Tier List For How Fun The Killers Are To Play Against

Saw someone else's tier list for killers to play against and I thought I'd make my own
I'm immediately liking this list because you also enjoy going against Pyramid Head and Nemesis.
Granted, they have less counterplay in chases than many of the other killers, but still enough in my opinion, and it's a lot of fun.
Or I simply haven't gone against Pyramid Heads and Nemesis that were good enough, but I am pretty sure that's not the case. Their counterplay might be a bit more limited, but the counterplay they have is a lot of fun.
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I enjoy all of them except for PC deathslinger and trickster. Perhaps PC huntress as well. The aim is to precise to make the chases fun. I am glad all 3 are in the game though as it offers variety. Speaking specifically of console.
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I don't mind facing the Big Three, I'm just tired of an endless stream of Huntress, Blight, Nurse, Blight, Huntress, Bubba, Blight, Huntress Huntress.
My favorite killers to face:
- Pyramid Head.
- Nemesis.
- Cenobite.
- Artist.
- Demogorgon
Myers tends to either have an instamori addon, infinite T3 or camps at the first hook.
Ghostfaces tend to either be campy or just want to meme around.
The only killers I really loathe seeing though are Trickster (an inevitable death by spitballs), Freddy (for some reason a lot of Freddy players are just...nasty) and Bubba (maybe 4 in 5 facecamp hard).
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Agreed mostly but thereβs nothing really fun about Freddy and nurse imo
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I've had my fair share of good Nemesis and Pyramid Heads and they have a decent counter play to them when trying to loop them. When I play as Pyramid Head I love that still to this day most players will avoid the torment you decide to place at pallets or loops while in chase because they don't want to be tormented.
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Huntress and Trickster I can still have some fun when playing against them to an extent but, Deathslinger after they nerfed him isn't enjoyable to play against anymore doesn't really have any challenge anymore.
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I like playing against pinhead. I will never understand why people like playing against bubba. Itβs just a camp fest
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Most of your choices I am 100% with like with trickster and blight, but I find a good nurse or billy really fun as well.
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He just gets your adrenaline pumping in chase cause if you have him on a long chase and you're in the open when he starts revving the saw he makes you scared cause you don't know if you'll avoid the hit or if he catches you. Even if he catches you off guard while on a gen and you just start to panic. I get people don't enjoy camping but, for me I just laugh it off and move on if I get camped.
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Ooo I enjoy sharing lists like this, so I'll add to this thread by throwing in my own.
Glad to see another Micheal and PH enjoyer, haha.
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Hereβs me
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Here is my List
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I'm fond of stealth killers other than Wraith since they usually turn out to be campers
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I don't like going against stealth killers at all.
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I love to play against:
Pyramid Head
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I'd swap bubba for nurse, put demo in the top, and swap deathslinger with hag
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I'd switch Deathslinger too if he wasn't nerfed though I wouldn't switch him with hag.
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Some killers never come up in my games. Not faced an Oni since last Autumn. Deathslinger is pretty rare also. Shame as they for me are 2 really fun ones to face.
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Wow that's a long time for not seeing the Oni.
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Yeah its frustrating as he's my main. He's a blast for and against but people aint playing him on my servers lol. Getting loads of Billy's with the sailor costume though π
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Probably because they might be thinking of the "milk joke" with his outfit. π€£
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Oh yeah, I've seen that one. It's one of the few I find kind of ugly.