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Freddy Needs a Rework More Than Legion Does

Hot take I know. But honestly it's how I feel about it right now.

Ghostface and Legion DO need a rework. They're completely powerless for different reasons. Legion has no power outside of injuring. Ghostface is basically a walking piece of broken game state that can't stay in shroud without a survivor behind the Empire State building revealing them. Both are crippled by CoH to top it off.

Freddy though? He's outright in the worst state he's been ever since his original release. Balance and gameplay-wise. Snares are near useless when a pallet is pre-dropped and the unnecessary slowdown he gets while setting them just makes him sluggish. Fake pallets are fun but somehow worse than snares. They don't even work on Lery's so good luck with that. He arguably has WAY worse addons than Pyramid Head. At least he has range addons. What does Fredrick have? The teleport cooldown addons? They don't even do anything so why bother with anything outside of Red Paintbrush. His endgame is awful too. His mobility relies on gens, which don't exist so good luck running any endgame perks. Sadako with NOED can 4k while poor old Fred has to run a marathon for it. Top it off with disorientation when teleporting, the long cooldown, his chase depending on whether the survivor is asleep or not, and him being boring just ruins him.

Some people say revert to Old Freddie, but I disagree. He straight up either needs a combination of Old/New or another complete rework. Top it off with a new cosmetic and you got more Freddle mains. Sadako already slightly fills his old role in my opinion, even if it's nothing like his old self it at least pulls from it enough to be similar.


  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184

    Freddy already got his rework, so homeboy's gonna have to get back in line.

    If you want to talk about a killer with no power, if you run the moment you hear the TR, you will outrun legion and they'll get self DS'd. Not to mention that once a survivor is injured, your power doesn't really do anything else. They have no anti-loop like snares, a slow movement ability that gets a 4s stun (unless the survivors do you a solid immediately slam a pallet on your head) everytime you want to use it, and bland addons. And Freddy has better perk synergy.

    Not saying that Freddy is perfect, but Legion has been waiting a while and I'm both excited and hesitant to see what they come up with.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564


    I was going to mention you but you are faster than me.

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148

    Freddy's just boring. Legion is not only boring but not viable in high mmr.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,607

    I had an idea myself for how to fix Freddy, made a post about it a while back- the short version is that I think he should have both snares and pallets as basekit, and have his addons give him more dream objects. Fake generators that make survivors scream if they're touched, fake totems that inflict status effects if cleansed, fake chests, fake walls even. Let the dream world be his to control where you can't trust anything you see, and he'll be at least far more appealing without reverting to the mess of his previous incarnations.

    I don't know that I agree with him needing one more than Legion or Ghostface, but he's definitely up there for needing love.

  • Chadku
    Chadku Member Posts: 729

    Freddy being slowed to Survivor movement speed is pretty bad.

    Suddenly Clown with his jarate sounds better and stronger.

  • MikeyBoi
    MikeyBoi Member Posts: 541

    Prior to/during Freddys nerf the only things I would’ve nerfed/removed are survivors being automatically oblivious when in the dream state to hard counter BT and I guess decreased movement speed when placing snares that’s it.. I don’t know why addons like swing chains and jump rope which punished survivors properly for even being in the dreamworld to begin with got reworked…Jump rope and all 4 survivors in the dreamworld with swing chains was 2.5 stacks of old and new thanatophobia right? Nothing crazy imho..

  • FreddysMain
    FreddysMain Member Posts: 289

    I am seeing a lot of Freddy posts lately and going against more Freddy’s on dbd too. It’s been nice 🤣 since he’s my main and I also love going against him. ❤️

    I love Freddy ❤️

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,032

    I don't know man. We already have Sadako. This is just Sadako v2.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    This is false.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,404


    Freddy was here first.

    Sadako is not even close.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,032

    I'm sorry #4 but I can't serve two queens. Join us. Accept Onryo. We all float down here.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167

    I disagree, Legion is 100% the killer who needs it the most. I love them to death but their power is just straight up painful to use and feels useless 50% of the time.

    Freddy's main problems aren't one of strength, he's still one of the better killers in the game after his nerfs. He's not a powerhouse or anything but he's mechanically simple, easy to use and is one of the best users of the best kinds of perks for killer (Slowdown/Stall/Regression perks).

    The problems with Freddy are ones of a more subtle nature.

    The Dream World for example, it doesn't feel like a dream world at all. It's a filter over the screen and only serves as a reminder to survivors "hey traps affect you now" and "freddy has no TR now". Old Freddy is a contentious subject but most would agree that being asleep vs him was actually a massive threat because he knew where you were outside of his TR and all your actions were slowed.

    There's also no incentive to wake up either, Freddy uses snares but his biggest weakness is pre-dropped pallets where his snares do nothing anyway.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,235

    Sometimes i think that DBD should give all killers multiple abilities like overwatch. Thought i know that wont happen because the UI would need to change. (And remapping buttons etc )

    Baxk on freddy:

    Just give him both snares and pallets at once. Or unify both into one skill, something like "snares turn into fake interactable objects when placed in apropiate place" like gens, totems and chests.

    Obviously tweak the addons and numbers for such changes.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,956

    He's already been reworked once legion definitely deserves it

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    I don't think he needs a rework, just some help in the form of reverting some changes. Nothing more, nothing less.

  • LeeONE
    LeeONE Member Posts: 203

    I wish they bring back old freddy, he wasn't strong but he was unique at least. Just keep clocks maybe, snares, pallets at the same time, and gen teleportation, but get rid from aura, it's dumb

  • RBC_Rehsu
    RBC_Rehsu Member Posts: 5

    That sounds so cool. Rn many don't even bother to wake up because what really changed. But with this it would be important or you'd have to face the consequences. I really like your idea