What's everyone's opinion on boon: dark theory?

I have used this perk once and it didn't seem that good to me. I could be using it wrong though so what are your opinions on it. Is it strong and worth using or not?
Awful design and will either be way too weak or way too strong. Should never have been added
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I don't know for sure but it honestly kind of feels too negligible and niche. In certain situations I'm sure it would be amazing. I can imagine that it along with shadow step on certain maps would be really nasty for losing the killer more easily and being a pain to find. Think like Midwich / The game etc.
But in open maps / dead zones it literally will do nothing most likely so idk. Really dependent. I think the most awkward thing is having to loop around the totem to get that bonus speed so that's what really makes it niche in my opinion but I get it lol
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It felt nice the 1 time out countless games where I had hope + DT. But it was a game where the killer was struggling, so anything would have worked.
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It's fun. I've gotten some good use out of it when it was placed in various main buildings.
The 2% seems fair.
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They somehow made a boon perk worse than Exponential.
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I can't wait for Boon : Vigil, Boon : Built to Last and Boon : Endurance
Exponential on it's own is a troll perk in solo Q.
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Garbage perk, it does not worth to use it.
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Reworked maybe something like when the killer enter in the boon area you can see his aura for 5 secs.
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Barely noticeable as a 115% killer, game ending for a 110% killer.
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It works best with vault speed builds. If you have Dark Theory running near Shack/Main Building/Certain Jungle Gyms then you’re basically uncatchable till Bloodlust III or they snuff it, which gives you more distance anyway.
Exponential is decent.
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Decent? You have to be in area of boon, killer should not hear boon's sound and killer should leave you on ground. And then you can pick up yourself. One of the best perks for sure.
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Probably strong in the hands of a good looper, weak for everyone else.
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politely disagree
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Run the Boon near an edge or main building and all you’d have to do is sit on the edge for it to work, which the chimes won’t be as easy to hear. If you’re in an SWF, you’re probably running Unbreakable. The recover speed is enough for you to pick yourself up in no time at all if the Killer decides to do literally anything else.
It’s free Unbreakable otherwise if your team doesn’t go down in front of it. The pressure from it also makes endgame far more difficult for Killer.
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Even you confirmed it is so situational. Even UB is not that great. And it does not matter it is free UB or not. Because again, killer should not hear boon. Killer should not pick you up. And leave you on ground. And ofcourse for best value, you need SWF. Does not work good for solo, another garbage-tier perk. For solos at least.
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“Free Unbreakable” - you must preset up 14 seconds before you go down, and go down in that area... and most importantly, give the killer a reason to leave you slugged rather than pick you up immediately. You’re better off running just Unbreakable.
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Honestly I have no idea how good it is, but I think I've had it save me a couple of times. It's a neat perk, but probably won't be super significant most of the time.
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I thought we always talked about perks in context to SWF. When are we not? CoH is a wasted perk slot if you run four of them in the same lobby.
But to each their own. I love Exponential enough to run it regularly and I like running Dark Theory too. Maybe I’m just a glue eater that overdoses on small percentages idk!
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Why we should talk about perks in context to SWF? And not solo? Majority of community are solo. If perks are garbage for solo, they are garbage. SWF does not even need other perks so much, they always going for strongest build (BT, DS, DH and UB).
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It’s mostly too niche. I’ve had a couple scenarios where it made a difference but most of the time it doesn’t feel like it does much.
It’s not the worst boon perk though, that title still goes to exponential.
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DT is not a good perk, needs a buff or something.
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The standard for perks continues to plummet.
As if Blight cares at all about 2%. He is like "hold my serum".
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Situational. Boons are a PITA on multi-floor maps.
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And how many maps have multi floors?
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From the top of my head, at least 10 groups. Midwich, The Game, Dead Dawg, RPD, Ironworks, Eyrie of Crows, Haddonfield, Badham Preschool, The Temple of Purgation, Red Forest.
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Midwich, The Game and RPD multi-floor maps. Other maps are outdoor maps.
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I haven't seen enough Yoichi's to say anything as I don't have the dlc yet
I also haven't seen basically Sadako and Yoichi that much either so I can't even make a gameplay analysis
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it's been helpful on RPD, especially in end game scenarios where somebodys like "START THE CAR!!" and we're all trying to haul ass out of there.
It's a bit tricky to make work though on a "regular" map as Dark Theory prefers to be in a central location, which makes it more likely to be destroyed. Kinda conflicts with CoH which prefers to be in a dead part of the map.
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buff it to 3%/5% or make the 2% increase apply to vaulting pallets/windows along with the 2% haste. no one is running it outside of adept/quadruple boon build.
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its situational/good, on some maps unsafe pallets turn safe and this is huge, if a survivor is bad he will fall into a mindgame and the boon will not do much. Also, it helps on the HOLDING W strat
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I don't think I've ever seen it make a difference.
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Multi-floor has nothing to do with being indoor or outdoor. Ceiling <-> Floor.
It's about having to look for the boon on a bigger area because there are ... floors.
The worst case is when to reach that second floor one has to walk a long distance. (Ironworks for an example)
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Try looping with friends. Dark Theory with Bloodpact vs a 110 killer.. add hope during endgame and you’ve got a rare party lol
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It's a boon, need I say more? If so, Boons shouldn't exist at all
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Weak perk. Very weak. I just used it for the achievement.
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Seemed pretty good when I used it on midwich, probably works better with the perk which lets you walk 20% faster at all times.
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it should add a 5% vaulting speed then its balanced. it's not that big unless you're playing sloppy either as killer or survivor.
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Broken or trash, haste effect shouldn't exist beside exhaustion perks.
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Absolute trash in most cases.
Completely broken on maps with stupid totem spawns, like upstairs of the Ironworks or two-storey maps.
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The perk serves to complete an Achievement.
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The reaction to it seemed extremely overblown people are just paranoid about these perks because of circle of healing
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It's not that great. It has to be paired with other Boons to actually get value out of it. It can help slightly in some situations, but that's about it.
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About as useful as Sole Survivor.
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Another trash surv perk