Prove thy self buff=30 second gens

sorrowen Member Posts: 742
edited January 2019 in General Discussions

I guess the devs really are brain dead if they thought this but they made Legion as well so yeah...also their data do they get from events or out of a magic hat? actually they go faster with just average tool boxes as well with this buff not to mention Commodious Toolbox or any of the better toolboxes


  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828
    Prove Thyself is insane tbh. Especially for SWF I feel bad for killers having to deal with that when genrushing is already an issue.

    Rip the bad killers especially.
  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,904

    I am loving the buff to Prove Thyself. And those extra bloodpoints....mmmmm so nice.

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    I was wondering ######### happened earlier. I ran into a SWF team with toolboxes and the new changed perks that finished two generators before I could even walk to a second gen, and I was just like... Are you kidding me?

  • Reaktans
    Reaktans Member Posts: 10
    edited January 2019

    a jenerator shouldn't be complete under 50-60 seconds no matter perks, toolboxes or how many survivor working on it. This game is really poorly balanced for either side.

  • ForeheadSurviors
    ForeheadSurviors Member Posts: 154
    You’re allowing more than 3 people on a gen? Talk about no map pressure 
  • AntiJelly
    AntiJelly Member Posts: 1,155

    @sorrowen said:
    I guess the devs really are brain dead if they thought this but they made Legion as well so yeah...also their data do they get from events or out of a magic hat? actually they go faster with just average tool boxes as well with this buff not to mention Commodious Toolbox or any of the better toolboxes

    In a realistic scenario, there will usually be one person one in a chase, and three on generators. Usually, the three other survivors will be split either 2 and 1 or all three separate. Prove thyself makes a difference of 0.2 extra charges on a two man generator. You wanna know what difference that makes compared to the default speed? 4.4 seconds.

  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742

    Its basically Bhvr doubling down on the already fast gen meta but Bhvr loves taking their time fixing issues like Freddy's buffs or they shadow nerf which they have been doing.

  • AntiJelly
    AntiJelly Member Posts: 1,155

    @sorrowen said:
    Its basically Bhvr doubling down on the already fast gen meta but Bhvr loves taking their time fixing issues like Freddy's buffs or they shadow nerf which they have been doing.

    You complain about this minor perk buff, but not toolboxes? You are quite the enigma.

  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742

    Its more the combo but really gens go very fast even without the toolboxes

  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441

    If this is possible with two ######### people, there's a goddamn problem:

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526
    edited January 2019

    @Maximus7 said:
    If this is possible with two [BAD WORD] people, there's a goddamn problem:

    Are you the guy telling the developers to kill themselves? You seem lovely!

    Edit: and even if you're not - it's not exactly a nice thing to say over a video game lmfao.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Maximus7 said:
    If this is possible with two [BAD WORD] people, there's a goddamn problem:

    Are you the guy telling the developers to kill themselves? You seem lovely!

    These are the type of people who get ignored and hopefully will be driven away from the game and realistically it's an issue with the tool boxes. It's similar to an issue they'd discovered already and they fixed 1 set of numbers but this slipped through.

    What probably happened was it got changed on their side properly but for some reason the change didn't activate client side like it was supposed to. We'll probably get a hotfix shortly or the perk will get temp disabled.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @powerbats said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Maximus7 said:
    If this is possible with two [BAD WORD] people, there's a goddamn problem:

    Are you the guy telling the developers to kill themselves? You seem lovely!

    These are the type of people who get ignored and hopefully will be driven away from the game and realistically it's an issue with the tool boxes. It's similar to an issue they'd discovered already and they fixed 1 set of numbers but this slipped through.

    What probably happened was it got changed on their side properly but for some reason the change didn't activate client side like it was supposed to. We'll probably get a hotfix shortly or the perk will get temp disabled.

    Toolboxes are trash tbh but yea - it does seem pretty fast, hopefully they'll change it.

  • trendyfartknocker
    trendyfartknocker Member Posts: 76

    Chiming in to say that the devs really need to play their own game AS OTHERS DO, not in some kiddie sandbox where real world game mechanics mean jack #########. This buff was already unnecessary, but they made it even worse by going OVER THE TOP.

    Watched McLean on twitch today suggest that the mechanic wasn't giving any bonus beyond what could already be achieved previously due to some "penalty" in the code. Yeah, I like McLean, but he has absolutely zero visibility into his own work, it seems, as do the rest of the developers.

  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742
    edited January 2019

    @trendyfartknocker said:
    Chiming in to say that the devs really need to play their own game AS OTHERS DO, not in some kiddie sandbox where real world game mechanics mean jack #########. This buff was already unnecessary, but they made it even worse by going OVER THE TOP.

    Watched McLean on twitch today suggest that the mechanic wasn't giving any bonus beyond what could already be achieved previously due to some "penalty" in the code. Yeah, I like McLean, but he has absolutely zero visibility into his own work, it seems, as do the rest of the developers.

    Well most of the devs suck at their game to be honest and depend on "data" this can be screwed over from anything to events and bugs. Most aren't even half decent killers or they are functional at it in the least but I agree the devs are out of touch hence these obscene buffs like the prove thy self buff which was unneeded unless they wanted twitch clips of "fastest gen ever" which they are getting because buffing prove thy self was typical bhvr not listen do things no one asked them for because unknown reasons....

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    GenRush 100

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    I'm assuming this is 3 people on a Gen right? Because i'm pretty sure that was usually around 33 seconds anyway. So this isn't really a big deal.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @MojoTheFabulous said:
    I'm assuming this is 3 people on a Gen right? Because i'm pretty sure that was usually around 33 seconds anyway. So this isn't really a big deal.

    Which is something these people seem to forget that 3 people hitting great skill checks will kill a gen fast which is why Discordance is so nice for the smart killers that use it.

  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441
    SenzuDuck said:

    @Maximus7 said:
    If this is possible with two [BAD WORD] people, there's a goddamn problem:

    Are you the guy telling the developers to kill themselves? You seem lovely!

    Edit: and even if you're not - it's not exactly a nice thing to say over a video game lmfao.

    First off, I'm not that guy. That was a friend of mine who just had a rage moment, nothing more, nothing less. I wouldn't ever say someone should actually kill themselves, I've been down that path and it's not pretty. While I'll joke about it from time to time, I know the ramifications of actually meaning it or saying it to the wrong person. What I do condone, however, is letting the devs know when they screwed up, and they screwed up big time with this patch.

    powerbats said:

    What probably happened was it got changed on their side properly but for some reason the change didn't activate client side like it was supposed to. We'll probably get a hotfix shortly or the perk will get temp disabled.

    This may surprise you with some of the comments I've seen from you here, but sometimes, a developer pushes out a bad fix. And BHVR kind of has a reputation or bad patches. Nowhere in Prove Thyself's description does it say it doesn't stack with toolboxes or other bonuses, and it even says the bonus for it is applied to every other survivor on the generator with you.

    @MojoTheFabulous not sure what situation Sorrowen specifically was talking about here, but from my experience, it only requires two people, toolboxes, and PT to do gens in 30 seconds at most. With three people and no toolboxes with PT, I think the time it takes is more like 25? But that's an estimate, not actual math.
  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441
    powerbats said:

    @MojoTheFabulous said:
    I'm assuming this is 3 people on a Gen right? Because i'm pretty sure that was usually around 33 seconds anyway. So this isn't really a big deal.

    Which is something these people seem to forget that 3 people hitting great skill checks will kill a gen fast which is why Discordance is so nice for the smart killers that use it.

    Except as soon as survivors realize you have Discordance, they either split up and do separate gens (the old meta strat) or just power through a gen in less than 30 seconds easily while another person gets chased. Discordance is nothing more than a band-aid fix, and one that doesn't exactly work too well (or at all) against coordinated groups that want to win by the most efficient strat (which will always be split up and do separate gens).
  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    edited January 2019

    @AntiJelly said:

    @sorrowen said:
    Its basically Bhvr doubling down on the already fast gen meta but Bhvr loves taking their time fixing issues like Freddy's buffs or they shadow nerf which they have been doing.

    You complain about this minor perk buff, but not toolboxes? You are quite the enigma.

    Except it isn't a "minor buff." Normally it takes 160 seconds to repair all 5 gens if all 3 Survivors are doing a proper genrush.

    If the Survivors run leader and all work together, they will have all 5 gens done in 133 seconds. That's nearly a half a minute saved. This isn't even considering toolboxes or other gen repair bonuses.

    "Minor buff" lol

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Maximus7 said:

    This may surprise you with some of the comments I've seen from you here, but sometimes, a developer pushes out a bad fix. And BHVR kind of has a reputation or bad patches. Nowhere in Prove Thyself's description does it say it doesn't stack with toolboxes or other bonuses, and it even says the bonus for it is applied to every other survivor on the generator with you.

    Oh I'm aware of that but if you watch the last devstream where they explicitly talk about that bug during the PTB that is was being multiplied incorrectly. The bug wasn't supposed to go live and on their end they'd patched it and it didn't work.

    So I'm not sure what happened and whether or not they missed it or another change popped that bug back in or they forgot to change it again.

    I'll have to find the exact time stamp they talked about it and it's on the forums somewhere I even posted about it 2 weeks or so ago with the timestamp.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,085

    Use Discordance.

    Seriously, whenever a Survivor complains about NOED, people are telling him to cleanse the Totems (which is correct) and to run Small Game.

    And now Discordance, which would be the Counter to Prove Thyself, is ignored?

  • Killigma
    Killigma Member Posts: 372

    @Aven_Fallen said:
    Use Discordance.

    Seriously, whenever a Survivor complains about NOED, people are telling him to cleanse the Totems (which is correct) and to run Small Game.

    And now Discordance, which would be the Counter to Prove Thyself, is ignored?

    Survivors are able to REMOVE NOED, by cleansing the totem.
    Discordance is a band aid at best because it only removes one Survivor out of four from a gen rush. Plus all Survivors can just split up, making the perk worthless.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,531
    edited January 2019

    I'm assuming this is 3 people on a Gen right? Because i'm pretty sure that was usually around 33 seconds anyway. So this isn't really a big deal.

    This is correct. It was faster in fact because previously the generator speed penalty for multiple survivors working on the same generator was not working correctly. With 2.5.0, that was fixed and it now applies properly. By default, multiple survivors are slower and prove thyself negates that.

    Short version is that it hasn't really changed, you just need a perk now to do what you could do without a perk before.
    Post edited by Peanits on
  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,085

    @Killigma said:

    @Aven_Fallen said:
    Use Discordance.

    Seriously, whenever a Survivor complains about NOED, people are telling him to cleanse the Totems (which is correct) and to run Small Game.

    And now Discordance, which would be the Counter to Prove Thyself, is ignored?

    Survivors are able to REMOVE NOED, by cleansing the totem.
    Discordance is a band aid at best because it only removes one Survivor out of four from a gen rush. Plus all Survivors can just split up, making the perk worthless.

    And if all Survivors Split up, that would make Prove Thyself worthless...

    People will probably not run it for a longer period.

  • Killigma
    Killigma Member Posts: 372

    @Aven_Fallen said:

    @Killigma said:

    @Aven_Fallen said:
    Use Discordance.

    Seriously, whenever a Survivor complains about NOED, people are telling him to cleanse the Totems (which is correct) and to run Small Game.

    And now Discordance, which would be the Counter to Prove Thyself, is ignored?

    Survivors are able to REMOVE NOED, by cleansing the totem.
    Discordance is a band aid at best because it only removes one Survivor out of four from a gen rush. Plus all Survivors can just split up, making the perk worthless.

    And if all Survivors Split up, that would make Prove Thyself worthless...

    People will probably not run it for a longer period.

    It does not make it worthless because if one Survivor is looping the Killer, the other three can go back to gens. I agree that people might not use it enough to be meta, I am just annoyed that instead of fixing how quick games go by, they throw another band aid at this issue.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,531
    edited January 2019
    Killigma said:

    @Aven_Fallen said:

    @Killigma said:

    @Aven_Fallen said:
    Use Discordance.

    Seriously, whenever a Survivor complains about NOED, people are telling him to cleanse the Totems (which is correct) and to run Small Game.

    And now Discordance, which would be the Counter to Prove Thyself, is ignored?

    Survivors are able to REMOVE NOED, by cleansing the totem.
    Discordance is a band aid at best because it only removes one Survivor out of four from a gen rush. Plus all Survivors can just split up, making the perk worthless.

    And if all Survivors Split up, that would make Prove Thyself worthless...

    People will probably not run it for a longer period.

    It does not make it worthless because if one Survivor is looping the Killer, the other three can go back to gens. I agree that people might not use it enough to be meta, I am just annoyed that instead of fixing how quick games go by, they throw another band aid at this issue.

    What he's saying is that splitting up and working on separate generators is still more efficient, since you do not get the speed penalty for having multiple survivors working on the same generator. Prove thyself is mostly just a different way to play for some extra points, but if the killer interrupts that generator, they stop three survivors from progressing.
    Post edited by Peanits on
  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154
    edited January 2019

    @Peanits said:
    This is correct. It was faster in fact because previously the generator speed penalty for multiple survivors working in the same generator was not working correctly. With 2.5.0, that was fixed and it now applies properly. By default, multiple survivors are slower and prove thyself negates that.

    Short version is that it hasn't really changed, you just need a perk now to do what you could do without a perk before.

    Are you saying that for the past 2.5 years Killers were given the illusion that multiple survivors on gens = slower repair speed but that wasn't even the case?

    I'm not sure what to think about that tbh.

    If you remove the "multiple Survivors" penalty with Prove Thyself, it turn the 33,3s gens into 26.6s gens.

    While this doesn't look like a lot, it's actually 20% faster and if you add those 20% up for 5 gens, you skip a whole generator simply for running this perk. It doesn't require anything else.

    As a comparision: A Killer requires 4 hooks to get a similar result with Pop Goes The Weasel.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,085

    @Killigma said:

    @Aven_Fallen said:

    @Killigma said:

    @Aven_Fallen said:
    Use Discordance.

    Seriously, whenever a Survivor complains about NOED, people are telling him to cleanse the Totems (which is correct) and to run Small Game.

    And now Discordance, which would be the Counter to Prove Thyself, is ignored?

    Survivors are able to REMOVE NOED, by cleansing the totem.
    Discordance is a band aid at best because it only removes one Survivor out of four from a gen rush. Plus all Survivors can just split up, making the perk worthless.

    And if all Survivors Split up, that would make Prove Thyself worthless...

    People will probably not run it for a longer period.

    It does not make it worthless because if one Survivor is looping the Killer, the other three can go back to gens. I agree that people might not use it enough to be meta, I am just annoyed that instead of fixing how quick games go by, they throw another band aid at this issue.

    Yeah, but when you use Discordance, you would know that they are working on one Gen. And when they only do the Gens far away from you, they will split the map. Not saying that Discordance is an awesome Perk, but it is not that bad.

    Regarding the Time:
    If I understand it correctly, the time is the same as before, they just corrected the time you need to spend on a Gen without using Prove Thyself.

    Besides that, the only issue I have with the new Prove Thyself is, that it can be very good for organized SWF, but not as effective for Solo players. If I would use Prove Thyself and I am working on a Gen with another Survivor running it, one of us has a useless Perk at this point. Or, I can simply work alone on a Gen and Prove Thyself does nothing. Or, I need to run Bond, to make it effective. All of those things an organized SWF does not have.
    But I think with those, there are other areas where actions should be taken.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154
    edited January 2019

    @Aven_Fallen said:
    Besides that, the only issue I have with the new Prove Thyself is, that it can be very good for organized SWF, but not as effective for Solo players. If I would use Prove Thyself and I am working on a Gen with another Survivor running it, one of us has a useless Perk at this point. Or, I can simply work alone on a Gen and Prove Thyself does nothing. Or, I need to run Bond, to make it effective. All of those things an organized SWF does not have.
    But I think with those, there are other areas where actions should be taken.

    You should read the description for Prove Thyself again because it seems like you don't really understand how it works. If you have Prove Thyself and work with someone else, you get 10% bonus speed. If the other person also has Prove Thyself, they also get 10% bonus speed. If a 3rd Survivor with prove thyself works on that gen, everyone gets a 20% repair speed boost.

    That's the MAIN issue. It's a perk that promotes gen rush and it's a perk that can be used at it's full potential mainly by coordinated SWFs - something that's already imbalanced and hard to deal with while it's pretty much useless for solos.

    Well done!

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,085

    @PiiFree said:

    @Aven_Fallen said:
    Besides that, the only issue I have with the new Prove Thyself is, that it can be very good for organized SWF, but not as effective for Solo players. If I would use Prove Thyself and I am working on a Gen with another Survivor running it, one of us has a useless Perk at this point. Or, I can simply work alone on a Gen and Prove Thyself does nothing. Or, I need to run Bond, to make it effective. All of those things an organized SWF does not have.
    But I think with those, there are other areas where actions should be taken.

    You should read the description for Prove Thyself again because it seems like you don't really understand how it works. If you have Prove Thyself and work with someone else, you get 10% bonus speed. If the other person also has Prove Thyself, they also get 10% bonus speed. If a 3rd Survivor with prove thyself works on that gen, everyone gets a 20% repair speed boost.

    That's the MAIN issue. It's a perk that promotes gen rush and it's a perk that can be used at it's full potential mainly by coordinated SWFs - something that's already imbalanced and hard to deal with while it's pretty much useless for solos.

    Well done!

    Am I stupid or are you stupid?
    "Survivors can only be affected by one Prove Thyself effect at a time."

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    @PiiFree said:

    @Peanits said:
    This is correct. It was faster in fact because previously the generator speed penalty for multiple survivors working in the same generator was not working correctly. With 2.5.0, that was fixed and it now applies properly. By default, multiple survivors are slower and prove thyself negates that.

    Short version is that it hasn't really changed, you just need a perk now to do what you could do without a perk before.

    Are you saying that for the past 2.5 years Killers were given the illusion that multiple survivors on gens = slower repair speed but that wasn't even the case?

    I'm not sure what to think about that tbh.

    If you remove the "multiple Survivors" penalty with Prove Thyself, it turn the 33,3s gens into 26.6s gens.

    While this doesn't look like a lot, it's actually 20% faster and if you add those 20% up for 5 gens, you skip a whole generator simply for running this perk. It doesn't require anything else.

    As a comparision: A Killer requires 4 hooks to get a similar result with Pop Goes The Weasel.

    Big oof

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154
    edited January 2019

    @Aven_Fallen said:

    @PiiFree said:

    @Aven_Fallen said:
    Besides that, the only issue I have with the new Prove Thyself is, that it can be very good for organized SWF, but not as effective for Solo players. If I would use Prove Thyself and I am working on a Gen with another Survivor running it, one of us has a useless Perk at this point. Or, I can simply work alone on a Gen and Prove Thyself does nothing. Or, I need to run Bond, to make it effective. All of those things an organized SWF does not have.
    But I think with those, there are other areas where actions should be taken.

    You should read the description for Prove Thyself again because it seems like you don't really understand how it works. If you have Prove Thyself and work with someone else, you get 10% bonus speed. If the other person also has Prove Thyself, they also get 10% bonus speed. If a 3rd Survivor with prove thyself works on that gen, everyone gets a 20% repair speed boost.

    That's the MAIN issue. It's a perk that promotes gen rush and it's a perk that can be used at it's full potential mainly by coordinated SWFs - something that's already imbalanced and hard to deal with while it's pretty much useless for solos.

    Well done!

    Am I stupid or are you stupid?
    "Survivors can only be affected by one Prove Thyself effect at a time."

    Good question. Does it mean that only ONE survivor at a time can be affected or does it mean only ONE prove Thyself effect can be buffed per survivor?

    One would result in an individual 20% boost and the other one would result in 3x 10% boosts.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    @PiiFree said:

    @Aven_Fallen said:

    @PiiFree said:

    @Aven_Fallen said:
    Besides that, the only issue I have with the new Prove Thyself is, that it can be very good for organized SWF, but not as effective for Solo players. If I would use Prove Thyself and I am working on a Gen with another Survivor running it, one of us has a useless Perk at this point. Or, I can simply work alone on a Gen and Prove Thyself does nothing. Or, I need to run Bond, to make it effective. All of those things an organized SWF does not have.
    But I think with those, there are other areas where actions should be taken.

    You should read the description for Prove Thyself again because it seems like you don't really understand how it works. If you have Prove Thyself and work with someone else, you get 10% bonus speed. If the other person also has Prove Thyself, they also get 10% bonus speed. If a 3rd Survivor with prove thyself works on that gen, everyone gets a 20% repair speed boost.

    That's the MAIN issue. It's a perk that promotes gen rush and it's a perk that can be used at it's full potential mainly by coordinated SWFs - something that's already imbalanced and hard to deal with while it's pretty much useless for solos.

    Well done!

    Am I stupid or are you stupid?
    "Survivors can only be affected by one Prove Thyself effect at a time."

    Good question. Does it mean that only ONE survivor at a time can be affected or does it mean only ONE prove Thyself effect can be buffed per survivor?

    One would result in an individual 20% boost and the other one would result in 3x 10% boosts.

    Only one Prove Thyself buff works at a time. They don't stack.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    @weirdkid5 said:
    Only one Prove Thyself buff works at a time. They don't stack.

    "Increases the Repair Speed by 10 % for each other Survivor working on a Generator within a range of 4 metres. Gain 50/75/100 % more Bloodpoints for cooperative Actions.

    Survivors can only be affected by one Prove Thyself effect at a time."

    Does this mean when 2x2 Survivors work on gens and both teams having one Prove Thyself, only ONE would actually work? My bad then, 30% speed buff for an individual Survivor is acceptable.

  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742
    Maximus7 said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @Maximus7 said:
    If this is possible with two [BAD WORD] people, there's a goddamn problem:

    Are you the guy telling the developers to kill themselves? You seem lovely!

    Edit: and even if you're not - it's not exactly a nice thing to say over a video game lmfao.

    First off, I'm not that guy. That was a friend of mine who just had a rage moment, nothing more, nothing less. I wouldn't ever say someone should actually kill themselves, I've been down that path and it's not pretty. While I'll joke about it from time to time, I know the ramifications of actually meaning it or saying it to the wrong person. What I do condone, however, is letting the devs know when they screwed up, and they screwed up big time with this patch.

    powerbats said:

    What probably happened was it got changed on their side properly but for some reason the change didn't activate client side like it was supposed to. We'll probably get a hotfix shortly or the perk will get temp disabled.

    This may surprise you with some of the comments I've seen from you here, but sometimes, a developer pushes out a bad fix. And BHVR kind of has a reputation or bad patches. Nowhere in Prove Thyself's description does it say it doesn't stack with toolboxes or other bonuses, and it even says the bonus for it is applied to every other survivor on the generator with you.

    @MojoTheFabulous not sure what situation Sorrowen specifically was talking about here, but from my experience, it only requires two people, toolboxes, and PT to do gens in 30 seconds at most. With three people and no toolboxes with PT, I think the time it takes is more like 25? But that's an estimate, not actual math.
    That is what I was getting at you use prove thy self with another survivor and a tool box and you get super fast gens.