To the people complaining about sweaty games.

You have no one to blame but yourself. You knew the game is unbalanced. You knew the game can be crappy. You still choose to do everything in your power to win. So dont start crying about how the game became sweaty.
Maybe next time youll play for fun instead of the 4k/4e
Get gud bruh that nemesis yesterday beat us because you were Afk. Super sweaty for us not for him
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Hey them dishes werent gonna do themselves. Maybe i should of gotten the nemesis to do them.
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Why is sweaty a word. Sweaty means trying. Everyone is sweaty at a game unless they ain't trying at all
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Just throw your games lmao
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I call someone sweaty when there're 5 gens left and the killer starts slugging. I get it, you're skilled but this isn't even fun. There's not even a reward for it, in fact you get less bloodpoints because the round was so short.
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I dont throw my games. But i do have fun win or lose. Because i dont care to win. Just my fun ya know.
Difference between trying and trying superhard
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I agree and down the line that killer would be on the forums telling us how the game is too unfun cause of try hard survs. Same thing can be said about survs who brings the sweatiest things.
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I see nothing but facts here
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Uh, I let everyone escape in every match when I play killer because I just don't really enjoy taking people out of the game, and I still get Iridescent and Gold grade survivors where I just give up even trying to get a BBQ 1-stack and go get a snack while they do gens. So, no, you are wrong. Balanced matchmaking pretty much goes out the window when queues are unbalanced, and in this asymmetrical game there always seems to be one side with an instant queue and one side with a long queue. It's not worth it it wait in a long queue for a match, but it's also apparently not worth it to play when killer queues are instant because the lobbies are absolutely fudged.
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Blame the devs for it not being balanced lol the game was meant to play that way by winning your objectives so survivors can sweat and play the objective but killers can't wow lovely solution '"don't play the game so you can play the game"...
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i made this post a while ago and I got called a smurfer lol dont try to reason with forum users
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Bruh its always going to be bad for both sides I don't blame anyone for being mad that's just how it is, after a while you just become dead inside and numb to the pain.
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What does play for fun entail?
I need to know, I am struggling to enjoy this game atm.
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Real nemesis.
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I try to play a bit more casual.
Especially if i come across "the squads"... i get them every around 4-10 games atm.
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Good question! So for me on dbd as survivor, sabo+mom+breakout+sb. I love trying to go for sabos. I also love to run no mither tenacity flipflop and power struggle and try to force a slug.
When i play with my friends we play mini games, like tag. (While doing gens and stuff of course) tonight me and a buddy might play protect the president, where one of us has no mither and we have try to get that person out by any means.
As killer... hmm.. its a bit harder. Honestly mind games to me are fun. Or trying new perk combinations. But sadly killer isn't much fun because of the pressure. I also like making arbitrary rules for me as killer or have small goals. Or just try memey things. Like the other day i ran eruption call of brine and tinkerer on sadako. I had 4 gens pop with eruption at once.
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Most people don't enjoy losing when they get taunted for it.
If people were better sports, less people would care about winning.
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Fun for me is winning.
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That's not good.
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Yes it is. I'm expecting to be rewarded for playing skillfully. It's an expectation we all should have. But right now, you auto-lose as survivor if you get hooked and face camped by Leatherface, and you auto-lose as killer if the survivors collectively hold a button down for too long.
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That's just the other ppl playing in a boring way. I've had hell of fun games while getting destroyed.
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Because you weren't bullied with BM and nasty messages.
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Actually that's often the fun part. It's hilarious watching 4 ppl beating their collective heads against a brick wall.
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Here's a NOED hag that sent us to RPD.
They 4k'd.
Hit on Hook, Nodded all that stuff.
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Before I blocked all communication from people who weren't on my friends list, I had messages like these literally every other game.
It weighs on you, hearing such horrible things day after day. You start to wonder if it's true. I struggled a lot with it, but I eventually made the decision to cut off all contact from the DBD community except for the Forums and my friends.
I can't blame people who don't find it fun.
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Bruh. This isnt an us vs them. I play both sides. Idc about sides. Get out of here with that
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I completely disregard what they say after having a laugh about it. Never take what they say seriously.
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Exactly this too. Which is why i dont really have fun as killer. I really wish it wasnt the case. But as survs dont care about my fun when i play killer. I dont care about theirs. I just try to have fun. Also i get what youre saying about messages. I have a bunch of those nasty messages. But honestly i take it as a badge of honor. I lived in someones head enough for them to wish me harm.
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Not everyone can do that.
I'd wager that most people can't do that.
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Bruh. This isnt an us vs them. I play both sides. Idc about sides. Get out of here with that
That's you .. but a high % mains one role over the other one lol
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Thats fair. Tbh im like this because of years of abuse. I reckon most couldnt deal with what i went thru. Kinda gives you perspective when people on the internet talks like that. Cause ya know, someone did actually almost end my life. But i hope you dont let it define you anymore.
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I'm sure it does give you perspective and I am sorry that you had to go through that.
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I personally agree, altho I play for the 4k most of the time, I am aware that games will get harder and thats ok, in fact me not being able to win hard games means even after 1.5k hours im still ######### at the game because im pretty sure I could have played that better 99% of the times and maybe gotten more than 2k or 1k.
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Yeah. Least you understand the outcome.
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Ah nice bit of accusations I for one tend to leave people to die as survivor and only go for my friend as I've been burned way too many times and meme around as killer are you saying basement bubba is sweaty?