What's something that used to be "broken" that you miss?

Just thought we could take the time to reminisce some of the old overtuned stuff from the game's past. Basically what's something that used to be broken af in the game that you kinda miss? Or at least admit you enjoyed with guilty pleasure?
Examples would be OLD old moris, insta-syringes, insta saw, machine gun build, specific infinites, etc..
Personally I (lowkey) miss old omega blink on Nurse. It was rightfully nerfed, but being able to zoom around the map so easily and effortlessly gave you that power role feeling sixfold. I see people comparing the currently bugged omega blink to the old one, but it's not even close. You had to have been there at the time and have actually used it. Was wild.
Anywho how about you guys?
I dont miss anythibg that was broken but i definitely miss other stuff.
Events for example.
Real Events.
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Fair enough. I still recall that summer event with the cocktail gens and grill hooks. I was still relatively new to the game at the time, but that one is the most memorable for me. Probably because it was my first event. Dunno why they never brought it back.
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Also Lunar Event
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Old object could be pretty fun when running solo. It’s only issue was swf mainly
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First hook mori in these current times...
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Lol I remember being tunneled out of the match for using it, but that was the point. Solos who ran it just wanted to get chased.
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Hmmm I believe what you mean to say is first DOWN mori? 🤣
Wasn't around for it myself but damn. I can imagine.
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Old clip but doing this with old instant heals
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This was also completely unintentional I was wondering ######### I did
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Old Balanced Landing. Because it just felt better to not stagger when falling down from any height, regardless if during Looping or not.
Sadly it got neutered into basically useless instead of fixing the core problem.
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Ah this was also at the time of semi old ds.
Speaking of old insta heals though I accidentally syringed myself to full from the dying state once. Iirc I was playing against a doctor and syringed right as he was downing me and I got to speed boost away at full health lol.
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God old balanced landing was amazing
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i miss moon offerings even tho it was unfair at times it was what made claudettes the ultimate ninja
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Also another thing
I miss being able to use a syringe when a guy would down someone Infront of the exit gate felt so dirty
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It was the fault of bad map design rather than the perk itself. Mostly Haddonfield ofc, but with it and other maps being updated I don't see why it shouldn't be able to make a comeback in the future.
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I almost forgot they nerfed claudette at one point by making her clothes more visible or something like that lol.
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Exactly. And if you think about it, they changed BL, but Haddonfield was still a Nightmare to play on as Killer.
And IMO the newer Maps do it better - because you have Drops next to most vaults. E.g. on Midwich Balanced Landing would not be a problem, because the Killer can just use the doorway next to the Window and this makes it impossible to loop the window multiple times as Survivor. (Obviously, some Spots would still be problematic, balconies on Dead Dawg Saloon with only Windows and no Drop)
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The other day I played against a swf running for the people and soul guard. Quite the combo especially with dead hard in the mix. The got some cheeky revives in my face. I should've realised sooner that what I should've done was go for the one using ftp, but I was a bit too dumbfounded. Anyways with a couple of friends you can relive those times.
What sucks about ftp is when you use it in solo q it takes the survivor a hot minute to realize what you did because they just don't expect it and it can result in them pretty much going right back down.
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I liked to run Sprint Burst and Balanced Landing back in 2016 when there was no Exhaustion, instead the Perks had seperate cooldowns.
Run up the Myers house with Sprint Burst, wait for the Killer and then drop down to get another Sprint Burst.
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Broke: using FTP to heal others
Woke: using FTP for an extra 2500 survival points after you escape the trial
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Not quite.
You had to hook each person at least one to mori them.
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Oh you don't know? There was a time where moris would straight up let you kill a survivor the first time you downed them. No hooks needed.
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Oh wow... i'll take that back in a heartbeat.
I promise to use it responsibly :)
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Crack Billy will live on in my heart forever.
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I'll just leave this here.
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Oh dear god yes crack Billy. Rip.
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Old Rat Tail that decreased the Portal opening speed by 50%. It wasn't op or even needed the nerf but it was apparently op enough to warrant a nerf
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I can't really say I really miss anything broken. Because I rarely used e.g., the broken insta heals, insta flash or insta gen addons.
But when those things were nerfed I did regret not using them at the time, just... to have used them whilst they were still a thing.
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Just like them nerfing 1 percent off clown's 5% hinder addon? Why? I have no ######### clue bruh. Just Bhvr things.
50% Faster portal opening sounds like more quality of life than a real advantage tbh.
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It halved the Portal opening speed, from 1 second to 0.5, but it got nerfed to only decrease it by 35%, which doesn't seem like much of a nerf but I personally barely feel the speed difference, maybe because I was so used to the old Rat Tail speed
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Just like me with every new lol champ that isn't really balanced and regretting not abusing their strength to climb ranks.
But honestly, not really.
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Wouldn't really call them broken but the moonlight offerings. Some maps looked so good with them applied, and not even only talking about the less light ones. Haddonfield and good old blue-filter MacMillan with brightest moonlight looked wonderful 👌
Of the actually busted stuff nah can't say I miss any of it.
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☝🏽This place😔
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Moon bouqet offerings, old DS,OOO and the old hillbilly.
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Never got the chance to try it myself... But machine gun build!
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Old undying
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The original snowcat loop on Mount Ormond.
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Old Balanced Landing :(
Even tho its nerf was much healthier for the game, using it was so much fun back then. Now it's just resigned to a fate of being okay/used for tome challenges.
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You could rotate killers in a match lobby even after survivors appeared.
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I kinda miss dribbling Survivors
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Easily slinger instant ads. Guys can barely score a kill these days. They really did mess up bad with those changes.
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OG Prayer Beads Bracelet.
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Nemesis used to have an addon called Marvin's Blood that let him hit tier 2 by hitting a survivor twice.
I miss it so much.
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Nothing really, I missed when events were unique & were actually events and not bloodpoint events, I miss the tint & aesthetic of the old maps. ESPECIALLY macmillan.
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Old Legion, bring him back. It was really funny pub stomping with him.
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Dc after dc when playing him and the survivors realized it. I don't think I've ever had more dcs in such a small span of time as when release Legion was in the game.
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instead of fixing the damn infinites on haddonfield they decided to just gut the perk entirely... classic bhvr
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Yep always the cop out
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Old Balanced Landing. It was fun to use, even while not in chases, but now it's been nerfed into uselessness. Should've just fixed the main problem: Map design.