Don’t you just hate it when you struggle with your main?
I’ve been having this awful feeling lately. Recently, I’ve found myself struggling with Spirit. It’s really frustrating because she’s my best killer and she’s my main. What makes it more frustrating is that I can still perform better with other killers the few times I do play them. Does anyone else feel this way sometimes?
I’m not gonna lie, I think I need a break from playing her so much.
I have days where I play Trapper because I need to do something specific for the rift or something and everything just goes south despite having a metric ton of experience.
You're probably tilting yourself by putting too much pressure on yourself to succeed. Run some meme add ons and play casually til you find your groove again.
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*Sad Incoherent Chainsaw Screaming*
*Sad Oni grunts*
The blessing and the curse of SBMMR. Start doing really well (which presumably you are going to do if they're your main peeps) and eventually, you hit a wall where you run into the equal skilled survivors (which usually means you're going to lose).
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It's not mainly about me winning, it's about me struggling to do well with phase-walking. I feel I make so many mistakes now. If that makes sense.
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I guess that could be the case. I should be going against good survivors with Spirit but I also should be playing better than I am with her.
That's why I'm taking a break from playing her, so I can appreciate her more.
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I know the feeling. I've had quite a few losing streaks as Demogorgon but I never stopped and never will. There's no Killer like Demogorgon and there never will be
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If there are no scratchmarks/moving grass then I've always failed at phase chases and I don't trust pallet/window vault noises enough to figure out which side I need to be on either. I say this to the point that I can comfortably say it's due to my inability to hear subtle sounds like survivors grunting as they slow vault or survivor breathing (even with Stridor).
So what this tells me is that a Spirit main is having the same problems I have, which means something is probably off with the sounds and it's not even close to the first time this game has had audio issues. It might be a bug and beyond your control, especially if it just started happening. Hang in there champ.
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I'm glad someone else feels the same way.
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I see what you are saying. I just think for me because I know I should playing well with Spirit because I play her so much. I do think a break from her will help with the frustrations though.
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Happens with my boys LF and Oni too. It might not be the level of competition but just me failing basic things I should be doing in my sleep as a main. Bumping into random crap as LF or winding up and wiffing with my big bad Oni bat :'(
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It does feel awful doesn't it? 😔
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Sometimes a vacation makes us really appreciate our home.
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That's a good analogy. Once I come back to her after my vacation is over then I will definitely be able to appreciate her more. Plus I can try out other killers as I haven't given them a fair shot recently.
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Absolutely. There are some days when I just don't have it. I'm late on blinks, make bad reads, or my mechanics get sloppy. And let's face it, if SBMM is working properly, we're all going to have really tough games at times. Sometimes the survivors in my Nurse lobbies have 20k hrs between them. Solid chance that game is going to be really challenging or a total loss if I play poorly. It happens.
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Your MMR may just be above the roof and you're getting Survivors that understand her phase and know when and where you'll appear.
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Yeah I guess SBMM is part of it.
I can usually beat good survivors with Spirit and I should know how to play her well, it’s just hasn’t worked out recently.
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I main huntress and nurse and a lot of games I did well with them but then suddenly the next day I'm a total potato that can't land no throws or blinks and everyone escapes and it feels crippling like what changed suddenly didn't I gain a lot of experience and muscle memory but it's all gone suddenly and I always feel like just giving up
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There's always those Survivors you don't expected to throw some crazy moves out there.
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Since I'm a Legion main I know how it feels. Nearly every other killer is better then them
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Where did Spirit pfp go? 😞
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Is it possible that you're a victim of your own success? As you play a character, you get better, you get more kills, your MMR goes up, you play against better survivors, they know how to counter the tactics you used in the past against survivors of lower skill levels, and the process continues. You may feel that you're getting worse but, in reality, you're actually still getting better but are playing against commensurately better survivors as a result.
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Losing with your main when you're the best at them, and played really well with them, gives you this hopeless feeling and makes you want to look for someone else. I've changed mains several times because of this.
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I guess I understand that but I usually face good survivors with Spirit anyway and still perform well most of the time. It hasn’t been the case recently.
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I’m not going to changing mains tbh. I love Spirit to death and don’t wanna leave her. I’m just taking a break.
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Part of the reason why I don't stick to one killer specifically all the time.
I have preferences - killers who I enjoy and play more than others but I think playing nothing but one killer speeds up the process of getting burned out, frustrated or bored with them.
I've had this similar feeling with the killer role in general, some days I'll struggle with all of them and I'm not always sure why. It's a weird feeling, like a mix of frustration and self-doubt. You begin to question if you're any good at killer or if you've just been getting matchmaking that favoured you.
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Yea... I feel that way with Pig
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Being a Pig main is suffering sometimes.
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I know exactly how you feel. Maining killers for a long period - especially difficult ones have weird "phases" I like to call them.
Start a killer, learn them, become good at them, start to do bad because you expect to play well and start losing focus on the difficult parts of the killer, then after a long time you become so good with the killer you can pull off difficult plays without effort (but as a downside nothing feels rewarding anymore).
Idk if it's the same with other people but that's exactly how it went for me when I mained old slinger for 1.5 years. Even after 6+ months of playing him I felt like I was doing so awful and worse than what I used to be. Then around the 1 year of maining mark I felt as though I mastered him and I would never get rusty - that came with the downside that even fancy shots like shack shots, 18m etc just didn't feel rewarding or fun to do. I was just kinda playing him to play him.
Anyway I went off on a tangent there. Have you tried double charge time addons on her? That's the only thing that keeps me playing spirit tbh.
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I feel ya. We all have our bad days.
Struggling with wraith is fairly common against good survivors since he doesn’t have much chase potential so it’s nothing new.
Or I just get that day where I play bubba and bump into every rock loop on the map. It happens.
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I mained Hillbilly years ago, but then people kept spinning and exploiting the bad fov, so I dropped him, although I've recently picked him back up and don't miss point-blank saws half as much as back then.
I mained Clown, but oh my God did that get old quick. Pre-rework Clown was awful, because you would gain no distance from throwing bottles since he slowed way down as soon as he threw them, and his reload took so long. At a certain point, it felt like the only reason to play him was liking the character.
I mained Trapper but played him non-stop til I P3'd him, which burned me out of him. Besides, some matches just felt unwinnable with nobody falling for traps, especially when they kept getting disarmed.
I mained Huntress but people were spinning and exploiting the fov so I couldn't get point-blank M2 into M1/M2, which is like half her strength. I've picked her back up because I handle that better now, and I aim where the survivor is gonna dodge instead of at them.
I remember maining Spirit at one point when she still had her gen grab. That was most of the reason I played her, you could say. But then I noticed that even with meta perks, I started losing with her, because of gen rush and because Iron Will is unfair against her. Someone had it every match against me, I swear.
I mained Hag because she was and is strong, but I don't know, I just got burnt out of her. I still play her occasionally. If I'm playing to win, she's probably one of my go-tos.
I mained Deathslinger when he came out. I wasn't that good at first, but I was decent. I guess I dropped him because I was more bored than anything. If I ran 4 gen slowdown perks with him, it was easy. If I didn't, it was difficult. Heh, and I even foolishly tried to use PWYF on him, not realizing the shot AND the hit each took a PWYF stack away.
I mained Plague, because her red puke seemed really good, and I was downing survivors so quick. But then I either went against survivors who didn't cleanse, or I ran into her still-present hitbox problems. I'd hit the survivors clearly with the red puke, and they wouldn't get hit, and without that power what's the point of playing her?
I mained Nemesis, but then I realized that having to hit survivors 3 times with my power was really bad, especially when they could just cure themselves. Also the hitbox on the whip is wildly inconsistent, sometimes it hits them through a wall, and sometimes it's like a sewing needle-sized hitbox.
I mained Demogorgon because Scott opened my eyes to his strength, but without Black Heart/Barb's Glasses which I ran out of, he just felt mediocre.
Right now I main Blight/Artist. Blight is more add-on dependent to me, so if I had to choose one it would probably be Artist. I'm playing Blight mostly to use up his strong add-ons before they get nerfed, because we know it's coming. Artist feels really good to play, especially with certain add-ons. I really underrated her at first.
If I lose my current mains, I don't know what I'm gonna do. No other killers seem strong enough to be enjoyable.
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I get you, it's an annoying feeling. Sadly bad games and bad days happen to everyone.
I didn't read all comments, but I'm pretty certain it's already been said: if you're struggling and feeling frustrated, maybe take a break from the game for a couple of hours or days. It's good for your mental health too and playing it again in some days might be refreshing
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The first time I played slinger I did the exact same thing for a while. Played several matches before ever realizing that a shot + a hit is 2 stacks lol. I get why it’s like that though.
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I’m not going to take a break from the game because I don’t think that’s the issue. I’m taking a break from Spirit. 80% of my killer games are her and it’s causing burnout of the killer I have a huge bond with. That scares me just thinking about it.
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That can be refreshing too :) when I'm bored of what I'm doing, I either swap to the other side or change killer
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I do enjoy other killers as well, I just haven’t been giving them a chance because I’m too excited to play Spirit. This will be an opportunity to branch out and appreciate Spirit more. Killers I’ll play more often now will be Sadako, Pinhead, Huntress, Blight (if his stupid collision doesn’t piss me off), Wraith, and Demo as I enjoy all of those from time to time.
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Give plague and nurse (no stacked slowdowns pls) a chance too 🐧
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Sadako is always a good back up if you do take a break.
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Oddly enough this puts me in mind of a famous quote from a real life serial killer, Ted Bundy
“You learn what you need to kill and take care of the details. It's like changing a tire. The first time you're careful. By the thirtieth time, you can't remember where you left the lug wrench.”
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It happens. Some nights, with the Nurse, I'm just off. Wrong blink range, wrong predictions, wrong everything.
And it starts getting on my nerves it gets worse of course. The best thing to do is to stop playing and rest.
The next day everything goes back to normal.
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I don’t really like playing Nurse tbh.
I’ll play Sadako but that doesn’t mean she’s replacing my true queen.
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*Sad Bing-Bong Noises*
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It's just that Sadako is the most fun killer released in a while.
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She is fun I’ll give you that.
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Something that helps me when I feel that way is to use perks to actually change my approach to gameplay. Change your perks to strongly bias your efforts. For instance a full chase loadaout with no slowdown or info or anything and just chase people around, nevermind the win, just chase. Or pentimento, plaything, thrill of the hunt and hoarder on pinhead and just literally torture the survivors while spouting quotes.
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It's ok, there's plague tho!
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Its how I feel with my love Pinhead. His power takes so much precision and niche stuff to play good that on days where I'm feeling it, I'm doing great, but on days where I'm tired, hitting his chain just feels impossible.