This "Just Trust Me Bro" Matchmaking needs to go.

I despise any online pvp game with a "hidden" MM rating. How do we know if we are really getting matched with players of similar skill? I don't care if I'm low or high mmr, i just wanna see some numbers/indicators. How stupid is this? I guess i will just take your word for it that we are all similarly skilled in a match? How unprofessional is this? Forget about me, I just want to see some proof that a random claudette with 2 level 2 perks dying instantly has similar MMR with the god-blight she is facing right now. Even if the numbers don't match, I want to see it!

People only hide things if they believe something is wrong with them. If you are confident about your new MMR system show us numbers. Show us rating gain/loss after each match.

Right now in this current state, I will believe that you're lying about your new system and there is actually no mm system at all. First 5 people in the queue are getting in a game together, simple as that. Why would I believe any different? I don't have any rating numbers.

You are very unprofessional as a company and should be ashamed of yourselves.

Rant over.


  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    Because mmr is so bad. People will dodge lobbies. Killers will dodge lobbies. Its happened before when they used to show ranks in the lobby.

    Plus whats the point in mmr. If kills = skills. Then i could just afk and get a 4k and be the real best killer.

    Dbd idle game soon tm.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    The entire reason it’s hidden is to prevent elitism over it.

  • EterniquE
    EterniquE Member Posts: 31

    I'm okay with seeing numbers after games. I just wanna see if all this is really working. It all feels like very disgusting to me right now the way it is.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,177

    Either I've never gotten to high MMR or it doesn't exist because MMR doesn't exist. I've escaped plenty. Plenty. And not once have I experienced what others have, that they're only facing Blights and Nurses every game. Most of what I get are teams that are walking around not doing gens, and lose to Clown and Wraith all the time, while doing 3 gens max collectively.

    And as killer, one match I'll go against gen rushers and lose by a landslide, the next a bunch of baby DCers and I'll win by a landslide.

    This MMR is roll of the dice matchmaking.

  • EterniquE
    EterniquE Member Posts: 31

    This is exactly what I mean. There is no MMR (we can't see it anyways, so until we see some numbers, I will die on that hill that there is no MMR and just first 5 people in the queue getting matched).

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617

    I don't want visible MMR numbers myself. There's too much elitism and toxicity in the DbD community already.

  • Chadku
    Chadku Member Posts: 735

    Issue is that there aren't that many killer players of your MMR level, MMR being ignored if you waited for long or got lobby dodged.

    Ofc the SBMM is awful in comparison to the old grade system/other games.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    It's almost as if the game is too difficult for survivors at low MMR and too difficult for killers at high MMR and core game mechanics like skill check challenge or bloodlust timers ought to scale off your MMR, rather than being exactly the same for everyone at every skill level!

  • CrashMADDS13
    CrashMADDS13 Member Posts: 302

    It should at least be shown in end game after killer perks get revealed

  • Lucent
    Lucent Member Posts: 209

    My games have been terrible the last week. Most of the time I'm getting 4 bad survivors that i just curb stomp into the ground then feel bad afterwards.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,177

    Except for mori spamming, which they took away. Of course it had to be killer BM that they took away.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    What would that accomplish? Lets say you can see the mmr, and it doesnt match. It happens because they prioritize matchmaking times over fair matchmaking. So you see the mmr didnt match, what is the consequence? There really is none, because they dont want to change the system anyway. So what would you do? Stop playing? Trying to force the devs to make your version of mmr real? Thats actually all reasons for the devs not to show you your mmr.

  • cordonrouge
    cordonrouge Member Posts: 155

    at this point I would take a matchmaking system based on amount of hours played.

    literally anything but what we have now. I 100% got matched with first time players who even admitted so in post game lobby when I asked them.

  • KateDunson
    KateDunson Member Posts: 714

    MMR doesn't reset so i think after all these months we all reached high mmr or pretty much around that, and every game is a 50/50 between a baby killer and a real sweaty nurse. It's like there's no MMR anymore and this unbalance and nosense is infuriating

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    Mori spamming was taken away because it effectively led to the survivor being held hostage, since they could not bleed out or anything

    It had nothing to do with it being "toxic"

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,556

    They made end game collapse so survivors couldn't take the game hostage and just hide for a half hour after the game. So, wrong answer bud.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    That was the entire point of MMR, to add a matchmaking system you couldn't see because it was bad PR when every other forum and reddit post was "look how broken my lobby is" with a screenshot of ranks.

    Now it can be as broken as they like, but since you can't show that it's broken they can always pull the "you don't know your MMR," "maybe you aren't as good as you think," and any other excuse because you have no way to prove otherwise.

    The only reason we even got told how MMR works is because it all got datamined after a week anyway, and it turns out they were still using just kills which they'd said months before "didn't work very well for a matchmaking system."

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

    yes have faced the same 4man swf 3 times in a row they literally run DH, BT, UB, DS and one brings a boon... i play twins they bring map offerings there is NOTHING I CAN DO... i had a really big win streak before and now my matches take longer to find so i guess the MMR is higher than average...

  • ArchAbhor
    ArchAbhor Member Posts: 847

    This is complete bs reasoning presented by the devs and parroted by people who dont read deeper. They say to prevent “toxic elitism” in this fanbase where half or more of the community are playing to antagonize or bully others. Then gaslight people who talk about it.

    You want to know the real reason why they dont want you to see the mmr rating? Its so you dont have reliable data to see how bad their system is. The system by the way that they started by saying wouldnt be based on kills and escapes then just went ahead and did that anyways.

    I love this game but its stuff like this that is pushing the fanbase away.