Stop complaining about Dead Hard every day!

Do you have nothing else to do besides complaining about Dead Hard every single day? Bet if Dead Hard is ever nerfed, you Killer mains are gonna cry/complain about Sprint Burst/Overcome to be nerfed because you get annoyed by 1 perk..
so smart, dismissing someone else's opinion for something didn't even happened yet.
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When survivors stop complaining about camping and tunneling everyday, I'll be okay with dead hard complaints stopping.
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Your thread just made me wanna open my own thread about DH.
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Lets talk about DH even more!
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They wont until it is nerfed. And then they go for Sprint Burst, because they realize that it is far more annoying than DH, especially if more players are running it due to the lack of options.
But yeah, I would also wish that every snowflake would stop thinking that THEIR Thread about DH is special and needs to be posted...
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If sprint burst is more annoying, more survivors are using sprint burst.
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The thing with SB is that it actually requires some sort of "skill", being the fact that you need it to be able to activate at the right time. The only thing Dead Hard requires you to do is failing in a chase and get injured, and a working finger ready to press "E".
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no exhaustion perk requires any sort if skill except for maybe smash hit.
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I'll stop complaining about Dead Hard when the issues with it get fixed.
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But Sprint Burst is the better Perk. I guess most people simply dont want to bother with walking instead of running sometimes, but it is not hard at all to keep your Sprint Burst at 99 or be off Exhaustion when you are at a Gen. And Sprint Burst makes every area a safe area. This does not apply to DH, if you are not near a Pallet or Window when you use DH, it is useless, because the i-Frames extend the chase only by 1 second. But with Sprint Burst, you can have nothing nearby or sit on a Gen until the very last second and the Killer is basically right on top of you and you will get away.
Also, people really need to stop thinking that players fail when they use DH. When I used DH, I did not cover up any mistakes, I played greedy because the Perk allowed me to do so. If a Survivor runs an extra Loop due to DH, this is because DH allows them to do this, not because they miscalculated.
The Survivors who make mistakes are those who use DH in an open field or DH against a wall, those are not an issue, despite using DH. But the good Survivors dont make mistakes with DH, they make plays because DH enables them.
No Perk in the game requires Skill.
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If it's better than DH people use it, it's not any harder or easier than DH to utilize.
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Killer mains complaining on purpose everyday AND by the same people until the perk is nerfed.
Classic forum strategy.
Nerf, nerf nerf!!!
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I don't see any of you dismissing in the 5 nurse thread in 2nd days or the 10th blight thread in a week or the 50th tunneling/camping thread this month (number exaggerated).
But that's probably because those are "valid" complaines and not just the other side of the coin whining just as much 😜 /s
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Laughs in Bond, Kindred, Windows and DS!
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I mean the devs seem to agree dh has overstayed its welcome when it comes to its power. Mainly with the distance part. It allows you to greed pallets and windows and when youd actually go down extend the chase by a press of a button. I don't personally like it because as someone who loves m1 killers like sadako it sucks to have to deal with a extra healthstate/loop extender on 4 survivors some games. Also someone who plays trapper i thought they wanted to "remove perks countering powers" yet i still see people dhing over my traps reversing basically the trap on me on certain loops.
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Honestly, Survivors are not posting in such a frequency as Killers. Mainly because this Forum is full of Killer players.
Using DH over a Trap is BS, I agree on that one.
But removing the Distance without giving anything to DH would just make the Perk useless, since the i-Frames alone dont really help at all. They would just be a little bit annoying for Nurse, but thats about it.
Personally, I dont mind if they nerf it or not. I am not using DH, so for me, it would just be a win, since it is a Perk I play against when playing Killer, but which will not affect me when I play Survivor. But it would be a shame if another good Perk is kicked out of the Meta. Especially because Killers are complaining that all Survivors run the same Perks, yet they are asking for even less variety on a constant basis (at some point, only Sprint Burst will be a really good Exhaustion-Perk) and also complain immediatly when a Perk is released on the PTB which might be good (which is rare enough).
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As if survivors dont do the exact same thing everyday. The only difference is they're the majority and often get what they want sooner.
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if a perk requires 0 skill, then it shouldn't give you massive benefits. that would mean its an overturned perk, or perk category in this instance.
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Don't forget all the noed threads.
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Oh please, the tunnel/camp threads with or without combination with bubba are as frequent as anything else here.
And to the "forum full of killers"?
Go figure, the side that doesn't have the option to play in a group and can't vent their frustration in agreement with each other is more prone to look for other places to gather and vent their frustration.
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Not even close actually. Killer complains are far more than survivors. C mon now.
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I see this claim a lot (that killers outnumber survivors on this forum by a significant amount) and have yet to see any evidence for it whatsoever. I'm fact, every time any poll is done, it seems the vast majority of users on this forum play both sides, like myself. But I am always willing to learn, so I did some searching and counting.
The numbers below are how many pages of threads complaining about each perk/character/tactic. As you can easily see, there is no wild discrepancy, in fact it seems like noed and dead hard, as well as nurse and blight, received about the same amount of threads complaining about them. By far the most common complaint is camping and tunneling, which are things survivors experience, so the premise of this being some sort of "killer biased" or "majority killer" forum, quite frankly, still lacks ANY actual evidence.
Noed 986
Nurse 997
Blight 987
Camping 1k
Tunneling 1k
DH 996
Boons 997
Frankly at this point when someone claims that this forum is biased, I tend to believe that what really happened is they decided anyone who disagrees with them must main the side being complained about, rather than accept that different people may just have different opinions.
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We should complain about Calm Spirit instead.
The silent menace.
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That and monstrous shrine.
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Never mind I am too dumb to read XD
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Top one.
Noed 986.
One page less than blight, which makes sense as hexes really got going along with his introduction.
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Yeah i noticed it, checking AFTER i send the comment XD
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When someone outplays me with SB or Lithe, I say "nice!" Because they were able to manage their perk, and use it in a situation to skillfully avoid danger. When a survivor presses a button to immediately punish the killer and possibly make them lose the game simply because they have the perk on, that's when I think a perk needs to be changed. I feel the same way against NOED, an extremely powerful effect shouldn't just be granted.
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I honestly don't know where you're coming from by saying the forums are full of killer players. For every complaint about dead hard and boons there's another for blight, nurse, camping and tunneling. Plus even if they do get complained about alot, it doesn't invalidate the problems that people have with them if they have a good argument to back it up.
You seem to frequently put all killer main players into this one big category of people who just complain and can't be bothered to get better as if they're not just as many survivor mains who do this. Obviously they're are plenty of killers who do this but its not exclusive to them like you make it out to be alot of the time.
Most on here I would say play both sides with a vocal minority who main one. And both of those side have their whingers. Saying its only killers or survivors just emphasizes the toxic them vs us mentality in this community
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Well before everyone complained about hatch and moris and no ones does know.Maybe we have some reason.
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Some people just like to turn everything into:
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Those make for the most popcorn entertainment level threads/discussions.
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I really love Jiffy Pop, irl - A bit off topic, but it is 100% the superior popcorn.
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With this many posts I wonder how is it possible you don't have a thread about dead hard.
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Contributing Nothing to Forum Discourse
For Dummies
Incoming bestseller.
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Considering the amount of anti-chase killers, overly done killer addons, certain killer powers, map changes, deadzones, certain killer perks (no I am NOT talking about noed, idc about that perk) - I think DH is largely fair. But I personally prefer Overcome.
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Nerf Dead Hard please
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I don't think DH should be nerfed (I play more being killer), and I don't underestand How this perk could be nerfed
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Oh boy I sure do enjoy the streisand effect
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so you are dismissing the complaints over dead hard purely based off of opinionated claims that have no backing to them? Huh
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My threads usually die pretty quickly. So i only make a new thread, when there is something no one else is talking about. Whiiiich leads then to the thread dying quickly.
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Dead Hard is a bad perk.
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I don't think you understand how people work. If something is super unbalanced it is gonna be complained about MASSIVELY. Telling them to stop wont result in anything as the perk doesn't get changed with what you say.
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Please don't give them suggestions. I actually perfer SB to DH so i don't really care if DH gets nerfed.
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Then there's zero content for the forum
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Well, it worked for Spirit, so let us give it a try, too :)
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People always behave like everything outside of the meta us utter garbage, which isn't true. A lot of the perks can be used effectively, somewhat even surprisingly well, but they will never be meta in the forseeable future, because they are so special and niche.
You can be very effective with a Lithe build or even a Calm Spirit build, but here is the thing, you have to play a certain way in order to get millage out of those perks, and even then things can just not go your way: you didn`t alert any birds and the infectious Fright didn't make you scream! But the killer just randomly looked in your direction and saw you. Sad face :( While the meta perks will be helpful in any situation, thats why they are meta.
Still, I made a vow never to use DH as a survivor outside of Tome Challenges, and I guess I die more often because of it, but it also improved my survivor gameplay by a lot. The really good survivors can loop most killers for a long time, so they sometimes opt to not use DH and go for something else, just for fun. But those that still take DH are borderline invincible due to their mastery of the game.
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Shh, they'll figure out that the best build is actually
Borrowed Time, Detective's Hunch, Lithe, and We'll Make ItMeta Perks* .Actually, all jokes aside, from my experience playing this game. I discovered that the "meta perks" are actually not all that strong in reality. They are merely just a reset button for fixing mistakes. However if you are good with survivor, then you don't make the mistakes that you would need the "meta perks", so then you can use Perks that instead make you better at achieving your objectives (which in my case is getting BP, and Emblems).
For example, my issue with Decisive Strike is I would take it, and never use it in a match. I would get unhooked, the Killer would try to "tunnel" me. I would go to the nearest safe loop, and then run the killer for 80+ seconds. Not much use did Decisive do me, however with Detectives Hunch. I can find the nearest gen, the killers hex totems, and know where chests are ahead of time if I need a heal/toolbox/flashlight in a crutch situation, which normally would take longer to find because of map rng.
I could use Dead Hard to give me a new health state, or dodge the killers attack to fix a mistake I made looping. Or I take Lithe, and do have the ability to reach the next loop, and lose the killer's chase temporarily to give me that sweet Evader emblem - since I already know map layout, and am skilled a pre planning my route mid chase, I don't need Dead Hard to correct a mistake I wouldn't make. So on and so fourth.
Edit: Oh and dozens of times players are proving that you can escape just as easily with no perks at all.
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Why people hate dead hard ?