Killers not trying

Like all of them ever since grade reset ether afk of let you win are they purposely dropping MMR or is this game really THAT dead that people just give up before the game starts


  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    I tried out Nurse today because she's been re-enabled. 2 games in a row she got stuck, so I gave those games to the survivors. Not going to even try if I keep getting stuck on rocks, in walls or other objects.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I'll generally give the last person, sometimes a duo and a very rare trio the gate on their last hook.

    It has nothing to do with me dropping MMR, I just feel...bad killing everyone, especially if it's been a fun game.

    AFK killers, I understand - but I see a lot of AFK survivors too. Always a Jane for some reason...

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    There is literally no benefit for killers in playing at high MMR, there is lot less variety, viability and thus fun.

    But eh, you wouldn't match AFK killers if you are on mid or high MMR I suppose.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    It's so nice seeing survivor being grateful and respectful when they don't have to play against the usual huntress, blight and nurse they always complain about. /S

  • MikeyBoi
    MikeyBoi Member Posts: 541

    Killers don’t need to try when they run 4 slowdowns..

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    off topic but I kinda like the meat plant as trapper get one in the basement and the two basement corner pallets down and then trap em both. You'd be amazed how many times it happens and then you just ride it out in your lil trap fort.

    I'd say people are trying to lower their MMR, or they are just getting a run of really obnoxious survivors and kinda want out.

    There are definitely games where I'm like hmm third team in a row rocking full meta and playing really aggressive and obnoxiously. Now there is nothing wrong with that but I personally get tired of it after a while and want a match with a lil less bold survivor play.

    Sadly these are also the teams where if you do kill them they have a meltdown at you because competitiveness and sore loserism tend to go hand in hand.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Game is busted balance wise against people of equal competence. You could duplicate yourself 4 times playing against all 4 versions of yourself with a complete atomic equality of skill, and you're guaranteed to lose because of the raw amount of power creep in survivor games. And I wish I was making it up, but I say this as a killer main who plays survivor like a useless rat. And I win my survivor games at an INCREDIBLY higher rate than I do my killer games because I can just crutch perks that give me enough ways to escape so I don't have to learn how to loop or anything. On top of that I can just run straight to pallets camp them and drop them. You end up with enough time between every pallet from the time you drop it to the time you find another that you've wasted so much of the killers time the game is halfway over. And survivor skill is TRAAAAAAAAAAASH.

    My guess is most killers just don't wanna deal with the BS anymore. My Evolve Stage 2 senses are tingling again, I remember this phase of that A symmetrical game, this was right around the time the game died and they tried to recoup it with free to play a year or so after. And then it died permanently because they didn't fix the balance and couldn't rope in enough free to play dopes to make up for the increasing queue times.

    I hope this game doesn't go down that timeline, but meh, my hopes about worth as much as a hole in a cup for a person dying of thirst.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Indeed. Our community truly understands the struggle of a new killer and makes sure, that the learning process is as soft as possible.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Well, if i cant get a fair game as a killer, i dont play it. So, if at a start of the game survivors make the extra effort to be annoying or disrespectful, they can do their gens in peace, and i gladly lower my mmr in the process. I dont lobby dodge, i just dont play with them.

    There are several things in here: SWF is a huge factor, because if you play a 3 or 4 swf, you get no hook. 2 people bodyblock after you evaded their flashlight, while the last sabots the hook.

    I had games with 3 gens popping before i could take the first down, because the game has a lot of pallets now.

    as a killer, i feel that a lot of games are just more hit or miss than before. so the average of 2kill 2 escapes are there, but more often then not coming from 4k and 3e games, rather than from 2k 2e games. But a 0k game usually means you were highly outskilled, and coulndt do anything at all, which often is very frustrating.

    The devs once said their matchmaking system was good at predicting the outcome of the game. I doubt thats a good thing, because i can easily predict the outcome of a 10hour killer vs a 500 hours swf team, or the 1000k killer vs the noob team. What i want is the games that are soo close in skill that the system cant predict the outcome (or predicts it wrong) because decissions the player makes are just that impactful.

    So, i know when i am outmatched, and no, i just try playing something else on the second monitor while i derank on the first.

  • Cryptikk
    Cryptikk Member Posts: 418

    So killers are literally afk'ing the games to lower thier mmr, yet the devs like Patrick say it works. How can they say that when we are this point?

  • Plsfix369
    Plsfix369 Member Posts: 566

    This is always what "Toxic" Wraith players does, they act like a douche and bully new players low mmr, but once they get to higher mmr against flashlight carrying survivors they start hiding in corners.

    and Yes I've met a lot of Sub 500 hours Toxic Wraith in low mmr who's trash when pitted against decent Team of Survivors and gets mad when their Noed get cleansed in the first second. Sadly it's extremely rare to find decent teams in SoloQ

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,619

    If you already got the same awful map three times in a row, maybe you will not want to try a fourth time. (RPD, Mother's Dwelling, any big map really.)

    Other than that I don't see a reason to do it. The MMR doesn't work so lowering it seems futile.

    That's the part of that you question?

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 712

    I used to play on PS4 and would say that the problems everyone else has are magnified due to poor performance optimisation and lack of controller options which limits play significantly.

    The top tier killers for example are much less effective due to the controller and not being able to pull off Blights techs etc.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,535

    I see survs also throw often - on RPD for example the Jill ran to the killer to get hooked.

    We escaped 3 vs 1 - I hate dc´s.

  • Carrow
    Carrow Member Posts: 500

    Exact opposite. Tryhard sweaty nurses every game. With the occasional facecamping Huntress.

  • MB666
    MB666 Member Posts: 968

    can confirm... that's why my goal is just to go for 8 hooks and then I just go for a coffee or stay in a corner afk... THEY ESCAPE and my MMR doesn't go higher and I can play more casually doing that. soo (that's a WIN / WIN for me)

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Most games I four hook and AFK. It's just not worth it to deal with the constant offerings/meta perks of higher MMRs.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,164

    Ouch. Hit me harder, kohai. Yes, right were it hurts the most. Smooth and easy learning curve like a jagged blade.