5 years of dbd and ppl still cry about camping and tunneling

Feels like we are all stuck in elementary school boys.
Wonder if this will ever stop.
It will never stop
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I will personally make sure that they never stop complaining through my play
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They won't stop until it's nerfed. And once those things are nerfed; they will move onto the next thing.
This goes for both sides:
People hate losing. And some people lack the self-awareness to admit they made mistakes. So instead of 'I lost because I messed up' it's 'I lost because <x> is OP. Nerf <x>.' But since those people lack said introspection; even when <x> is nerfed, they will still fail to improve, and now <y> is OP for making them lose.
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I also tunnel and camp, and if someone calls me out I just write: "thanks for telling me what I did, I know what I am doing."
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I prefer a more simple approach. I just keep typing "cope"
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Not until people just accept the fact its part of the game and its not going to go away. The goal of the killers are to kill the survivors by any means just like the Survivors role is to get out by any means. Its not the job of either side to make sure one side is having fun. If you cant handle the lost go play Civ 5.
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I don't roast tf outta them if they're new and complaining about it. That'll b only time I will b nice
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And killers are crying for genrush, nothing changed?
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No, it won’t stop. It’s mostly from survivors who are too scared to play killer, or from a few killers who are apparently god-tier and get 12 hooks/4K every game with Clown, Legion or Trapper
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People will complain about design flaws despite your trying to ad hominem them into shame for voicing their opinions. They paid for their licence too.
You know, same thing that happens with complains about gen time, map balance, holding W etc.
Very mature and constructive thread. The irony of it is all contained in your first sentence.
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And killers complaining about SWF, flashlight clicking, dead hard, gen rush, etc.
Great post.
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You forgot about the 15 new killer posts every day about CoH.
Something that takes 1 second to stomp out, compared to the 2 minutes of staring at Leather Faces cold dead eyes.
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Yeah dead hard and CoH posts all day every day.
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Both sides complain, endlessly.
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I guess I'll be the voice of reason. Both sides actually have valid complaints. Gen speeds are too fast for low mobility killers and face-camping and tunneling-off-hook-till-dead are all big issues with the game.
As well as Monstrous Shrine, it needs a big nerf.
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Wait for the ptb to see more killers crying and complaining. It happens since the game appears also
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This is a dangerous statement because by your same logic, 5 years and Killers still cry because Survivors do their objective.
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Haha, no doubts. I completely understand. It just seems everyday it's a constant barrage of posts where we simply state the other side cries too much.
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Never bud
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I've been playing Overwatch competitive a bit more and you would not believe how many people are blaming someone else when that person is literally walking up to the enemy in a 1 v 6 and saying "I can take them" lol
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It’s not going away ever.
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More so 20 seconds out of your way for travel time because the team put the boon near gens that are completed, so the killer would never go to that location, then 20 seconds travel time to get back to a gen, and then 2 more gens pop because gen times
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I used to be part of the OW scene when it launched, and EVERY Hero had a 'Nerf them' thread. Literally everyone was apparently OP, according to the player base. 🙃
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🤣 oh man, this one made me laugh. Nothing like a bubba staring at your soul in the basement 😂
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5 years and camping is still boring even if you are the killer lol. I think we all camped at least one time and we know how it is
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Yeah, exactly, lol
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I've had several people on the forums tell me to play with bots, and that I suck or I have no skill, etc. etc. because I admit to doing both shamelessly. OP checks out, people do in fact still complain about it.
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I mean we have the right brb I'll make a rant post immediately after I get camped once today
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*Camps OC until they make a rant post* Look into my dead, emotionless eyes. 😐️
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I mean hey,if you find it a fun mechanic,camping and tunneling then good for you
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Dbd is a bully simulator,so no wonder some people in this community think like that.
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Agree that is also a huge topic.
Especially small pp 4 anti gen builds.
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Sorry i prefer gen tunneling
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I camp and tunnel almost every game. Unless it's such a stomp that I can afford to spread the damage around and farm some BP.
It is a shame there are not too too many perks that incentivize you to play "nice". No way out is probably the closest thing we have right now, unless you are starved for BP and need BBQ stacks. Grim embrace seems pretty doggo tier in comparison.
Unfortunately my experience has been that if you play for hooks, survivors will usually just try and bully you for it. That's when you get the guys running over to force DS and teabagging at every pallet and thus and such. And after some point you just stop caring and go tunnel everyone into the floor.
It's like I can go get 9 hooks, 1 kill, and get BMed at the exit gate for playing nice. Or I can get 9 hooks, 3 kills, and a ton of salty survivors crying in the endgame chat about tunneling. Those are my options. People still go out of their way to complain even when you spread damage and play for hooks, you don't really get any extra gg's unless you are a huntress main doing that or something.
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Pain resoance incentivizes you to play "normal" and nice. You want to get as much hooks as posssible, some ppl say you want to camp there which isnt true, I played alot with scrouched hooks and rarely had situations where I had to stick with that 1 hook, I always have on all maps most of the times a hook close enough.
You could also take many other perks like erruption that wants you to patrol gens more rather to go for chases only, make your choice, pop, ruin.
There are more perks out there honestly that help with more healthy gameplays.
Sometimes you do get punished for playing on hooks mainly I agree, you gotta find a nice feeling when you go for hooks or not, thats the art of playing killer.
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Pain Resonance is RNG and not reliable enough for me to want to take it seriously. It's nice when it works but I have too many games where the area I am downing people at doesn't have them. Indoor maps it might as well not be a perk half the games. If I want to gamble on RNG I will go all the way and bring hex totems.
Eruption is dog tier. Pop / Ruin go just as well with camping and tunneling as they do playing nice. MYC only works on a small subset of killers.
Devour is probably the closest thing to a viable "nice" build but then you are a glass RNG cannon and totally fall apart when it gets cleansed 3-4 hooks in.
Some maps are completely busted and if you are trying to go for 12 hooks against people hugging a main building with a straight up god window (why BHVR keeps adding them in after going through all the trouble to get rid of them a few years ago is beyond me) it's an auto loss.
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you are brushing off everything way too easy my friend.
And no erruption is not dog tier, its close to many other anti gen meta perks, it just requires planning and brain to use (Not saying you dont have a brain, 99% of the players all say erruption is #########).
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Going out of my way, spending killer time to kick gens for potentially 16 seconds of slowdown isn't worth the perk slot. Especially if I am giving up a chase to do it.
Pop gets me 20 seconds and allows me to save the gens I want. Call of Brine could be getting me like 30-40 seconds sometimes. Ruin could be winning me the entire game if it stays up. If some miracle happens and I get two survivors Erupted at the same time it's ~30 seconds of gen slowdown. It's really not that good.
If I could ever get Eruption to work, other slowdown perks probably would have served me better. And I don't mind running off meta perks, but Eruption is a boring slowdown and if you are running a boring slowdown you might as well use the best ones.
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who said you dont combine erruption? I use it with pop so you actually dont waste any time at all since you anyway kick gens with pop. These perks support each other perfect.
You can also use it with call of brine ofc.
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Sure it combo's with other things decently, but it still doesn't justify the slot to me. It's not a particularly powerful effect, nor is it interesting to me. I typically do 1-2 slowdown perks and then 1-2 information / utility / meme perks.
A perk like Hex Plaything is infinitely more fun for me to use. Not only is it a huge timesink since you get 4 totems, which the survivor could spend a solid minute finding, but there's also added slowdown from them sometimes being too scared to move around the map quickly. I think getting plaything'd against a Bubba is butt clenching on a ton of maps. That's like peak slowdown perk to me.
A slowdown like DMS, where it just mindlessly blocks the gen, is really effective but a snoozefest. I try not to stack them in my builds because then im just playing base kit killer with no fun interactions in the game from my perks.
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Why should it stop? As long devs dont care what fun gameplay looks like the complains will still be on. Those flaws just make the game annoying for survivors and braindead easy for killers.
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I am the same, I use 2 anti gen at max, my blight build would be BBQ, Shadowborn, Pop and Erruption.
Ofc erruption isnt on ruin or dead mans switch level, I never said it is a top tier meter perk, you can everything talk bad if you compare it with the absolute best lol.
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"Thanks for telling what Im doing"
I mean what Im going to do when my teammate get tunneled and die at 4 Gen? Do bones? Find chest?
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