About Legion - The 5th hit will be a oneshot.

I have a question after the Dev update about Legion and specifically the fifth hit.
The thing that this legion with 4 survivors is possible to reach the 5 hit but it will be difficult, but the question is with 3 or 2 survivors, it is impossible to say IMPOSSIBLE, Is it an intentional mechanic only to give it that advantage with 4 survivors?
I hope that behind all this, when the PTB arrives and the real notes make all sense, because it's cool to get a chain of 4 hits and then get a 5 hit to knock down a player, but...
I understand that getting the 5th hit as a Legion player will be difficult but possible and it is a risk, but when there are only 3 survivors at the time of game, this part of the power will be practically useless, unless this legion has some purple or red addon to reduce from 5 to 4 hit.
You mean the fact noone would mend right away in fear of giving a oneshot? Yeah i thought of that to.
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The funny part is, the only impact it will have is against an injured survivor who already needs to mend. It’s basically just a reward for an extremely rare circumstance, unless you’re facing potato survivors.
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- It probably should be on the fourth hit and Legions base speed increased to 5.4 m/s.
- Survivors being afraid to mend immediately is a good thing for Legions.
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It's a one hit down...it's not something that's supposed to be easily achieved. There's also the chained movement speed increases to consider.
Survivors will play around it by not mending, which also gives an advantage to Legion there.
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If a legion strikes a deep wound survivor for their 5th hit does it still down?
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the fifth hit will be against a likely already deep wounded survivor.
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It's possible if they immediately mend.
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It will be effective against potatoes. Which is the only way Legion is effective anyway.
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i think 4th hit is gonna be add-on. My guess is either cold study or frank tape. Dev always under-cut killer's base-kit because of add-ons. It forces killers to use add-ons.
Survivor are going moan about legion add-on, saying they over-buffed legion like with wraith.
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They probably will. I say we will see about 10 post here on first day of PTB that legion is to strong. But you know what I don't care give them heat seeking missiles or God knows what they have been weak for long enough
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Of course, I understand, I know it is a resource that the Legion player must earn, but it is a very difficult thing even with 4 players, we will not be able to talk to 3 players :3
Obviously it can't be easy when it's a "strong" resource but only with 4 players.
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I have thought that, a red or purple Addon to decrease only 1.
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You basically are guaranteed to get it if you get 4 since there shouldn’t be anything stopping you from just hitting the 4th survivor twice in a row, right?
At that point you’d be 6m/s so you’d be running at the same speed as them for 2 seconds after you hit them and then you’d catch up quickly.
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well the lack of scratch marks might be an issue on some maps, its better to go after the pinged survivors instead.
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They would only have killer instinct if they finished mending already. You can intentionally delay mending to avoid being revealed.
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Even if you do avoid mending that is time lost waiting till legion is finished ff. My concern is more that players will just wait to get stabbed then drop a pallet. To deny the 5th hit. Even then endurimg spiirtfury could make it a lose lose situation.
Worse case scenario you now have increased game delay. Best case scenario someone drops a pallet on you triggers spirit fury and you down them anyway.
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same prediction.
Enduring spirit fury takes a while to build-up. Running enduring spirit fury now is no different than what it will be post-change. 5th hit will not occur vs good survivor players. it will be funny though for casual games. might happen here and there.
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yes - it's irrespective of the health state of the 5th survivor.
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survivors will 99 their mend after they get hit
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Some killers have instadown in their basekit that can arguably be achieved more easily.
But maybe I am wrong.
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I still didn't see an answer to what a lot of people asked: what if the legion hits twice the 4th survivor? There's nothing that survivor can do about it.
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Yeah, I really want to be excited about Legion and welcome the buffs, but they're not really going to make a dent against experienced survivors. The spit up counterplay (which is what virtually all decent+ survs do anyway) is still going to kick Legion's butt.
I almost never even have the opportunity to hit more than 2 or maybe 3 survs with ff, much less all 4. These buffs are going to make Legion more effective against who they are already effective against - noobs who herd together.
IMO, the more effective thing to do will be to further decrease the post-frenzy cooldown, to 2 secs. Being brought to a near halt for 2 seconds is still pretty significant in chase. Or maybe further increase the speed boost for each ff hit and make the killer instinct map wide. Or add 30 secs of broken to deep wounds.
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The killer can hit the 4th survivor twice to get that down yes.
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You have serveral similar situations on each side that are basically the same if you are not biased towards a specific side and/or killer.
If a Legion hits a fourth survivor, it is either a very lucky Legion, or a very skilled one. In both cases you can let the Legion that little fun.
It is hard enough to chain between serveral survivors, if those survivors not running around in packs. Something usually newbies do, but not experienced player anymore. If you don't believe me, play the Legion and tell me in how many matches you were able to really chain between 4 players.
TL:dr You worrie about a situation here that anyways will not come up in a normal match.
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@GoodBoyKaru here, now it is answered
Nice, legion will go back to being a "kill myself on hook" killer.
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It's not like Lethal Pursuer is a common pick for Legion anyway, nor do people start all clumped together very frequently, right?
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Aha... And that means?
I need to admit, my knoweldge is a bit rusted about dbd. After the Legion rework in 2019 I stopped playing the game, like many other people how the stats had shown to that time. Maybe the player behavior has changed and the people run yet only around in packs, but I doubt it.
If I come back - that I might will do after this patch - I bet I will mostly meet the same behavior types of killers and survivors again.
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Lethal Pursuer came up after I leaved dbd, as explained above, but after what I have read in the dbd wiki* is Lethal Pursuer a space goat that people might use to explain with it that terrible things will happen, but in reality nothing of it will happen at all.
Chillax a bit ;) :)
*Source: https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Lethal_Pursuer
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Dude, you are blowing this way out of proportion. You’re gonna DC/suicide against Legion who needs to get five successive FF hits for an insta down? Against an already injured survivor?
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And yet there is Bubba LMFAO
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Against a survivor you just hit that will be able to make 0 distance because you have almost no cooldown on your hits while going at insane speed and being able to vault pallets too
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Lethal Pursuer was a thought I had, but you are right, it's not all that common that all four survs spawn close enough together to make a difference.
And again, the first thing most good players do is split up, so this buff isn't going to change the paradigm much, it just gives Legion's power a whiff of lethality.
That makes me think, though - maybe the killer should be given a rare offering with the same effect as the shroud of binding (or an add on specifically for Legion with the same effect)
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Then bad on the first three survivors for letting him get three FF hits. Lol.
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Already to the time I played dbd has it give 1 hit killers, like meyers or bubba and survivor perks like dead heart. If all of those things got not changed, I don't see here a reason to complain besides that some people dislike the thought that Legion players might could also have fun in a match.
Fun should everyone have. Imo.
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This'll be fun in solo queue with the current ######### awful horrific matchmaking ✨
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If you split up, which is what you should be doing anyway, it's a non issue. A whole bunch of circumstances are going to have to come together for you to be on the receiving end of those last two hits. It will not be a common occurrence unless you're playing at low mmr.
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Okay? What's your point lmfao
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yeah, I was wondering that too. If someone mends right away, you could get more than one on them especially with terror radius adjusters and add ons that give extra detections range or longer duration.
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I mean, a killer is already decent in a 1 v 3, this is just to help legion get to this stage I guess
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I know it shouldn't be easily achieved,but if 1 survivor dies its impossible.
This should be changed,if a survivor die,the 4th hit becomes 1 shot,if 2 survivors die,the third hit becomes 1 shot.
I think this makes sense.
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Everyone acts like Legion will be S++ tier suddenly. Let's wait the PTB before screaming for a buff that was needed, because Legion had literally no real power. Wait... Power to injure people... Great, no Killer can do it. That was so unique.
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Yeah. Legion desperately needed the help, and since it doesn't really mitigate the usual counterplay, I don't think this bumps them above C tier, honestly. They had no lethality, and this only really gives their power lethality in a circumstance that you might see once every few games, and then only if the surv team is borderline incompetent.
Not OP in the least.