Is Every Developer On Break or Something?
Blood Pact + OoO is running rampant in almost every game, Nurse is still having issues, and we still haven't gotten out rank reset rewards. Is there not a single employee at BHVR on weekends that could killswitch or fix things?
Behaviour Interactive is closed on weekends. Simple as that. Most of the time, that's a good thing.
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What businesses in 2022 close on weekends?
And working from home or overtime is not a thing?
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Do you really need an explanation how ridiculous this sounds or do you see it yourself?
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BHVR is not your slave or anything. This people have lifes too. They need breaks. I wish everyone and all jobs would have break at weekends. BHVR is doing pretty good.
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Yeah, that's actually kind of crazy, for a tech based company to shut it down on weekends in this day and age.
When you have a product as a service where things could go wrong at any point, it's actually kind of inexcusable not to at least have a skeleton crew or on call staff to jump on things as they come up.
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Uhh..considering how bad the gaming industry is about overwork, bhvr employees being off on weekends isn't something we should complain about.
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They're filing their nails, that alone will fix any issue in this game.
Ew, overtime.
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Right, but to give an example from medicine, within a practice there is usually a rotation among the doctors of who is on call for urgent matters that may arise on nights and weekends. I don't understand why there can't be a rotation of a single person with access to the kill switch from home should any issues arise on nights and weekends, who can at least quickly kill switch problems until the team as a whole can examine the issue more in-depth when the team returns.
To be very clear: I'm not asking for the whole company to be at work 24/7. Just a rotation of a single dev who can kill switch things quickly from home if an emergency problem should come up outside of normal working hours. I don't think that's an unreasonable request.
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See, the difference is.. in medicine, lives are at stake.. This is a video game. They'll get to it when they get to it.
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One that cares for it's employees. Which I have to begrudgingly respect them for, even if it leads to situations like this.
Gotta love content creators knowing this and purposefully releasing a video to their massive audience which then gets spread further on a weekend.
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Many? My office is generally closed weekends.
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Yeah, I mean it's pretty standard practice in many fields where services are active 365 to have some folks who work say, Wed-Sunday or something. And as you say, at least be able to log in and kill switch something.
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Exactly. I mean, it is a meme at this point, but people can play something else, if they dont want to play DBD. If they are getting bad games due to a Bug, they should not play Killer, if they get bothered by it. I played a game, got a person with those two Perks in my game and only played one game afterwards, because I wanted to finish my Daily. And thats about it.
"Gotta love content creators knowing this and purposefully releasing a video to their massive audience which then gets spread further on a weekend."
Honestly, I was not surprised at all.
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And i have not seen a business closed on the weekends since the 1980's... and no... i am not exaggerating.
But lets say they live in a blessed job where they still get weekends off... they are a 24/7 licenced software & server provider company...
"No working from home?"
"No overtime?"
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Just because you can work from home doesn't mean you will. If it was my weekend off and something happened at work, too bad, it'll have to wait til I'm back on schedule. Having access to it doesn't mean they'll hop on to fix everything whenever something happens during their off time.
Entitled gamers gonna be entitled.
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I'm not even talking about overtime; no one should be mandated or forced to work overtime.
But people do realize that you can have your days off, and they don't all have to be on Saturday and Sunday, right? It's not hard coded that your work weekend has to be on those days.
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Entitled is putting your feet up when something you designed has gone wrong and still cashing your cheque...
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It's not a question of life or death, they'll fix it when they get to it. Demanding they fix it yesterday won't change the fact that they'll get to it later.
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What Nurse issue have you run into? I haven't had any issues.
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You sound like someone who hasn't worked a day in his life.
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######### devs, man, having lives, priorities and #########.
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I think I sound more like someone who thinks a live service should always have maintenance crew. No, devs dont have to work 7 days a week. But they should have a secondary crew with a different shift like Thursday - Monday. Having 2 days of no devs in a multiplayer game is suicide.
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And that's exactly their type of attitude which is very quickly killing their game.
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That's just an example. Pick apart the analogy if you want, but that's not the only industry where a skeleton crew is on call for emergencies. For an example within the same industry, TF2 had a crew ready to handle emergencies outside of normal office hours. And I'm sure many other software providers and games companies do too. Again, I don't disagree with devs getting time to recharge, that's not the issue. The issue is the attitude of "we'll get to it when we get to it" and the culture of unpreparedness.
You're really telling me that they can't find a single person with access to the kill switch who would be willing to work Sundays instead of Wednesday or something of the sort? Really? Don't get me wrong, it's not the end of the world or anything. But it's just... unprofessional imo, on top of all the other crap they do that screams incompetence.
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Their employees having a life is killing the game? Are you for real?
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See, that's the thing... these issues are NOT emergencies. So they'll get worked on when they're back to work, and that's it. Being inconvenienced is not an emergency.
EDIT: but yes I agree it's ridiculous no one can killswitch Object to solve the bugs related to it.. but for other issues (like the rank reset not happening) it'll have to wait
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You guys dont realize that their are guild rules I work in television and the studios all have to follow specific guidlines for work hours and payment. Now i do not know if the videogame industry itself also has a work union but I think it does as almost every other entertainment branch does. So if they do work those extra hours they have to be compensated for it and its reported to their work union. Sure its not fair to leave a game in a broken state for a few days but usually bhvr has been decent at fixing MOST things. Yes they have a few theyve left too long in a broken state but if you yourself do not know any programming then you probably should keep your mouth shut as bug fixing is a b!tch when you have so many lines of code to sift through which sometimes can be found automatically through the software just not always. This is why some companies have teams where their only job is quality testing to find bugs and issues and BHVR itself might have one it just doesnt seem likely at times. Anyways you guys need to chill a bit and remember covid has alot of people running on edge things will get fixed when the fix doesnt cause more issues.
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They don't even need to work extra hours. You just need a small crew that works Wednesday - Sunday or Thursday - Monday instead Monday - Friday. Literally 0 extra hours worked, but you always have a small crew there on the weekends who can at least perform temporary remediation in the event of an incident.
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Maybe you don't consider it an emergency, but I consider an easily abusable exploit that allows players to see their opponent at all times to be literally game breaking and therefore an emergency. But whatever. They'll probably take care of it tomorrow so it's not the end of the world.
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At the end of the day it doesn't matter if it's an emergency to anyone, it's an emergency to the company. We're talking capitalism here. Anything that ruins player experience, and as such profit, is an emergency to the company.
From a profit-centered point of view, this is an emergency.
From a consumer's point of view, this is an emergency.
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I'm referring more to the Blood Pact + OoO bug than the rank reset and Nurse bugs. It's as easy as flipping a switch (or at least it should be if everything is setup correctly), so there's no excuse for it not to happen. It takes a single person to drive to the office, or even activate it remotely as that's likely in place.
And nobody should have to do that in the first place, as many people including myself have stated here, any multiplayer game as buggy and big as this one SHOULD have a skeleton crew that works a different schedule. There's no excuse.
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I don't know why BHVR can't have a separate team working Thursday-Monday or something.
This all sort of ties into how slow BHVR is at getting changes and fixes out. 6 weeks between real patches was alright in 2017, but the game is way too large for it to be acceptable now.
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I'm kind of blown away that some people can't seem to grasp that you can have 7 day a week staffing without overworking people. It's called scheduling patterns, and you can use multiple types within one company to maintain coverage. In a 24/7/365 product as service model, this would seem to be the no brainer call.
It does not require anyone working extra hours, or otherwise infringing on someone's work/life balance. This should not be a difficult concept.
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This is the DBD forum... What did you expect? Lol
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He's probably referring to a split week schedule. It's always a good idea to have someone on staff to handle issues like this. Most tech companies do it like this, for instance where I work we do wed-Sat, and the other shift starts Sunday and ends Wednesday. One day has twice as many employees.
Basically he's not wrong for questioning it, as yes there should always be someone on staff at a Developer, and I believe the bigger ones do (Mind you, Behavior isn't exactly small).
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I don't think half the people in this Forum are employed by a huge corporation. You literally get more time off per employee doing a split work week. It's quite common.
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FYI there can (and preferably should) be some people working on weekends within reason, especially on a game with bugs popping out left and right. Rescheduling off days to the weekdays is something lots of businesses do.
Though emphasis on WITHIN REASON, you don't want to give a parent with kids a weekend shift when kids are off school.
Tbh I'm just happy nobody at BHVR is getting sexually harassed cough activision cough
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We have at least 1 game breaking problem every update, but some people always manage to defend the devs by finding stupid excuses.
Good luck with that and don't forget to sponsor the next game breaking bug by spending real money on the store.
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3 games played today, 3 cases of people abusing this perk combo. I made an account on here just to post to this thread, I'm flabbergasted that this hasn't been addressed yet, considering it's game breaking.
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Though emphasis on WITHIN REASON, you don't want to give a parent with kids a weekend shift when kids are off school.
I mean that's why you put it in the job listing. Each job is for a specific type of person, and that's why job listings with details exist instead of you just being assigned a random one when applying for a company. There are many people whose lives would not at all be affected by working a different schedule than most people, apart from maybe making social gatherings harder to attend.
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Yup, and people are actually defending them. Though if you want to play still, I've heard using Mindbreaker (Fearmonger) helps as anything that gives the blindness status effect prevents the wallhack part of it. Though in regards to the speed increase.. you're screwed.
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“Back in the office”? Haven’t they been working remotely for like 2 years now?
Also, how long does it really take to apply a kill switch? Is this a super complicated thing?
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I believe they haven't killswitched it just cause they're on weekend break right now. Why they don't have a skeleton crew is beyond me.
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You run a 24 hour 7 day service you commit to being able to fix issues 24 hours 7 days a week. Anything less is lazy and bad business.
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Guess it’s just time for Facecamping Bubba against anyone running OoO
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oh my god some of you guys really expect BHVR to be working 24/7??? give them a break...
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Say you didn't read the thread without saying that you didn't read the thread.
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In no way is this an emergency. So people quit playing for a few days. They'll come back when it's fixed.
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Some of you guys think the company is beslavior and not behavior.
Chill out. Jayzus.