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p3 buff, face camp nerf and more ttvs on surv than ki

p3 buff

the prestige 3 is useless and i think they should reword it in someway. having higher chance for ultra rare add ons and a skin is pointless now a days. i like the dripping blood skins tbh and its free but i would like something more for the effort of 3+ mill bp used on it.

face camping needs to be countered somehow, at least by first hook. getting downed by bubba or trapper and siting in the killer shack is kind of boring and makes you feel bad for killing yourself but like what are you gonna do? there is no way to get unhooked unless somehow people tank hits but with bubba its like you can't do anything.

and ttvs

i noticed and feel like the average ttv ######### talks and is bad at the game so they play surv to "act good and know what they are doing". i never AND I MEAN NEVER see ttvs on killer. i legit looked at twitch and its your average ttv just flashlighting and looping killers which i think is just boring to watch and not funny at all and you get a few killer streamers who just 1 trick killers.

the only ones i know is otz and true and zubatlel who actually plays a variety of killers and i guess there is some low view count streamers who do as well but just looking at the lobbys and twitch i just see survs.

i just hope the devs do something so more people played killer so

  1. more killer streamers to watch and enjoy.
  2. killers have more fun
  3. and last but least 3 q times are faster on surv and not the death sentence that we call q times that takes light years and then we end up being rank 1s playing in ash 4 since there is no one to play with us.

k bye


  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    You know what you are getting with prestige. If that hold no value to you, don't do it.

  • RBC_Rehsu
    RBC_Rehsu Member Posts: 5

    I see many ttvs play killer. Maybe not many big streamers but me and others mostly play killer in streams.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited March 2022

    I dont watch twitch but if i had to guess as to why we dont see many streamers playing killer. Its probably because playing killer right now really, really sucks.

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    Cope is a streamer that plays Killer mainly, and isn't just a one trick (he plays some Survivor too).

    They are planning to do something about the grind, maybe not something to Prestige directly. The grind is being talked about.

    Camping is being talked about, the main issue is that they want to lessen the camping, especially face camping, but it's difficult to find a way that doesn't make something else stronger or abusable.

    I think there is more Survivor Streamers than Killer simply because as Survivor you have more room to multi-task, so you have more opportunity to engage with your viewers.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,864
  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994
    edited March 2022

    As someone who streams dbd. And as a killer. I will explain my logic on why i want to stop.

    1. The pressure.

    Dbd is a competitive game. So naturally some will be amazing while others will be bad. With sbmm, it becomes even more prevalent which lies the problem: the self doubt. "Am i good enough to stream this game?" "Man how embarrassing that im getting looped right now" which also feels worse on small streamers with 1 or 2 viewers. It can get to them.

    2. Community and double standards.

    In general the community is just toxic. Everyone puts others down. Everyone is just so pro "i can do <insert feat> with out <insert responsw here>". Or they come to a streamers stream and put down the streamer. Constantly trash talking, to then playing a victim card like they arent in the wrong coming to a streamers stream to ######### talk them after a game. (Not referencing deklaw cause he is a friend and i know he is kidding and is prob gonna respond to this telling me to gitgud). And god forbid if a killer plays to win. I mean really goes out their way to win. Slugging and tunneling. The works. But survivors are allowed to do what ever they want to win. Yes i know to ignore the arbitrary rules but the fact that its still there and survivors feel they are entitled to not be tunneled or camped which is one of the easiest ways to win it brings me to my next point.

    3. Balance in general.

    Yes an us vs them. Idc. Its always gonna be us vs them because the game is competitive. Anyways; it feels like the devs really dont give a ######### on how killers feel. The balance is a joke, i mean 2e2d is kinda stupid because its almost impossible to balance for that on a game like this because there is too many variables but yet devs egos wont let them admit it. Hell even survivor perks that counters killers and playstyles. Not to mention it takes forever (least it feels like it) to get any meaningful changes for killer, while survivor changes (net positive gains) seem to be more constant. (Granted i know dms is strong. But i generally feel for every 1 strong killer perk there is 2 strong survivor perks.) Not to mention every survivor screams about counter play this counter play that, but killers have to basically figure out counterplays to each survivor, their perks, while managing time, while not commiting to a chase for too long, while pressuring gens, while survivors predrops and hold w most of the time lately while a boon totem is up so you have to commit to chases. And if you fail. Then you have to deal with gloating survivors who won in a game that generally felt like it was in their favor to begin with. But according to the balance team and their "data" this is fine. Its us killers who are out of touch.

    4. Survivor just feels more fun.

    Seriously, i can go in with any build in survivor and usually do really well. (My fave builds are sabo builds and no mither builds) but there is many more different builds you can do as survivor with many different play styles. The fact i can play with my friends is a huge bonus. The only downsides to survivor really is queue times (at night) and maybe getting camped or tunneled.

    Just my two cents on why me, as a streamer; is beginning to hate playing killers. =T

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I don't understand how people watch and enjoy Zubat. He has no personality. It's like watching a sentient block of wood play a video game.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Just my two bits on why me, as a streamer; is beginning to hate playing killers. =T

    Missed opportunities. 🙃

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    As someone who streams usually 3-4 times a week, I now play killer far more than I do survivor. I do that because my usual group of SWF buddies haven't been available as much lately, and my audience -- not large, but loyal -- likes to watch me play the killer role. I don't feel stressful doing it -- I usually do pretty well, I know not every match is going to go great, and I try to go into matches with the mindset to have fun above everything else.

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    Fair enough lol

    I mean yes.. but some small dbd streamers have zero viewers and have to deal with all of this which makes it more frustraiting ya know.

  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660

    Nonsense your awesome as demo and blight. Some pyramid head gameplay would be sweet tho!

  • pizzaduffyhp90
    pizzaduffyhp90 Member Posts: 901

    I've seen a good portion of ttv's playing killer still granted yes most of them play Survivor because they can just sit on a gen and chat with there chat.

  • prion11
    prion11 Member Posts: 361

    I stream 95% killer, but I mean I have 3 viewers on average, like most ttvs. Everyone loves to generalize the ttv players

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759
    edited March 2022

    Kind of sad when a ttv is more willing to play a minigame between games then they are to play killer.

    They don't want to get a taste of their own medicine and wind up contradicting things they complain about on survivor.