free kick. Etcetera.

    Victor is very strong in a chase, as he should be considering his tiny margin for error and weakness against healthy survivors, but he does have counterplay. Nobody plays Twins though so few survivors have learnt how to counter Victor in a chase, hence why he is complained about. Just don't drop pallets in front of Victor with his pounce charged. You shouldn't be trying to stun Victor. It's incredible how many people I see camping upright pallets against Victor, or trying to pallet loop Victor like he's Trapper or something. Don't do it.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,085

    Victor's hitbox is wildly inconsistent and they have unnecessary cooldowns on everything they do.

  • Zachcjjj
    Zachcjjj Member Posts: 528

    their strong gameplay style is incredibly boring to play as and against and they feel incredibly clunky to play which makes people not want to play them

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746
    edited March 2022

    terrible release?? you haven't played twins i main her since a few months back and let me tell you she is super strong in my opinion

    (i dont get the addon nerfs tho.....)

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Their power is relatively weak and counterable by survivors, but at the same time the only ways to succeed as them are generally boring and slow for everyone involved.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    I'm referring to what a buggy mess she, the game, and the servers were in on her release. It made a horrible impression when you were locked into Victor for the match, or the game would crash every time you separated, or infinite loading screens.

    Whether you think she's strong or not comes down to player skill. So, go for it. But that doesn't change what they were on release, or how they're played now.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    Twins release was probably the worst chapter release ever. They were literally an unfinished killer, lacked tons of animations that were added later and it was probably the patch that introduced the biggest number of bugs I've ever seen

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Personally I like the Twins well enough. 🤷‍♂️ I actually have fun playing them fairly aggressively versus just camping. Victor is extremely fast with built in Bloodhound so he’s actually great at scouting. And because he can attack one or two people, then Charlotte can either move in for a kill or carry or attack someone else on the way, they’re really good at splitting pressure over two or three survivors. You just have to go in knowing that you probably shouldn’t chase too often with Charlotte and I avoid using perks that don’t work while I’m Victor.

  • MB666
    MB666 Member Posts: 968

    the only way to win with twins is by playing 100% like a scumbag...and I personally like to play going for 12 hooks rather than getting just 6 or 8 by just camping , sluging and sweating with twins, thats why i just prefer other killers.

  • JonahsTablet
    JonahsTablet Member Posts: 762

    killers will say they hate how clunky they feel, survivors will say they hate how much they slug, racist will say it's because their French.

  • Crit
    Crit Member Posts: 42

    Behavior absolutely not understand them and their fanbase

  • Chadku
    Chadku Member Posts: 729

    You'd think that BHVR is used to the whole 4 DLCs per year.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    From Survivor perspective they are designed for mass slugging which is probably the worst non-reportable experience you can have in this game (facecamping lasts for 2 minutes, being slugged only to be picked up only to be slugged again until you bleed out is more than 4 minutes).

    From Killer perspective, I didnt try them so I cant really talk but from what Ive seen in videos they are extremely cumbersome and clunky to play (and thats a good thing, the worse they feel to play the less people playing that abomination).

  • Rougual
    Rougual Member Posts: 526

    By having 2 bodies they make very good hockey goalies; this means survivors may make more shots on goal that are easily blocked but if you don't win did those shots really matter?

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,063

    I've taken to playing games with the Twins mostly because others don't. I try to make more use of Victor grappling survivors rather than downing them to make up for the extra slug play.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,890

    Slugging and camping is what they excel at. That's not much fun for either side.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Slug and campy

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    They make the match last forever, Victor is pretty much unavoidable, and they're clunky.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,959
    edited March 2022

    Their kit seems very anti fun for both sides I can't think of another killer in this game where both sides go ew at the sight of them

  • CharlieChatBox
    CharlieChatBox Member Posts: 258

    Twins still have a few bugs that allow you to camp victor near the hook to camp with, and he's very able to go on a slugfest if people don't heal up. However, if people pair up or if a single boon goes up, you're effectively knee capped. Funny enough, people pairing up and conjoining at the hip actually makes Victor downing someone sort of pointless if you can pick up your buddy fast enough.