Which Killer Need Buffs Tier List

Needs Major Buffs = This killers are weakest killers in game. They are feels powerless against good survivor teams. Their base-kits are not strong enough.
Needs Minor Buffs = This killers are okey actually with their base-kit. But they are weak. So minor buffs, some number changes maybe would them better. This category is not terrible but not okey either.
Needs Add-on Pass (Buff) = This killers are decent but they have terrible add-ons to use. All of them needs better add-ons, they would feel better probably.
Needs Add-on Pass (Nerf) = I put only Blight to this category because i think Spirit is okey even with MDR. And Myers is so weak to put him this category. So except Blight i can not see any killer deserves add-on nerfs. Blight is already so strong with his base-kit.
Does Not Need Anything = This category is full with balanced killers. They are strong, i would not touch them before others.
Needs Rework = Nurse is only killer needs full rework. She is only killer ignoring everything and i don't think she is healthy for game. And Freddy is just boring, i wanna see his pre-nerf version again. So take his rework back and he is perfect (@GeneralV would support me on that).
This all my opinions, so it does not depends on any data or anything. All comes from my exp. You also can share your tier-list if you wanna.
Nemi deserves Add-on pass (buff).
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I disagree, i love his add-ons. If they wanna change anything for my boy, i wanna smarter zombies. Fix AI, that's all i want.
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Nemesis's zombie need rework and give the rocket launcher.
Please remove vaccine and put rocket launcher into the box.
Now nemesis below than legion or ghostface.
Post edited by Cameragosha on3 -
What I'm afraid of is that any Buffs will not be strong enough, ie Trapper, and any Nerfs will be too gut slashing, ie rumors I have heard.
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Looking this over
- All the stealth killers are kind of in the same bucket in that stealth is powerful against average survivors but weak against survivors with strong awareness of their surroundings. The problem being if you give all the stealth killers major buffs to be able to compete better against really skilled survivors then in the average games which represent the bulk of the matches they could be too strong. That’s probably why the devs are hesitant to pull the trigger on major buffs to them. They are working on Ghost Face though so we’ll see what happens there, and Sadako hasn’t gotten her first full balance pass yet either so if she actually os statistically underperforming she’ll probably get a buff. 🤷♂️
- As far as add-ons go, they should revamp all the add-ons which put the killer at a handicap in exchange for higher scoring events (e.g. Padded Jaws which makes traps not injure survivors but increases their scoring events.) “Balancing” an add-on based on bloodpoints is generally a terrible idea, they should be balanced based on their actual impact on the match. It’s why as far as I know nobody intentionally uses any of these other than as jokes. The bloodpoint bonuses on these should all be replaced by some concrete effect that helps you during play, such as for Padded Jaws maybe making the traps auto reset or more abundant or he can get Padded traps from lockers (with the oldest trap on the map disappearing.)
- Nemesis could use a tweak to his zombie AI, they get stuck a bit too often.
- I think Freddy is fun to play personally, I don’t think he needs a major rework. If I was going to make one change it would be make him able to swap between fake pallets and snares at will like Clown switches between bottles. Then make all his add-ons that specifically grant fake pallets enhance those pallets somehow.
- Nurse is the only killer I actively refuse to play, I can’t stand staring at the ground half the match. If they tweaked her so she could keep her head up while recovering from a blink I might play her, even if they compensated by slowing down her blink refresh timer slightly.
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What do you think nurse needs?
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honestly the whole system of looping and bs needs a rework
simple buffs for killers isn't gonna help pressing W for 10 mins and calling it a game
Tbh pyramid head could be extremely strong, if his movement in punishment of the damned wasn't so awkward
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How is Nemesis fine but Deathslinger needs buffs? Nemesis pretty much has the same power but he has to hit you 3 times and Deathslinger has a way longer range.
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I would argue with plague.
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Nurse- doesn't need anything. If anything, the game could use a practice request queue. She doesn't "ignore everything".
Freddy- 100% agree on a rework. Doesn't feel like I'm playing as Freddy.
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Different power.
Slinger has not zombies who gives him free BBQ info. Slinger can not destroy pallets like Nemesis. They both are hitting you behind pallets and vaults but Nemesis is stronger than Slinger.
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nemesis is 4.6, doesn't need to reload after each power use, can break pallets, hit through them, has 2 zombies (LUL)
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I was happy with wraith before his most recent nerfs. They did my boy so dirty I don't play him anymore. Fs in chat
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Here is mine sorry for the bad crop.
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He also has a 32m terror radius, needs to hit you 3 times unless he's just an M1 killer, and has 2 zombies that are inconsistent at best and useless at worst. Deathslinger can guarantee you to die at any window and most loops.
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No, I'm asking what you think she needs. Different power that does what? Move speed changes? New addons? ??
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I'd argue Nemesis needs major buffs. 3 (4 with Dead Hard) Health States along with up to 1 (2 with Sprint Burst) speed boosts against competent Survivors that know how to ShiftW is a major pain.
Spirit needs her MDR+DCB combo nerfed.
I'd put Trickster in "Needs Reworks". With the way his Power works, he's either really bad (like he is now) or really good (which he never was or will be)
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You think more Killers need nerfs than buffs? How
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Yes but there are more killers that needs buffs and are fine than need nerfs.
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That's still an extremely long list with only a few Killers that actually need any nerfs. 7-8 of those Killers don't even need nerfs, 3 of those even need buffs
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The fact that slinger is garbage now?
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Ok, that's your opinion.
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I just want to know why you want to nerf Deathslinger, Trickster and Twins. That just makes no sense to me.
Deathslinger and Trickster have a weak 1v1 Power and no 1v4.
Twins get bodied by CoH and staying in groups of 2
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Deathslinger and Trickster can guarantee to down you at any unsafe loop (which is more common than safe loops on pretty much every map except for like Gideon). The thing is any killer with a 4v1 power like Legion and Sadako are inherently terrible because a good downing potential like Deathslinger will translate into good 4v1. So when the game starts it's 4 survivors doing generators, when a killer hooks 1 survivor that's now only 2 survivors doing gens because 1 is on the hook and 1 is going for the save. If you can quickly find another survivor to chase that's now only 1 survivor doing a gen.
Somebody like Legion or Sadako can push people off gens but it means nothing if they can't get those downs because their chase power is horrible. It means basically nothing. Trickster and (more importantly) Deathslinger can guarantee to down you at any low wall loop. They shoot over walls, through windows, and over pallets. Any window pretty much means death against Slinger cuz he shoots super fast and will hit you. Trickster is kind of similar but he just has a fast projectile that has to hit you 6 times. 1 pallet or window vault can guarantee like 4 knives. So my method behind the list is mostly killers with great downing potential need some sort of nerf
Bubba is there cuz he can guarantee a 2K every game if you camp. You basically only need to get 2 downs in the game and then camp them to death and it's a tie.
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Spirit already got nerfed. She is fine.
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She is essentially unchanged if you use certain addons.
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He really does not need that. I am playing with him a lot. It would be imposible to play against him without 3 hits. His tentacle is so strong. That's why i am thinking he is okey.
I just wanna better zombie AI. His zombies are braindead.
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It’s an Iri and a purple. It’s not like you can bring them in every single game. If you wanted to address certain add ons needing changes then make in a new tier. Don’t put Spirit in the same tier as Nurse because the BS things Nurse has does not even compare.
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There wasn't enough of those cases to warrant making an entire new tier. Also I don't know a lot of people who wouldn't put Spirit in the same tier as Nurse on a standard tier list. At least most experienced content creators like Otzdarva still think she's top tier and she is. She's insane.
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Nurse just needs a couple smaller changes and she is fine. She doesn’t need a complete rework.
Spirit needs MDR nerfed and DCB reworked and she’s fine.
Hag and Twins need full blown reworks imo. Horribly designed.
Pinhead I would give both a nerf and a buff: Chains don’t interrupt solving the lament configuration unless he summons the chain himself, and in return he no longer breaks his own chains.
I also think Nemesis’ zombies are an issue, but I’m not sure of the best way to fix them. It feels bad as the killer when they’re stuck in a corner or some other useless area and they don’t do anything, but they also feel very cheap to have to deal with as a survivor when they do work, whether that be getting pushed off a gen or going down in chase because of a zombie you didn’t know about. It just feels bad.
I think I mostly agree with the rest of your list.
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Maybe they’re both S tier but on a tier list like this, Nurse absolutely deserves a nerf way more than Spirit does. Practically because Nurse keeps the game from being balanced because she doesn’t play DBD really.
Also can we stop basing our opinions off of large content creators?
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I'm not basing my opinion off of large content creators but when there's very experienced players in both roles it's good to consider their opinion a bit more than the rando who has 100 hours.
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But, but... Meg could use the rocket launcher against Nemesis!
Otherwise, this is the best suggestion I read today!
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Buff all except the 5 highest tiered.
Check if the 5 highest tiered need positive QoL stuff.
No nerfs.
Seriously, its maddening that so many people ignor that killers need their tier gaps closed similiar to survivors and cwf.
Anyone advocating for trimming the top killers while buffing survivors to comm-level cant be taken seriously.
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deathslinger also has a 32m TR
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Oh, you're right. They changed that in 5.3.0 which I did not see.
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I think for most killers if mobility isn't part of their kit there should be some kind of macro mechanic or ticking clock for survivors to deal with and that most of the cast needs outright buffs.
Sadako's release has shown that there's a huge disconnect between what the devs want from their killers and how it actually plays out in match. Condemnation is such an afterthought that there's no realistic way any survivor would be worried about it. But stuff like that should be added to killers and made a threat. Pinhead's box is game changing and if it wasn't for indoor maps existing, it'd be an ideal example of "deal with this before everything goes wrong."
And now we're coming upon the precipice where survivors are potentially getting borrowed time basekit giving them all 20 perks while killers are stuck with 4.
So with that said, I'd go crazy. I'd let trapper start with 8 traps and gain a new trap every 25 seconds. Also he can now throw traps. Pig bear traps now act like hooks where she downs a survivor and people rescuing them have to solve a jigsaw puzzle box to unhook/trap their friend. Generators are also boobytrapped and injure survivors on missing skill checks. I'd make condemnation progress build up just by looking at or being near Sadako. I'd let torment stick around generators or hooks for pyramid head. I'd add clown style reloading to huntress/trickster. I'd add sloppy butcher basekit to oni. I'd give nemesis a charging shoulder run move for mobility (and fix zombie AI). etc etc
There's fundamentally something wrong with the game where the best killers (two out of 27) are the best because they ignore mechanics and have fast regenning resources. I don't see a nurse having to reload at a locker that's RNG dependent on the map she's on, ya know?
Anyway some food for thought 8)
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Every Killer will down you at un unsafe loop, it's not something special.
Deathslinger and Trickster aren't the only Killers that can get quick hits at Windows, Demogorgon can aswell but more reliably and faster.
Who said anything about Sadako, Legion or Bubba?
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major buffs on ghostface you say?
BVHR: Increased expose timer by 15 seconds and removed ability to break ghostface out of stealth... when marked.
I don't think they realize that marking people is incredibly difficult in outdoor maps in first places against competent survivors.... and that increase expose timer does abosolute nothing because ghostface when stalking always 99's his stalk. so much for major changes.
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WARNING : this first tier list was upload before the Legion/Ghostface changes
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Michael Myers really needs a buff,he feels so weak especially in the current meta.
By the time you finally get t3,2 gens pop,and by the time you get a down,another 2 pop.
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Pretty awful list, ngl.
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All now.
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