This is consistently the BEST part about DBD and BHVR, and I never see it get appreciation

Have they ever made a bad piece of chase music? Terror radius theme? Pallet breaking sound? (looking at you sadako) even the default chase music is great in its own way. I can already tell they are going to nail it again with the new legion music + add ons... whoever does the sound at BVHR, I wish I could buy them a beer
Okay, mostly true, alternatively though, Kate's original scream.
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Elodie's glitched scream
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Doctor's is painfully bad in the most literal sense of the words. Elodie's scream of death that used to overpower your sound settings.
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If you're talking about his chase music, it's supposed to sound painful, as if you yourself were going insane
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Kate's original scream was fantastic
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But I'm already insane from playing the hit videogame Dead by Daylight. This just sounds like overkill tbh.
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if you ever just KYF and get a chance take your time admire the realms through immersion w/o the constant terror radius and chase themes drowning it al out, the surrounding graphic art n sfx are really beautiful. Certain areas of each level are extremely freaky!
Lerys is a creepy masterpiece
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please dont remember me about that...
my ears still hurt from that one time i acidentally Static Blasted an Elodie sitting right next to me!
back to the topic at hand though, yeah the sound and art design team of BHVR are doing a consistently amazing job!
huge props to these guys and gals, their work keeps impressing me! the art and sounddesign are definitely one of this games strongsuits.
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Wasn't doctors chase music actually toned down after his ptb
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Billy’s chainsaw rush scream/roar/whatever the hell it is was pretty bad sound design
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In DBD, everything related to the art is simply incredible. Sound design is one of the things that made me fall in love with this game back in 2017 (even with the HUGE balance issues it had back then). The chase music, hearing a survivor grunting in pain after you hit them, the sound the Entity makes when taking a sacrificed survivor, killer-unique sounds like Michael's breathing, it all gave a feeling of immersion.
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She's a scream queen lol Lisa's Is Intense too :/
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The art in DBD is absolutely fantastic as well. Just *chefs kiss*, the art and sound dept really out here giving us the best.
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Ahh yes I do love the duck sounds when I 360 a spirit
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Sound painful is one thing, being actually pain inducing is another.
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i completely agree, sound and art design are phenomenal and carried this game hard!
not saying other departments don’t do great jobs, and some are not actually at fault on their own (community team may not be able to talk about everything they actually want to, quality assurance may not have enough time/resources with a tight schedule, balancing with this kind of community is never gonna be perfect or even close to that… etc)
but yeah. Sound, music, map and character design, atmosphere etc all great.
… except for the current fog/lightning which kinda hurts the atmosphere… which is probably to prevent survs from immersing too much plus attempts to optimize the game?
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We need it back.
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To be honest the new Legion music doesn't really sound like what I would expect from a Killer. There's less ambience, and kind of feels like a rock/metal concert?
Though all the other music and sounds are great. Especially Claudette's scream.
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His chase music in the PTB was quite literally, and I mean literally, metal scraping against metal constantly. There wasn't a tune to it, it wasn't creative, it was just SCRAPE SCRAPE SCRAPE SCRAPE SCRAPE SCRAPE SCRAPE.
They added a lot more to it for the live version.