Devs, you nerfed old ruin because was overused, but dead hard?

dreamsy10 Member Posts: 142
edited March 2022 in General Discussions

We all know what you did to the old ruin, og players didn't had any problems with it, but baby survivors oh yes ofc.

Now we see dead hards every god damn game, no variety at all. We have 7 pages, 7!!! of perks, and guess what, in most of the games they are the same bs, dead hard, bt, dstrike, boon, prove etc...

Especially with this system when you feel like in a tournament. Your player base is dropping, and you know what's the reason behind it. Boon totems, sbmm, swf that treats this game like their job etc..

But ye, anyway back to the subject, it's time for this perk to rather get a big nerf or rework it. And i tell you something, remove dh from a surv main, and you will see how bad he is without it; it's sad when they depend on a perk.
