What is your least favorite tome challenge?
Idea came to me because this challenge keeps coming back to haunt in so many different forms.
I hate anything that involves "cooroperative actions" for two reasons. 1. It requires you to work with other survivors, who can tend to be a bunch dingus panties when you're playing with them, and 2. Actions go FASTER when your cooperating, meaning you get less of those precious seconds towards your goal.
What challenges do you personally wish you could redeem for free?
I will never forget the one where you had to finish repairing 4 generators in 1 game. That was solo Q hell.
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4 pallet PALLET stuns in a single game can't remember how long it took me but I only got it because a Myers just wanted a farm match.
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Ummm let's see, break totems, break hooks, rescue someone, heal others survivos
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I hate Glyph-Challenges with a passion. Especially the blue ones, since those require to escape as Survivor.
Glyph-Challenges are just boring, they are just "Play at least X amount of games"-Challenges.
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My least favorite ones are any challenge that is primarily controlled by other players.
---Have X survivors escape while you remain in the trial
---Perform X seconds/amount of cooperative healing (I have less of an issue with the gen version, as it's significantly easier to complete).
---Unhook someone who unhooked you earlier in the trial
Dishonorable mention for master challenges that lean too heavily on getting unreliable game mechanics to work (like grabbing two survivors off of gens in one match while using Discordance).
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That's interesting. I actually really like the glyph ones because it doesn't really distrust my perk load out / playstyle as much as perks where I need to grind totems or unhooks or something. To each their own I guess!
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There's too many stupid ones to choose from. A lot of them are clearly designed to get you to play as many trials as possible to complete them rather than requiring any actual skill.
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Most of them fall into this category...
I see a Hillbilly one that i won't be able to get done (Maybe even 2)... Chainsaw 7 Survivors in a trail... and Chainsaw a Survivor after traveling 20 (+) meters
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haha I read the titlle and clicked on it to say cooperative actions and bam I see that's the OP's too.
Splitting up on gens is your best play so even if you try to join someone they move on, uber fast self healing means you often aren't coop healing so those cooperative action tomes usually sit there unfinished for a while if I'm only solo queuing.
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Any of those stupid Blood Debt challenges.
Unhook someone who's unhooked you? Wow, that's definitely not next to impossible.
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Ones that require you to do something where you need the opposition to mess up or let you do it. Like get X pallets stuns in a match, get X flashlight saves in a match, get X grab interruptions in a match
Also any that require you to pull some kind of crazy stunt that will take a million tries and if you don't get it in one trial you have to start over. Often these two categories are combined
I'd much rather have something that takes a long time but I can make steady progress than something that I only have to do once but is near impossible to pull off
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I hate yellow Glyph-Challenges a lot.
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Survive while 3 others escape, such a ridiculous challenge.
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Any involving the hatch for killer or survivor, especially since the hatch changes.
Yellow and blue glyph challenge. Yellow glyph has teammates spending the entire match focusing on finding and attempting the skill checks. Blue glyph has teammates hiding for match for hatch because escaping is requirement.
Any that require using an iri item for survivor. There's only 2, it's annoying.
Any that require hooking/rescuing during EGC. As killer you throw the game for survivors to get to EGC. As survivor you either need swf or sandbag random teammate to have them get hooked for you to unhook them.
Ones that are really made for swf - unhook someone that previously unhooked you, have x survivors escape before you, etc. Having to rely on others for you to do your challenge is obnoxious, it's annoying enough that they usually require you throwing the match. Before when kills/escapes weren't the basis for MMR it wasn't as bad but now you drop rank just to get a challenge done, it's dumb.
Ones that encourage unfun gameplay. Kill survivors by any means includes slugging until bleed out.
Ones that have killers play dumb. Like Huntress challenge that was like down a survivor with 0 hatchets left.
The challenges I like are the basic ones you do through normal game play. Hook survivors, chase survivors, unhook survivors safely, repair equivalent of x gens, heal equivalent of x survivors, hit survivors, cleanse totems, etc. Those super basic ones you do anyway so they don't make you throw a match or rely on swf or play in a way that is just dumb.
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White gliph challenge. Carrying it to the basement without running is a pain.
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You can run. You just can't vast vault.
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I hatee this so much...
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Hide within x meters of the killer for x amount of time. It literally is a challenge that rewards you for doing nothing.
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Basement hooks and grabs/interrupts for killer, cooperative healing as survivor.
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Unhook a survivor with borrowed time in the killers face 😒
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Fun fact: you can get this one while on the hook. I got hooked by a camping killer, everyone else wasn't in that great a shape, so they all left and I prolly completed this challenge.
Blood Debt: ugh. This one is such a pain! And there is very little you can build for. Just play lots of games, go down first, then hover around that person without being too helpful.
Killer Plague: black vomit on two survivors with one inhale... Two times in one trial. Dayuuuum! What was the person designing this perk thinking? This is so hard. Obviously you should camp for this one, because during the unhooking process both survivors are next to each other, motionless, but that's far easier said the done. And with plague and this challenge, good luck convincing survivors to farm with you.
Billy: saw 7 survivors in one trial. This is tedious and most survivors know how to handle a Billy. Really, getting the occasional saw ain't that bad, but 7?! In one trial? Ugh. The Entity surely designed this one to drain Billy of HIS last hope.
Legion: hit 5 survivors within one use of Feral Frenzy. This one can be easy, but most of the time, it won't. All survivors need to be reasonable close to each other, run your ass off, hope that no one jukes you and then hit the last survivor twice. Ugh.
Huntress: I am a bad Huntress, so all of her challenges were a pain for me, no matter if I had to hit 15 hatchets in one trial, down 6 survivors with hatchets in one trial or hit two survivors from beyond 15m in one trial, this was all a royal pain and I usually slugged one survivor and then camped their body, downing them again with hatchets once they got up.
Oni: I am a reasonably good Oni player (passabel), but the thought of hitting a survivor with a Demon Charge that lasted 10+s gives me the shivers.
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Hit a survivor 20m away with hillbilly's chainsaw
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Any challenge where I have to stun or blind a killer (I’m bad).
Any challenge where I have to kill a survivor (don’t like the pressure of killer role and would rather farm).
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Self-Deprecating Joke, for being the only challenge I can remember that requires you to actively sabotage yourself.
No, not like "oh i'd have to throw the game to complete this challenge", I mean "I need to actively throw and help the survivors". On Clown.
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Self-Deprecating Joke. I will never forgive them for putting my challenge requirements completely in the hands of my opponent. (Have a survivor go into the antidote cloud twice in one match.)
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Getting white glyph challenge with camping basement bubbas
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I hate challenges that aren't challenges, but just filler because they couldn't think of actual challenges.
* Get X emblems.
* Earn Bloodpoints.
* Kill X>4 survivors.
* Hook X>12 survivors.
* Red glyphs.
If the challenge can be substituted with "Play a certain number of matches" then I despise it and it kills my motivation to play and do challenges because I'm stuck on a time-gate.
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Sacrifice 4 survivors in the basement, kill 2 survivors with NOED during the endgame collapse, Hit two survivors with one stream of Corrupt Purge two times in a single trial. Oh yeah, and all of the hatch challenges now that the hatch mechanics has gotten gutted.
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Tip for the red glyph do that as killer so you have no pressure in completing it