What's something that used to be "broken" that you miss?

Lx_malice Member Posts: 1,417

Just thought we could take the time to reminisce some of the old overtuned stuff from the game's past. Basically what's something that used to be broken af in the game that you kinda miss? Or at least admit you enjoyed with guilty pleasure?

Examples would be OLD old moris, insta-syringes, insta saw, machine gun build, specific infinites, etc..

Personally I (lowkey) miss old omega blink on Nurse. It was rightfully nerfed, but being able to zoom around the map so easily and effortlessly gave you that power role feeling sixfold. I see people comparing the currently bugged omega blink to the old one, but it's not even close. You had to have been there at the time and have actually used it. Was wild.

Anywho how about you guys?
