How would you feel if Slenderman arrived in DBD

Just gonna be talking about Slenderman on and off since why not. Wanna make other posts related but want to section them so it's not a bundled mess of comments talking about one thing to another.
Want to know the community's feelings if he was a chapter in DBD.
Would you be happy with him in the game if you can look over the Cringe and "Stuff" that happened over the years. Would you be excited to face against him in matches or play as this Eldritch god-like being. Lastly, would you be happy with the Devs bringing this character to the game even if it was the only IP left to get?
[Ps, if you are wondering it is possible to have him in game since the current holder can be contacted quite easily but its more if BHVR wants Slenderman and think they would benefit from him.
Good,I wanted Slenderman in the game for so long,even better if he had his own map.
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Map would be awesome, would kill for a Slender the arrival map.
Imagine having 2 types of maps, one with the park and other in the factory where you have to turn the gens on.
and for Endgame collapse, have the forest catch on fire
Would be playing this map for ages with fog offerings lol
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That the Devs are out of ideas.
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Confusion followed by intrigue.
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Slenderman is kinda a boring concept
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After pre-judging several killers then later discovering I love them, I'm now open minded to virtually any killer. If he's fun to play, I'll be Casper the Friendly Ghost.
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I'll be confused but hyped? Idk how to describe it but i'll be fine with slenderman. Or any killer/survivor tbh
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Slenderman Arrival is my favorite of the series,that map would be awesome in Dead by Daylight
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I would rather them not add slenderman but he isn't the worst pick. He at least could make sense being a humanoid. Some people want Chucky and man that is the worst idea ever.
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He's my top Indie choice so I'd be pretty happy but there are many other movie killers I'd prefer before him.
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True, I just mention him since some other IP's we can't currently get and Slenderman would be a nice addition to have until we get the IP's everyone is hyped for like Jason or Pennywise.
Funny thing is Slenderman is slighlty taller then Nemesis so it can work.
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Slenderman will vanquish the survivors as shown in this video.
Post edited by katoptris on2 -
Slenderman sends you to Brazil.
Tbh what you expect from a HP Lovecraftian creature.
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Would love Slender, Chucky would be great aswell
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Im all for this! I love the idea of urban legend killers making it into the game
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I'd be into it. I'm all for the more unusual killers.
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I'd feel fat shamed.
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im just imaging him looking at you from the top while u are waiting to drop the pallet lol
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I would love to see him in DBD.
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Main reason I love Slenderman, in lot of the stories he is considered a Urban legend which is why most people explore places that has sightings of him. They don't expect him to be real which results them in being killed because of curiosity.
Like this would be an epic way to introduce him, people claiming he is just a urban legend and not real.
Unusual killers are the best, Demogorgon is a great example of this.
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Got nothing against the character but compared to the many other IPs still left to grab, It would feel like BHVR is scraping the bottom of the barrel if they were to start bringing in creepypastas.
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Yeah true but to be fair Slenderman is far superior then rest of the Creepypasta's since it had a real cultural impact and had a crap ton of video games which include the official Slender the Arrival.
Also since can't really get IP's everyone wants currently like Jason and Pennywise for reasons would be neat to have Slenderman so it can make the game pretty entertaining and bring in more revenue/players until we can get the main IP's we want.
Last thing is Slenderman is the only Creepypasta character that is worth having ingame and even then he never started as a creepypasta so he was more of a Internet Legend until people began having crossover stories with other Creepypasta characters. What would be funny is if they did make a chapter, They made Skins for the original killers based on Creepypasta characters like Jeff the killer/Proxy for Legion.
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He could have like a reverse ghostface mechanic, where the longer a survivor looked at him, the stronger he gets. Maybe have a meter, that gets filled by looking at him, and when it maxes out, the survivor loses a health state or gains exhaustion or something. He would also need a form of teleport. Maybe have him not be able to immediately attack after teleporting, so that he wouldn't be a nurse clone.
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No offense, but I always found slenderman to be a bit... lame. :/
I mean, don't get me wrong, if they add him and he's fun then I'll play him, I just don't really care for the character. Seems like there are bigger fish to fry, and slenderman (imo) went out of style many years ago. Not really "on brand" for dbd (again, imo).
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That could work, was thinking of a combo of Sadoka and Doctor with a hint of myers.
Yeah true, I just think BHVR would do a great job on reviving Slenderman and doing him justice....mostly because of what Sony did. For a Slenderman film, it does not feature the main character not even for 10 minutes total.
Also would be cool to see him officially be added to the "Hall of Horrors".
also since this is getting attention still, I might as well share a Slender Menu screen I made a while back.
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Other than knowing there is a character called Slenderman I know almost nothing else so it wouldn’t mean anything to me honestly.
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He's right for this game.
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Well atleast you won't don't feel angry with him, probably like the Slenderman if your into the stealth heartattack killers.
Wise words indeed