Would the Legion listen to Semetary?

If there's one thing I know about edgy teens, they love dog ######### music. Semetary is right up that alley of obscure and terrible, so what are your thoughts?
Considering legion is the from the 90s they probably listened to extremely edgy nu metal
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I bet if they were german, they would listen to "Totenmond - Honigtraum" and that is a +AAA in my book!
If I am honest, I don't know similar bands from Canada... but they must exist there also^^!
Alternativly... Garbage works always with songs like "I am only happy when it rains", or "I am paranoid".
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julie would listen to those i think
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She is my number 1 :)
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Legion is a big fan of Muse's Absolution album.
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same. susie mains can bite me. wish we got more julie skins that had the hair on it. it makes her stand out more and look less like frank with tits.
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Always envisioned Legion as being purely faithful to Metal; always listening to Slayer or Cannibal Corpse while they work.
although, now that you’ve mentioned it, they probably do listen to sth like the band Low Shoulder from the movie Jennifer’s Body🤔
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I aleays imagined them with these tastes
Frank: rock and death metal
Julie: love and sad songs
Susie: pop
Joey: rock and folk
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Legion being teens in the 90's were definitely into the grunge scene.
Nirvana (<3), Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, Mudhoney, Meat Puppets ect ect
Or maybe that's just me projecting
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I imagine Joey is the most open minded of the bunch about their musical tastes
I bet his mixtape is the most diverse when it comes to genre
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I imagine Joey listening more to synthwave