Oh hawking's I miss you :(

I loved this map, survivor or killer it didnt matter. This map showed how skillful you truly was at mindgame unsafe pallets and understanding what could create insane loops.
I know most hated it, but I loved it.
I absolutely despised it
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Honestly me too. And i hated this map whlle we had it.
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It was the only indoor map that I didn't mind getting. I do miss it too. They should keep the layout and just redesign the interior so it doesnt look like hawkins and make it a new map :P
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That map was god awful. Lerrys and RPD should’ve went with it..
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Miss it so much you spelt it wrong 🤸🏻
(not a jab I thought it was funny)
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☝🏽Yes, do this plz☺️
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You're a demo, your past gives you a reason to hate it lol
Oh I never hated it, I get it was a hard one for survivors but if you knew the map well it wasnt too bad, had some great infinites against basic attack killers
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I am Nurse and Nemesis main. Nemesis loved this map. Let's not talk for Nurse.
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I think it was intentional. Hawkings sounds like a compliment
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Of all indoor maps I think RPD and Midwich are way worse, I didnt LOVE the map but comparing it with the other indoors I would prefer it 10000x over the rest
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i didnt even get to play it
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Yeah I guess my phone thought I meant Stephen hawking's lol 😂
Yeah nurse could be a challenge, tbh I dont play nurse much as I never found her that "fun". Might be because I mained her at one point and got bored
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Most killers loved it, most survivors hated it 😂 felt like I was the only survivor to actually love it and do well on it
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The worst map. For killer and survivor. All loops were extremely unsafe.
The only thought I had in loading screen was not to spawn on Hawkins. Glad its forever gone.
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Honestly I'd rather the Game map forever be gone than Hawkins. But at least we still have the characters if we bought them in time *shrug*
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I liked it and losing it was a big shame. Lack of maps is a clear issue this game has so losing one for free was disappointing
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I hated the map but not gonna lie I do miss it at the same time.