all i always get a face camper in my games i usually loop 3 gens and end up getting face camped what can i do about it? "run DS" i have all perks in the game but the devs thought it was a good idea to add 3 tiers so i only have DS level 1 and i've already spent like 3 4 million bp...
Game after i got tunneled and farmed by my teammates and dude had NOED
Game after was a VPN(bad ping) nurse or whatever also hook camped xDD ("i have 1000 hours on nurse account created 3 months ago with starstruck and other teachables smh)
Ohh, i see.
"... i usually loop 3 gens" - this might be the reason...
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yes but thats not my fault im just playing the game i dont tbag i dont use flashlights i literally loop them and do a spin or window tech once in a while... like they are literally throwing the game because im playing normally just to se me dead xd
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I don´t know if you play killer too - but a surv who runs you quite some time can be one of the most annoying things ever.
Just got something like this.
Forget competitive play here - i don´t care if i throw a game if i want to catch one :-) ...and that is not normal gameplay - thats personal.
I lose games nevertheless - i get some mild potatoes atm - but after some games i get the inevitable god squad.
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There is a 100% way to prevent yourself from ever being face camped. Get your pen and paper.
Play killer
12 -
Take the face camping as a compliment. If you expect it, run camaraderie 👍
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Dude, sorry but camping and tunneling seems to be how people play killer now.
Respect to all killers that still play a bit old school, and patrol gens and win chases.
Not hating, but as I'm sure you understand, also not enjoyable.
This game seems to be trending towards tunneling ass killers facing nothing but swfs.
I am So ready for Ash vs the evil dead. No way it's worse than solo survivor.
And for those that say killer is harder than solo q, well, we read it above, can't get tunneled and camped as killer.
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Even so... playing killer is more enervating, because of bugs that favor survivors, DH, etc, if you get tunneled or camped in almost every match as a soloQ despite it sucks its more relaxed and playing survivor is less punishing.
I can't play more than 5 games as killer without my neck getting stiff or sore for example, while as survivor i can play all day if i want to. And it doesn't depend on if i "win or not" playing the game right now as a killer is not very enjoyable.
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I had a game where a Nemesis just watched me die in the dying state when he got me there, didn't even hook me. Was so boring. He even had the nerve to message "gg wp" afterwards?
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If you loop for 3 gens I'm making you get no points.
Simple as.
I'd expect the same for the killer to do it to me too.
6 -
So basically you had some great chases that went on for three gens and then died.
queue up again.
when you die in game you don’t die in real life. Play another one.
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No you don't.
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but i play in a 4 man swf they are not that good so i have to wait for them to be done too and i basically sit on a hook for 120 sec then i have to wait for them to escape
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believe me or not why would i make a post about it?? it happened 6 times in a row yesterday all against some private profile russians... half of them player normal at the start but ended up hook camping on the last gen... guess they wanted to secure a kill but i had a nurse who started hook camping from the start xd and the only match i had yesterday without a hookcamper was a hillbilly who DCd
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My camping capability has vastly improved since I decide to camp 24/7, 2k guaranteed and 3k is not rare.
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
I do play in a 4 man swf but my friends have like 100 200 hours so usually i take a little longer loop so they can learn the game a little more and i get to pay the price for being "toxic" by literally just playing the game
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But if you facecamp me you wont get any BP either and you wont learn the game go by the 15 sec rule... if you dont get a pallet or a hit within 15 seconds you did something wrong and always think can i achieve something in these 15 sec if yes go for it if no break chase
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25% bonus BP is BIG.
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I play more killer than survivor and the only time i "hookcamp" is if they are on first hook stage and no one hsa rescued them and its 10 sec left so i make sure they get into 2nd hook stage or if they are on 2nd hook stage and have like 10 sec left... I dont run dead hard boon or anything i run everything besides COH DS and DH (DS is becasue i have all teachables and its only tier 1...)
"killer isnt fun" play twins and you can feast on the salt in the end game chats or blight whatever
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i played a day of bubba camping a week ago i got like 13k average when i play normally its like 22 - 26k
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i play killer 90% of the time but it gets boring
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THIS IS WHAT I MEAN!!! they complain and say its toxic to loop and when i ask them why they hook camped me they say "you were good" they literally hook camp becuase they dont know how to loop and what to mindgame and not. The fun thing is that they wont learn sh*t and just keep getting slammed
Post edited by FlameGNG on1 -
i do play killer liker 80 90% of my time and there is a simple way to not get looped for long... Ignore the survivor and think like this before you start the chase "can i get something out of this chse within the next 15 20 sec" if you havent gotten a pallet or a hit within 15 20 sec you have most of the time made a mistake. if you loop someone for 30 sec and doesnt get a hit nor a pallet YOU BREAK CHASE!!!! thats a really really bad chase
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If the killer loses 3 gens, which isn't hard during the first chase, then there is no reason not to try and secure the kill.
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listen the first 2 gens are free as a killer YOU CANT EXPECT to 5 gen most of the time the 2 first gen pops when you get the first down
"then there is no reason not to try and secure the kill."
- - yes there is by playing normally you learn to loop and sure if you get a down on me i understand why you camp but i still dont because at the end of the day u hook camped me because you cant chase... And then we can ask ourselves how do we improve at chasing? its simple by chasing and what happens when you hook camp you stop chasing :)
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Well whatever the logic you gonna throw at them, campers gonna camp, no exception.
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The guy has already lost. He probably does not want to waste his time both trying to stop the last two gens probably well on their way and lose a potential swap or sacrifice.
As a rule, if you kite an inexperienced killer for 3 gens, he probably has NOED.
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I guess it's relative, because I don't share this opinion when I play killer.
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No doubts. God forbid you actually get a decent loop, then you are villanised
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It's situational, sometimes how good you play is negated by the maps rng. A survivor can be horrendous at looping but still eat the killer's time with pallets. Just saying; I don't expect the killer to go for chases when objectively time pressure is against them.
Yeah looping them so the team knocks out gens is effective, but I prefer to escape a chase whenever that opportunity presents itself. I'd rather do the last gen then be camped during it.
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Camping is not healthy for the game regardless of the “excuse”.
Some killers use camping as a means to apply pressure, but not everyone of them is doing it because of that reason.
That’s why you see Bubbas camping at 5 gens, or why the whiffers who can’t run a simple LT wall do it. Some are just bad, period. So they rely on the game’s own broken playstyle to get free pressure that other good skilled killers earn.
Until the devs actually see the fact that you can cheese this playstyle, you will have to bring the same meta perks. DS, UB, and BT to have a chance.
This is a very bad solution for new players and dare I say has probably driven new players away. All when you consider that they do not have access to those perks straight away.
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And the killer isnt playing the game then?
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1000 hours in 3 months?
3 months are like 90 days and 90 days are 2160 hours, so you almost played atleast 12 hours EVERYDAY JUST on NURSE?
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thats what i meant...
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not really ur basically standing still wasting ur own time just like wasting mine
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The thing is ur doing the opposite since my friends alwyas escape but its annoying to queue for a match and just hang on a hook :p ur not generating pressure if you do it at 5 gens ur basically giving away a free escape for the other 3
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yea that is true when i play sometimes i get really frustrating because they waste pallet after pallet and there is still pallets left i usually never drop a pallet on my first chase i try to drop like 1 or 2 because in reality a 20 sec loop is almost enough so if i've managed to loop for 40 50 sec i dont need to throw down that many pallets and i would rather save them at the end. but yea some matches my teammate can loop 3 gens and im like "finally good teammates" and when im in a chase i see that there are NONE pallets left and i can't loop
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Stop trying to stay alive.
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I have been facecamped exactly ONCE in the last month of games.
Where do you people keep finding these facecampers? Even the last 5 Bubbas I faced didn't facecamp.
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i played with my friends and they have like 100 hours and low MMR so those games were at the bottom of the killers :) or well i think since it kinda stopped when i played soloQ
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i dont have DS since i have all teachables i've spent like 2 - 3 million bp without DS i get all the ######### perks first :D
(i got DS teir 1 yesterday right before i went to sleep)
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Thats basically the only way:p like im not being toxic i dont tbag i just loop normally i dont use meta perks like DH CoH DS... i literally play for fun with more non meta perks because i find those funnier... The thing is when the killer start hook camping they wont improve since they stop playing and therefore they will keep getting looped for super long durations
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In the game, I usually play normally but nowadays they camp and tunnel. So if that's the case, then why am I playing the game when sbmm is there? It would be enjoyable if we had a matchmaking that could have different killers and depending on the rank of how they played like a immersed swf, a good killer, etc. I don't even enjoy it because of how the killer camps. Also that's the reason why people are not even playing the game anymore unless they find a way to punish hookcampers.
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There is no need for any kind excuse. Camping is a tactic.
Survivors can do the gens and leave.
Survivors can go for an hook swap.
If you don't like camping don't do it but don't believe for one second you can tell anyone what they can or cannot do.
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So then it's not a problem with camping, it's a problem with you cheesing the system by playing with your friends, getting less experienced killers that would be easy for you to loop. What do you expect a less experienced "bottom of the killers" to do after you wasted their time? Let you go?
2 -
Define face camping.
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Then you just get facecamped by the survivors, cause remember, survivors are the power role, lol
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Then you take Kote's advice. "Play something else" :p
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As a killer with roughly 200 hrs I appreciate what you say. And sure I can only get better at chase if I don't camp and chase more but sadly survivor like you who are nice even if they clearly are better are the exception. Most survs we meet are so toxic tbag and click you at every stun and then talk smack at you after the game. So you play and play and after 5 or 10 games you just think screw it the first guy I get dies. I'm not a fan of camping if it's not for strategic reasons but some times you just get tired and want a kill even if it makes myself sad
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ok its not face camping but its camping they arent staring at me but they are like 1 2 meters away so im still gonna call it face camping since im always within lunge range and they ignore people running around, ignore gens, when i get unhooked i dont run DS because the devs decided to add 3 tiers to all perks so i have gotten like 30 perks before i got DS on nea again :p so i do eventually just get tunneled out of the game
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how am i cheesing the game? im aplying with my friends to teach them im not even trying when im looping i intentionally never use pallets to give the killer first of all a fair chance and to save them for my friends so they can loop (i dont go and look for being looped either i do gens and let them loop)
"What do you expect a less ecperienced "bottom of the killers" to do"
- not chase me...