Why does prestige exist?
It feels useless, same as the bloodpoint cap. Both have a valid reason to not exist and a simple way to get rid of them . It's just a grind extension that makes the reward you earn for getting a killer to level 50 makes you lose everything for a bloody weapon and a killer you have to not play but spend bp on until you have perks and add ons again.
It's a pretty simple fix
Make the prestige a badge instead of a reset. When you get to level 50, you go to 51 and get the first bloody outfit peice you go to 100, get to level 101 and get the 2nd peice. Then you go to level 150 and get the bloody head . This would help a lot . When i see the prestige button in the middle of the bloodweb it annoys me because I want to so bad but I know I can't. This would lessen the grind enough to satisfy me about the grind. What do you think?
Nobody says you have to prestige? I only do it if I want the bloody cosmetics on that particular character?
The increased rarity rewards are negligible and have actually been straight up denied existence by some devs. They might not even exist for all we know.
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I agree. You don't even have half the perks you want at 50 anyway...
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Um what? If you dont like prestige then just dont do it? Whats the problem with it, you dont have to do it its completly optional.
If you want the bloody outfits that bad then do it, it takes you like 2million bloodpoints to reach lvl 50, you get with tomes 30-60k each 2-3 game, dailys 30-60k each day and BBQ or WGLF 30-50k BP each game on average, you just need around 40 games to get that much points which isnt really much for a FREE OUTFIT BTW.
I love prestiging and its one big part of the game that keeps me motivated to keep playing.
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But wouldn't you like to keep your stuff and receive the same reward for the same amount of work? Or would you like to lose all of your stuff for a chance at the perks you need to do good in a average game ? You are defending pointless extra grind?
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For...the prestige?
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It is not pointless extra grind, it is an grind you take on yourself again OPTIONALLY to get a free outfit. Prestige exists in games since over years and only dbd players are the only ppl complaining about it, I wonder where this comes from.
And no I dont see any problem losing my #########, if you know you are gonna prestige you will obviously not keep leveling in the lvl 50 blood web, you will straight up go with the prestige. You cannot tell me that you get all your favorite perks in 50 levels? I prestiged every single Killer and survivor and I had mostly just 2-3 decent perks which where even mostly at lvl 2.
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Presteiging resets you for a small cosmetic. Nobody wants to do it. So why have it in the game? It makes sense to reward players for getting to thay point instead of taking all that progress away for a small cosmetic. I want the bloody cosmetics but It makes no sense why I have to lose all my stuff for it .
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If "nobody" wants to do it so why does the vast majority of the entire playerbase has atleast 1 character on full p3? I see more prestige characters then store cosmetics on most games.
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At least 1. Not over 45 characters. I would be fine with prestige if you didn't require certain perks to win in the average game. If perks were much smaller of s part of the game I would be fine with it . But this game specifically is where prestige doesn't belong. If I want to prestige I have to trade in my Gen regression and perks that go well with my power to have the three teachables at twir 1 and have to start completely over. For one peice of 3 . The reason people have prestige3 is mainly because they do it in advance before the character even releases. Not over time. Even otz does p3 speedruns without playing a single match.
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In the grind we trust.
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The other problem is that power players don't even see that you put that progress I'm if you don't wear the bloody skins. Why can't the prestige 3 icon appear next to your name when you get to level 150 / presteige 3 level 50?
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That's not even enough reward for losing everything in a characters possession
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I made the mistake of playing sadako too early, so now o have to sacrifice my perks and load out for bloody cosmetics , which sucks because I really want to play sadako. I'm being punished because I didn't play the game as much before sadako released.
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There are no perks required to win in an "average" game. You can beat "average" players with literally nothing in your loadout if you're good enough.
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To feel complete
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Ds. Dead hard. Bt. Unbreakable/ prove thyself / other perks . All i see. I can't win without proper Gen regression. Pop and call of brine is enough. Then I could run perks that go well with My power m if I don't run perks like these Gen after Gen gets done. A few days ago I downed a survivor in 30 seconds and as soon as i picked them up a Gen got completed.
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Why should I sacrifice things I usually need as less powerful killers I enjoy for a bloody outfit peice? It doesn't make sense to me , it's gatekeeping a pretty cool outfit peice for everything you need. It doesn't help for how long it takes to get the perks you want, after getting p3 50.
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You can definitely beat "average" players with no perks if you're a really solid player. There's streamers who literally have made hundreds of videos of them doing exactly that for dozens of games in a row.
So while perks make a difference against really strong players, average players are entirely beatable regardless of what you run.
P.S. "Average" players aren't the ones running full groups of 4 meta perks.
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yes and thats how you prestige? You are not supposed to play that character, you play with other roles or characters to collect the BPs and then prestige them, you THEN play them once they got decent enough perks.
For example I just recently finished mikaela, I played Killer for the past 2-3 days and got to 1million BP, I prestige her and get instantly to level 33-35. Then I keep level her to 50, then again I stop and do nothing, I save up 1million BP and then prestige again to jump again to 35.
It took me 4 days to get her to p3 50 with most perks. However I get that you are not playing as much as I do so instead of 4 days you go up to 2 weeks maybe? It seems to me still a fair trade because you get again a free entire cosmetic.
Idk what other games you play but any other game who has a prestige system dont give you an outfit, in call of duty you just get a little different icon above your name, world of warcraft gives you also just an icon on your title and many other games have simiular things. Dbd is the ONLY game where you get an entire outfit for free, you should be happy that the devs are so generous.
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You new to the game buddy? Every skim they release now costs 10 dollars, there is a battle pass that gives you 80 less auric cells than you need to buy a skin, requiring you buy a 5 dollar pack instead of the 80 auric cells for a 80 cent buy. They are slow on updates , they require lots of grind for every character uniquely, they barely ever grant bloodhunts or bloodpoint rewards , and every time they update the game there is always bugs that arise. I can't take you seriously now , you screwed that up.
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Thanks for the laugh. Really helped today . Anyway , there are plenty of games that give you free skins , and tons of games give you alternate colors of characters for free . Without that work. It's all you get for presteiging , and it's not enough.
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So instead of taking on my arguments you just ignore them and slap on your own arguments and meanwhile acting like a 10 years child that didnt got his candy bar? I see what you did there my friend.
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Also , why should I have to wait until I p3 50 a character to play them? Thats not fair. It's like paying in advance. You have to wait hut you still have to okay the game but not the character you wanted to play . Why cant I just level a character and be able to play them immediately? It doesn't make sense that I have to prestige for that.
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You don’t have to prestige tho. I do it because I want to
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This is your argument. There are multiple games that give you free skins for playing . Rogue , apex, multiple online service games, and this game offers charms for events instead of actual skins when games like apex offer up new free rewards every event. Apex even gave away free characters for their anniversary event, with a packed in item guaranteed for that character. Dbd is not the knly game thay does it. That is a counter claim to your argument .
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You spend all that time earning BP for a character but you don't get to play them until you can finish that. Whats the point of making me preteige and then making me doing it twice more? Hey csnt o just get these items for free when its the only item I'm going to get As a reward when games like apex offer way more rewards ? Why can't dbd do the same?
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you are not comparing the same things? Also yes dbd also gives away a ton of free cosmetics. We got in the winter event free sweaters, I think 6 in total not sure, we got in the lunar event that was pretty recent an entire artist outfit and survivor outfits. You get in each rift 2-3 free entire outfits including charms aswell. Idk about rogue though so cant say much there, I also play apex and yes you got wattson for free but tbh shes only for free cuz she is one of the lowest played legends in the game xD
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You got three characters. Not 1. In apex? Anyway. You got useless charms for the winter event . Maybe 2 killer weapons . That are THEMED. making you not look call after the event. Anyway, how am I supposed to compare dbd to dbd in terms of rewards? You said you aren't comparing the same things when I was offering you examples of how other games offer more adequate rewards.
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It's a bit of a relic from way back in the day when there weren't nearly as many killers and cosmetics weren't as plentiful.
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Given the amount of grind we need right now, I'd rather spend 50level worth of BP for just prestige and nothing else than resetting entire blood web.
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It exists to separate US from the CASUALS!
In other words, its the difference between a DbD Enjoyer and a DbD Average Player.
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Really no need for elitist gatekeeping here.
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The prestige rewards are junk imo. I've only maxed Jake because there is a trophy for reaching max prestige with a character. Could do with better prestige challenges / rewards.
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It is kinda like trap especially for new players and completionists. I genuinely thought I would get noticeable benefits in my bloodwebs when I first started and prestiged my character.
I never do it anymore since I don't like the looks and there is absolutely no benefit. Totally pointless unless you like the cosmetics.
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Cuz apex is a free to play game, all free to play games give away much more rewards trying to keep players in the games. And dbd still gives almost the same amount of free rewards as apex does even though apex is a free to play game. Also honestly apex reward system sucks pretty hard and most outfits you get look like ######### there.
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my man! however you need atleast devotion 15 to reach the peak.
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Prestige is so pointless, feels like an outdated part of the game that made more sense when there were less survivors and killers.
The fact you lose everything in exchange for a cosmetic and slightly more rare addons showing up in the bloodweb (depending on the killer this could be a bad thing) is just ridiculous.
They've said there's something in the works for prestige but until we know what that is the current one is all we got and it sucks.
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The fact that you've played the game for that long doesn't scare me it makes me sad for you. Wow. This game? 5 years? Over any other game?
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I don't want elitist talk in my discussions. It's a distasteful argument to have.
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A meme format doesn't help that talk. I enjoy dbd. I love the game! I support it In lots of ways , and keep my cool when playing. Grind is really one of the only problems I have with the game.
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I actually have been playing MUCH less since 2.0, game just became worse and worse with each update...
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It doesn't help that this game should be Free to play, but it can't because of the hacker problem. Im glad the devs are at least trying to find a way o make the game files secure.
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Prestige is made so that 7 months of grind turns into 3 years of grind
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Whenever I prestige a character I try to take ONLY brown and yellow stuff from the bloodweb. I also immediately prestige again upon hitting 50. Reaching prestige 3 is easy and takes maybe a day or 2, depending how much killer games I play (more bps than survivor).
It's the grind after reaching p3 to get ALL the perks which takes a stupid amount of time and points.
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Before cosmetics came into the game I used to do it, afterwards there's pretty much no point. I think one of the devs did confirm it does increase the chance of getting better items and addons buts it's so miniscule its not worth it
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Never said dbd should be free 2 play but I agree hackers are a huge problem sadly.
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I have one char at p3 and I would fckn hate if they change anything about the system now. Not because I want to gate keep but I did it I leveld the char to 50 three times and I sacrificed my perks and startet new every time. If they make it like last time and the p3 stuff we have no is locked when the new system comes I am fine. I. Mean think about it if there where an achievement for playing 500.games with the same killer without addons and perks so you get an outfit and half a year later new player demand to get the same stuff but want to use perks and bhvr goes with it you would feel #########
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But those are entirely different things, and to be fair that achievement is too tough. That requires way more commitment than p3 50, In which if getting p3 50 is the same as getting level 150 why not take the better deal? You are trying to make a challenge that would take a long commitment to leveling to level p3 50 .