Onryo has had time to marinate; so...what are her builds looking like?

lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

To the 10 people still playing her, what's your average build looking like?

I remember somebody here recommending Enduring on her...was it Karu? Either way, it's been really helpful. People really are greeding the pallets against her. Nice to just get em over with. I like that perk.

The build I've kind of settled on atm has been BBQ, Nurses, I'm All Ears and Bamboozle or Enduring depending on my mood.

Bbq is pretty basic but the auras have actually been really clutch for keeping up the pressure. Bbq ensures I'm not wasting TVs and keep up Condemn pressure. Even just a basic "hook, tp away, tp back after unhook" has been good to harass survivors.

Nurses has been really good too. Honestly I've been struggling to end chases against some God loopers; I dont have any tools outside of phase to help in chase so more often than not, I'm sometimes better off giving up and trying again in 30 seconds. Sometimes restarting the chase is just what is needed.

I'm all Ears has been kinda fun as well. I focus heavily on the macro game with Sadako, but I have IAE to give my micro game a boost so I'm not wasting too much time on one guy. I've elected to focus more on using my game sense to do as much damage to the team as a whole, instead of trying to maintain control over the level.

IMO, no amount of Thanatophobia or slowdown makes Sadako a huge threat over other killers, so I feel like I've been better served trying to just outright dismantle teams. Having 2 survivors on hook has been a more consistent slowdown than Ruin and Friends. This makes Pain Res adecent option as well.


  • cordonrouge
    cordonrouge Member Posts: 155

    my build is usually something like: thanatophobia, hex: haunted ground, hex: undying, hex: noed.

    i feel like it works pretty well since it occupies so many totem spots and survivors tend to bless dull totems only, as it takes too much time to bless hexes, especially with thanatophobia, giving you opportunities to defend them and catch them off position at a totem. running this build i've noticed that i don't see many CoH which messes me up pretty bad when i play sadako. you could also swap thanatophobia with nurse calling or hex: thrill of the hunt.

    also if i see two or more flashlights i bring lightborne. the 10 second aura vision can make you win a loop with insane mindgames thanks to sadako's short height, and i feel like people forget that this part of the perk is even there.

    i think people focus too much on slowdown perks and don't realize that all the time spent cleansing totems is also a form of slowdown. my mmr is not insanely high by the way, i believe it is medium or perhaps medium high. against a 4swf i doubt this build would work though.

  • prion11
    prion11 Member Posts: 361

    BBQ - know where to tv right after hooking

    Make your choice - TV right back to the hook after they unhook and collect your insta down

    Floods of rage - know exactly where the exposed person from MYC is

    Slowdown perk of your choice

  • Rooftopper
    Rooftopper Member Posts: 141

    condemn is a joke so you have to make builds for her other powers

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    She synergizes really well with stealth and exposed perks I've noticed.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    I remember somebody here recommending Enduring on her...was it Karu? Either way, it's been really helpful. People really are greeding the pallets against her. Nice to just get em over with. I like that perk.

    That was me :)

    My build rn is Pop/Corrupt/Enduring/BBQ, or Ruin/Undying/Enduring/BBQ, whatever I'm in the mood for. Either Well Stone + Cabin Sign, Clump Of Hair + Reiko's Watch, or Yoichi's Fishing Net + RIng Drawing.

    Sometimes I'll stick on MYC/FOR/Enduring/Pop with Iri Tape + Bloody Nails, quite fun. Hook at FOR, tp away, pop a gen, tp back and down the unhooker with MYC, refreshing all TV cooldowns in the process. Rinse and repeat.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,065

    Given her teleporting, how is Hex: Retribution on her?

  • Waterfall
    Waterfall Member Posts: 202

    Idk my Onryo is still medium rare I’ll give her a few more minutes to be well done add some seasoning and be back to comment.

  • Percival_nxs
    Percival_nxs Member Posts: 193

    Im currently in a win streak and my build is:

    Ruin + Undying + Haunted ground + Pentimento.

    What i do is pressure the gens at the early game thanks to the Ruin, hitting survivors, not necessary downing them (with this killer you cant commit to chases).

    They will waste a lot of time by looking for the totems and with pentimento this is even Better.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    I usually use Hex: Plaything, Dead Man's Switch, Merciless Storm, and STBFL.

    Hex: Plaything: Can help sneak up on survivors after manifesting.

    Dead Man's Switch: When teleporting to a TV and a survivor is on a nearby gen, if they let go of it, it will get blocked off.

    Merciless Storm: In combination with DMS. If you can't get to a gen in time, Merciless Storm can help block off gens. Also good for blocking off nearly completed gens when sneaking up on survivors.

    STBFL: Faster hit cooldown after manifesting.

    And I usually use these perks combined with Well Water and Clump Of Hair. It's basically a build around sneaking up on survivors.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Marinate the Onryo.

    I run Merciless/Ruin/Rancor/Monitor and Abuse. Works well.

    ...if it doesn't I'll just demanifest and hang out with the obsession while you guys work on the final generator. We're best friends now.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,520

    Good build if COH didn't exist, getting exposed (for lets be generous and asume 120 seconds with two procs thx to undying), but gaining COH and a dull totem to apply it all match is a no brainer, also shes not like slinger/spirit/nurse in which exposed is actually threathening, shes m1, you can waste all of the exposed time on a good loop and dunk on her.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    If I had the Perks I wanted, I would use something like Corrupt Intervention/Barbecue And Chili/Pop Goes The Weasel/Call Of Brine.

    A more "meme" build would probably be something like Corrupt Intervention/Play With Your Food/Scourge Hook: Floods Of Rage/Make Your Choice

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    Losing collision while demanifested feels great! Rancor is particularily spooky on her 👻