Devs, you nerfed old ruin because was overused, but dead hard?

We all know what you did to the old ruin, og players didn't had any problems with it, but baby survivors oh yes ofc.
Now we see dead hards every god damn game, no variety at all. We have 7 pages, 7!!! of perks, and guess what, in most of the games they are the same bs, dead hard, bt, dstrike, boon, prove etc...
Especially with this system when you feel like in a tournament. Your player base is dropping, and you know what's the reason behind it. Boon totems, sbmm, swf that treats this game like their job etc..
But ye, anyway back to the subject, it's time for this perk to rather get a big nerf or rework it. And i tell you something, remove dh from a surv main, and you will see how bad he is without it; it's sad when they depend on a perk.
- ruin wasn’t only nerfed for that reason
- dead hard is getting changed
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They’ve already said they’re going to change it in the most recent q&a.
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It’s been mentioned in the latest Q&A that DH is going to be changed.
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They mentioned at Q&A, they are looking Dead Hard. So we know Dead Hard will get nerf or rework but we don't know when. "Soon" i guess.
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I know they said, but knowing them it will take another 1 year at least.
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Devs never nerf survivor after boon chapter.
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Boil Over? CoH? Parental Guidance?
You are so wrong.
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They're 'looking' at changing it (it won't happen for a couple years)
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they changed old Ruin because it was punishing new players for being new and hardly affected experienced players. it wasnt changed because it was "overused", it was changed because it was unhealthy for the game.
also, they didnt nerf Ruin. it is arguably stronger than it has been prior to its changes - at the very least it is significantly more consistent due to it no longer being 100% reliant on RNG, nor avoidable entirely by gentapping. it also affects all users the same, no matter their skill level AND allows the Killer to directly influence its effects based on how well they play.
EDIT: typo
Post edited by Mister_xD on8 -
maybe we’ll be surprised and it’ll come in the mid chapter.
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You obvioulsy dont know anything about old ruin. This comparison is so wrong, cant be worse. But i guess you guys will takle everything to justify your outcry.
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Well I went through the patch notes for every patch after 5.3.0 (so 5.3.1 and beyond), and here are all the nerfs to survivor I found (no, bugfixes are not being classed as nerfs or buffs):
- Circle of Healing (heal speed bonus from 90/95/100 to 65/70/75) - patch 5.5.0
- Boil Over (changed from a flat 25% to 33% current wiggle progress) - patch 5.5.2
- Parental Guidance (changed from 8/9/10 seconds to 5/6/7 seconds) - patch 5.6.0
So in 4.5 months we've seen 3 survivor nerfs (as well as, you know, DMS suddenly becoming meta and Blight getting another cracked add-on), and while I agree 2 of them were desperately needed and COH needs further hits, to say that they have never nerfed survivor after that is just disingenuious.
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Old ruin was used a lot though.
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The devs reasoning for nerfing a killer perk does not apply to survivors.
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I'm og, playing it since early 2017. Every game back then it was with ruin. But ye ofc, surv mains gotta come here and argue for their little perk. Dead hard is frustrating to go against, especially if you see the same sh17 over and over and over again. No variety in perks at all.
Devs should buff other 6 pages of perks so survivor gonna use them, because at the moment they are using only 1 page out of 7. Ridiculous right.
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That's literally not the only reason Ruin was nerfed.
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Wow they nerfed pasrental guidance, the most op perk wow, glad they nerfed it WoO
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Did i said PG was op?
The person i mentioned said, "BHVR stopped nerf survivors after Mikaela chapter." And i showed he is wrong. And now what is your point here? What are you trying prove?
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Stronger, I wouldn't say. Better, for the game, yes.
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But is new Ruin actually weaker than old Ruin? Before, half decent players would just hit the great skillchecks, making the perk useless.
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DH is also unhealthy for the game, it punish new killers more than veterans, with the exception of DH for distance, and yet its still here..
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And we all complaining about Dead Hard. Finally BHVR adressed DH, this is good step anyway after years (sadly). But i disagree, DH hurts exp killers too. It is broken perk.
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and because one thing is bad and unhealthy that somehow justifies another thing being bad and unhealthy?
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There were quite a few that said Parental Guidance was very strong and could become meta… (well. There is always one survivor perks that people complain about like that..)
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Do you really need a full argument to know that DH should be removed from the game or changed drastically? The reasons are obvious if you play the game.
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yeah now you're just putting words in my mouth.
i never once said anything related to Dead Hard in this discussion threat, yet here you are acting like i was inherently against changing the Perk - which, just by the way, i am not. i have spoken out against Dead Hard for years now and have been advocating drastic changes to it in order to make it a more healthy addition to the game than it currently is.
i merely corrected OP on the reasons for the Ruin changes a while ago.
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Dead Hard should be turned into a feature of No Mither and the perk rewored into another exhaustion perk. It would solve both the DH oversuse and make No Mither a valid choice.
There, fixed your game!
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CoH has not changed. An extra 2 seconds to heal? Are you serious? They can reduce the numbers all they want, it will still be overpowered. They need to completely rework the perk.
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Why do people call it a nerf it was more of a rework and it works way better than before tbh
But as others have pointed out, Dead Hard is being changed eventually as it gives too much rewards
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Did i said CoH's nerf was enough? Why are you bringing things to the table that i didn't say?
I just said it nerfed, i did not say " CoH is great now "
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CoH got reduced to 75%
Boil Over was changed from % when falling from a height to % of current wiggle added when falling from a height
Parental Guidance was nerfed last update
Devs nerf survivors, Devs nerf killers, devs buff killers, devs buff survivors. Not that hard to notice how this happens insanely often
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Are we really having another thread about "BHVR nerfed this because it was overused", we've had this discussion ad-nauseum and it has been clarified multiple times that it was only ONE of MANY reasons why it was reworked.
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ruin was buffed.
you’re completely right on dead hard though. i genuinely hope they nerf it to the ground.
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Survivor still need more nerf.
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Here you go.