To people who pre-drop

Why do you do this im trying to experiment with the new killer's flickers and i cant use them because survivors keep being boring like your not versing a killer and im not able to play properly. please learn to loop and drop a pallet when needed. you might feel acomplished with survivor
Sometimes archives have needs. Sometimes, its not worth chancing not dropping the pallet. And sometimes, we're just bad.
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Pre-dropping Pallets is a smart move when used correctly, why shouldn't they pre-drop?
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my timing is always terrible. pre drop gang gang
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There are so many pallets on most maps that survivors you can just play it safe and pre drop without really needing to loop.
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Thats kinda my point like why play in a way in which you dont wanna loop well like isnt that the focus of killer and survivor interaction, if your not playing for that, then i dont understand the fun of survivor because tbh, theres no real insentive to win other than a bit of extra bp
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This is a hard conversation to have, for a while (on this forum at least) there were several posts about looping and how un-fun it is, some people also likened it to being an 'exploit' as the developers had never intended you to run around objects, but now we have the issue of killers wanting people to loop (and for good reason because pre-dropping is super boring from a gameplay standpoint and mind-game standpoint) and not drop pallets early.
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There's absolutely no way that looping is unintentional. It might have been so in the early days of the game, but now it's absolutely how the game's meant to be played.
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Believe it or not this game used to be a horror game not a tag simmulator. Survivors we meant to actually fear encountering the killer and had to hide and scurry instead of killers being the party clown/stage hazard that they are now.
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Aye but most people seem to care more about winning and derive their fun from that instead. Winning is more a bonus for me. I’ll always go for risky endgame saves when there’s two of us left instead of waiting in a locker for hatch. But most survivors seem to want that escape more than anything else.
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You weren't even here for the old DBD if you say that, recovering exhaustion while running, true instaheals, the old BNP, sabo made the hooks permanently gone and trappers traps ( which is why you can't sabo traps now), insta blind flashlights, keys, double pallet gyms, infinite windows etc... There's absolutely no way you can pretend like killers were feared back then.
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This is best way to playing against anti-loop killers.
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I personally don't like to pre-drop the pallet, but what forces me to do that if 1 - killers as an artist and similar 2- or usually it's my ping, which is normally 100 and up,
and there's nothing more frustrating than you doing everything right and not fall into any mindgame, and the game counts a hit 2 years after you dropped the pallet and still stunned the killer (and it decreased very little even after hit validation) or vault a window and be hitted even though i was already far away
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My Internet works as well as I do trying to get out of bed in the morning
Doesn't really work that well but it sometimes does
So yes I do prethrow pallets hoping that I atleast don't get slapped into agartha by it
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and that's why I said that the earlier days of the game were an exception.
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Honestly blame the map balance team. They feel like having 20 pallets a map is balanced. So why would i need to learn to loop (keep in mind i do know how to loop but for the sake of this argument i dont) when i can predrop pallet to slow you down while i take you across the map
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It's really not even pallets that are the issue, it's the interlinked tiles that spawn things like a long wall jungle gym outside of shack with the window facing the shack window which happens on crotus prenn sometimes at the asylum, but it's the bullshittery of tile spawns that make the pallets seem like a issue because if I've got an unsafe pallet with a window nearby you best believe I'm not dropping that pallet unless I have to and I'll keep linking different tiles together running 2 at once in a sense and it shouldn't be possible to link 3 different loops together safely but I can at maps like suffocation pit whenever two TL Walls spawn back to back with a jungle gym right beside one them it's basically an infinite against certain killers if you run it right
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I play for stealth. I do not want to loop. I do not want to give you a chance to down me. That is counter-intuitive to the game objective. Screw your "interactions", you are trying to kill me!
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This is truth.
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The problem was that they made loops safe with gaps and holes to look through to remove mind games. Tell me why some of the normal jungle gyms have a lattice like structure on the L part near the pallet allowing you to just stand there and be perfectly safe? Why are some of the walls on normal loops low enough to look over on autohaven maps but not see over as killer?
The killer shack! Huge window in the back and sometimes even a double opening on the window side to see every single thing the killer is doing.
Its all just massive hand holding making looping miserable for killer but fun and exciting for survivor because they "outplayed" the killer thanks to bhrvs balance strategy.
Now they just increased pallets to the point you don't need to bother and can just do one of 2 safe loops before pre dropping to waste time.
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You hate to see it but it's pretty peak performance on the survivor's side.
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I mean it is effective it's absolutely annoying to play against pre droppers on maps with a load of safe pallets
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There are enough pallets on most maps to do that so there really is no reason not to.
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You say you're playing Sadako and trying to use manifestation to get hits around pallets.
That's why.
She's piss-weak against pre-dropping, and has no form of chase power to capitalise off the dropped pallet, or close the gap after breaking it. The more time you can waste the worse Sadako becomes, so you may as well pre-drop and watch her flail.
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Some killers hate survivors looping. Some killers hate survivors predropping and holding w. At this point survivors are just going to do what they want and there’s no point demanding they cater to how you want to play. Just eat the pallets and enjoy the the easy dead zones later in the game.
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Uhh I played 5 blink Ebony Mori nurse, I would say the killer was feared greatly back then. Way more than now. Although it was literally just Nurse and Billy most of the time.
Camping ebony mori wraith was pretty hilarious too, since it let you bypass both BT and DS and just mori fools straight off the hook.
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There's a huge delay on Switch that requires pre-dropping, otherwise I can't drop it, the game considers the killer to be body blocking the pallet and won't let me throw it down. There's no timing anything. I have to let go of a gen or the exit gate before the killer gets anywhere near me or else I get grabbed.
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you see i really wish it resulted in a deadzone but considering most maps designs, it really doesnt at least to it becoming a problem for the team
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Pallets are literally meant to extend the chase. So if there is a chance that a killer might hit you if you greed, then drop it. Extend the chase. They respect it, kick it, go around, or leave to find someone else. Either way it extends the chase, and wastes the killers time.
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Don't you ever do missions? "Drop 15 pallets while in a chase"
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when I do that challenge I intentionally equip default dwight
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Or Flashy Feng PJs Ming
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Oh great. Shaming people for doing a strategy in a game. Never change DBD forums.
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Why are you complaining about this? Survivors who are pallet-happy benefit killers because the more pallets out of the way (particularly early game) mean much shorter chases later on.
Pre-dropping is a viable strategy against several killers (Doc, Clown etc.) - particularly those with anti-loop powers, and those with insta-down abilities (Shape, Bubba).
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It’s better to pre-drop instead of dropping the pallet when you get hit by the Killer (giving them no cooldown when they get stunned) Maybe it’s a ping issue, but it’s really annoying if they do that with a god pallet.
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Pre-dropping pallets is actually good if you do it correctly. And it's necessary when going against some killers, like Doctor and Huntress for example.
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Zero point in looping a killer who doesn't stress you for resources. Ending a match with half the pallets still up doesn't make someone a good survivor.
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when the game was released it was unintentional now it is some people are not great at looping better at hiding.
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Because half the time I don't get the prompt to drop the pallet even though the killer is still 2 - 4 meters away.
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Sometimes I pre drop pallets, depends on the killer (huntress for example). It’s a smart thing to do and no, why would I stop doing it lol
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I am proud of shaming survivors who predrop in incredibly unnecessary situations who make the game an absolute snoozefest.
Artist I can understand predropping. Predropping against a curve billy or onryo shows that the survivor is kinda garbage.
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They are boring when they "gen rush", they are boring for looping the same pallet 2 yrs, they are boring for pre dropping.
Can we decide what we want please.