Tbagging/emoting is a valid game strategy

The killer will be always right up on my ass and facecamp/tunnel me. I am fine as long as other 3 survivors escape. Sounds like a good strat
Yes, trying to annoy someone IRL to put them on tilt a videogame can certainly work.
That isn't the question at hand. All sorts of things 'work' to give you an advantage in a game.
The question is - why would we want to encourage this, and is it healthy for the game as a whole?
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I mean I get tunneled and camped a lot even if I don't BM anyway so why not do it?
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It's toxicity promoted as strategy. Point tech at the exits, I get. But what's tbagging, clicking, and pointing mid-chase doing, other than to annoy the killer? It's like calling killer hitting someone on hook a strategy. I'm sure spiking the football and victory dancing to show off against the other football team makes them angry and makes them play worse too, but it's not celebrated nor justified as a strategy. It's called being unsportsmanlike.
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what do you mean unsportsmanlike? This is just a mere video game lol
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Wait emoting is bad?
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Yes, for short term gains, you can try to piss off the killer and try to get them to follow you
After my game last night and experiencing it once again, I am strongly considering quitting the game (I will likely fail at this as I have many times in the past). If I do manage to finally pry myself away from the S show that is playing killer in this game, I hope it was worth it to win your one game losing yet another killer in a long line of killers abandoning the game...
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Join us!
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I've tried. Multiple times. I am trying again. I expect it to fail again (take a guess what game is currently installing after I uninstalled it last night swearing I'll never play again!).
All this game does is make me feel bad (congratulations toxic survivors, I hope that brings a smile to your face). When I win, it's just "Oh cool, I won" as generally I just stomp the hell out of whoever I played. When I lose, it makes me F'ing miserable as usually when I lose, I'M th eone getting the hell stomped out of me. The fun "Win or lose by the hair on my chinny chin chin" games just never seem to happen anymore...
The poor bastard buddy of mine that I got to buy DBD after he saw me stream it once sent me this as we meme DBD ish to each other a bunch:
It hurts my very soul how G D true this is...
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Didn't you know? The more you tbag after every pallet stun and every missed swing at a window vault, The faster you run. Never forget to click either it's a crucial part of activating your running shoes to max power
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So you're not interested or invested at all in what you're playing? How could you just not care?
Sportsmanship is always relevant when you get to the competitive level of a multiplayer game. If you're not there, party game away. But at this level of skill and experience, we expect good old respect by default, not disrespect.
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- Fighting fire with fire is a good way to burn the whole house down.
- Tunneling and camping isn't BM, it's just cheesy.
- The people you are BMing aren't the people who camped you. You are essentially punishing innocent players for what other players did to you.
- You aren't Batman.
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hahaha if you play in the highest mmr no one cares gives a damn about the so-called sportsmanship. it's about winning by any means necessary
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Mid chase is a whole different thing. The survivor can't do anything if they're stuck on the hook but the killer can. The teabagging itself can be a battle of the mind when you think about it.
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Sounds like a deal.
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Tilting the opponent.
The true mindgame.
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Annoying the enemy is gonna be a valid strat as long as PvP games are a thing so yeah you're right.
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haha I laugh at people who are saying DBD is a chill, casual party game lol. PVP was never meant to be party game
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Technically, Mario Party can be played PvP. Is that not, by its very name, a party game?
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Real killers are so battle hardened and numbed to it they don't care if you tbag anyway, you're going on the hook and getting tunnelled regardless.
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As if anyone would care about winning the Mario party game.
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Case in point.
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Tea bagging and being all clicky clicky is fine imo during the game as it can be used to provoke the killer into chasing you or getting their attention and off something else.
HOWEVER tea bagging and clicky clicky while you're right there at the exit imo is toxic and completely unnecessary.
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Why do people care so much about animations in a video game? I'll personally never know.
I do find it funny how a lot of people want to comment on how t-bagging and flashlight clicking will "upset the killer" and make them have a "bad game" but focusing one survivor out of the match for half the game is perfectly fine and that it doesn't matter if that survivor has fun or not.
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I get tbagged even though I don't tunnel or camp. Why shouldn't I tunnel and camp? Wait a minute, that almost sounds like toxicity breeds toxicity. Crazy...
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Yes, just like tunneling.
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welcome to dbd
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I realise this is just a snide post but the reality is that it really is sub optimal.
I get that its designed to try and tilt your opponent and is completely valid if you want to try that, but against an adult with a sound head it won't work and you'll lose precious distance engaging in it.
This makes it a very sub optimal thing to do that only works if you opponent is taking things to seriously.
Although given the state of the player base its probably more optimal than I'm giving it credit for, its kind of anti-cry baby tech.
It is unnecessarily obnoxious though and I don't really enjoy playing with people whom engage in it all game because I like a thematic horror game and what you often get is a childish pvp sweat fest.
It doesn't tilt me or upset me but I just feel a genral lessened level of game satisfaction as a result. I just don't like playing with obnoxious people.
I really want a solo mode with bots. I'm tired of all the negativity interacting with people online brings and DBD is rife with it.
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Why is deliberately trying to provoke a seizure or mess with photosensitive players any sort of valid strategy?
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I care, actually. A lot.
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Oh, are killers moving onto the "Survivors are deliberately trying to kill people irl" as for the reason survivors flashlight click? lmao
It's on the person with epilepsy to avoid things that can cause seizures, should the game have a warning? Absolutely, are you going to guilt trip me into not using fire crackers and flashlights because people are playing something their doctor would likely recommend against playing? Not at all.
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Depends. Are you using the flashlight for a blind to save, or are you using it to macro 15 clicks/second? Cause it is the latter that is the causing the problems.
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Highest MMR killers aren't strategically impacted by survivors teabagging them. If anything, when a survivor is aggressively trying to get a killer to chase them the good killers take that as a sign that they should ignore that survivor since they're not doing anything useful and chase others instead. That way the killer is keeping two survivors busy with a single chase.
Also this notion that most survivors are using teabagging as a "strategy" is really farfetched. It's almost all showboating, that's it, like doing touchdown dances after scoring a point. Plus it's typically a waste of time against a good killer, the survivor is either using their time inefficiently and not gaining distance or they're jerking around too much off the gens and a killer can capitalize on it. "But bad killers will follow me if I teabag" is a lousy strategy - you don't need to use much strategy at all to beat bad killers and it's detrimental to your chances of winning against good ones.
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Actually teabagging and clicking slows you down and you're not doing gens so it's not a valid strategy (or at least, not a good one)
While you're following me around furiously slapping the ground with your ass and doing minigun impressions I'm killing all your teammates and those gens aren't getting any less dusty
I've had an astonishing amount of people throw the game trying to get the killer's attention, and by the time they get it they realize they don't want it
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See: here's the thing.
A single bright flash doesn't set off seizures. It's a strobing effect, which is augmented by noxious stimuli - ie. the clicking.
I have mild photosensitivity issues stemming from a concussion some years back. I can handle all manner of games without issue (alongside this, only 2 games have given me any trouble since the accident), but flashlight macros genuinely do mess with me.
I've had survivors in postgame say that they genuinely hope they can give someone an actual seizure someday.
There's a difference between using something ingame as intended, and going out of your way to abuse it with the sole purpose of hurting someone.
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No, no it isn't.
You can't hack.
You can't use stretched res.
You can't DDOS.
You can't use exploits.
Hell, even if you want to keep it based on language, you can't make threats or use slurs to rattle another player.
BHVR limits what you can do in the game for the good of the game, because the internet has evolved considerably since the 90s.
If there was one phrase that I wish the current generation would delete from their lexicon, it would be 'by any means necessary'. Anyone using that phrase isn't someone to be given the benefit of the doubt.
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As you said I don't waste my time walking up to killer t-bag to get their attention. I only tbag if the killer happens to chase me and I pallet stun the killer or killer misses hit while I'm vaulting a window. Some killers end up losing it and chasing me for 5 gens XD
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Ditto. Check my previous comment
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I am sorry, what? How did we end up talking about hacks and bug exploits from t-bag/emoting?
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I was once told that it already starts at the lobby when all players ready, but one, who lets the clock ride down to 17s before readying. This will start the killer with already +1d10% of tiltage.
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You said 'it's about winning by any means necessary'.
I'm saying you're wrong.
There are plenty of restrictions on what you can and can't do to win in this game.
I think you vastly overestimate how much this works on people.
For me, all it does is irritate me, and I'll go from my usual chill 'yeah these were fun survivors, I'll probably give the last one or two hatch or gate' to 'okay, you all die now'.
I'll wait till I catch you in a better spot, whittling down your team in the meanwhile. Then I'll down you, hook you, probably proxy and then tunnel you out of the game. If I can, I'll probably bleed you out too.
And best of all, I'll remember you - so the next time I see you, you're getting the strongest addons and offerings I have.
Then you'll make a post on the forums complaining about being tunneled and camped and using it as a weaselly justification for continuing to be obnoxious ingame. Much as you did in this thread.
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sportsmanship is dead in this game, this game have and will always have toxic sweaty players even if you say otherwise, and FYI hitting a survivor on hook gives survivors more time to do gens and hurts the killer even more. If tunneling and camping is a viable strategy then so is tbagging. do you often see killers letting go of survivors after they get hooked in high mmr?
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In high MMR, no one does that because they are too busy progressing the objective, rather than wasting their time to hope something that may work.
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if tunneling and camping is your way of showing hate then survivors aren't unjustified if they tbag you at the gate. killers shouldn't be excused either from receiving hate. everyone gets hate in this game no exceptions.
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Tunneling and camping aren't BM. You aren't trying to shake someone up IRL to make them tilt. You're just being cheesy.
Facecamping at high MMR generally means you're okay with getting 1, maybe 2 kills max. At high MMR, camping is usually less rigid.
Tunneling is just...how this game works. Trying to 2 hook everyone before you kill them and not chasing someone because you haven't 2 hooked someone else yet is basically going to lose you the game.
Strobing and BMing the killer is the equivalent of the killer hitting you on hook, or deliberately bleeding you out. It's just being nasty.
I'm not 'showing hate'.
If you want to teabag and strobe your flashlight, I'm going to assume that you want to play a no-holds barred game and adjust accordingly.
There is a difference between 'you showed me disrespect, so I'm going to return the favor' and 'all killers should be punished and made miserable for playing killer because another killer did something I didn't like three months ago'. We got past the idea of collective punishments in the 19th century.
If anything, we need less 'hate' in this game.
Why are you promoting hate?
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Logic doesn't work, you can't expect those kind of people to understand "tunneling is not a BM".
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How is tunneling and camping comparable to tbagging?
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killer hitting you on hook is a good sign for survivors less time for you to start chases, and do you think that survivors like getting tunneled and camped? It's a valid strategy of course, but it doesn't mean its playing fair, no one think its fun to get tunneled and camped, but everyone thinks its a good strategy,
so is bm'ing the more time killers chases you the less time they're chasing weaker survivors who would absolutely die in the first minute. it lets them extend the game by distracting killers.
It's how i get out of low mmr, looping killers for 5 gens, and do you think I'm happy getting chased all the time? No, but it saves my teammates, it wins me games, so don't tell me its not the same, I got more to lose by doing so, but i lose everytime if i don't.
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It's known as the fallacy of false equivalency, with just a smidgeon of whataboutism.
Nothing more than ye olde 'I want to act the fool in a videogame and take out my frustrations on other players, so I'll use the actions of someone else to justify it'.
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No one think it's fun to see gens pop, either, it's literally an objective but that doesn't mean survivors are playing fair. shrug
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or i get to distract the killer for 5 gens and he won't touch my teammates, i get to win the game and not lose my mmr in soloq. it's a valid strategy.