How offten do you see Sadako these days?

Somewhere between "never" and "once in a blue moon". It's the pinhead situation all over again
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Fairly regularly, actually. Roughly the same amount as Nemesis, I reckon.
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If I see a Sadako once a day then its pretty good,once everyone gets bored of her,they realise she's weak and not worth playing.
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Every game session I get atleast 1 match against her. She's pretty popular in ps4 crossplay off.
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A lot. At least 20-25% of the time, some days like half of my surv matches are vs. Sadako.
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She seems reasonably popular still. I definitely see her way more than Artist who is practically non-existent. I see Nemesis more than anyone, that boy is popular
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She is not popular as Blight, Nurse, Huntress and Spirit but she comes after them for me. I am recording my games, i faced with some Sadakos.
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Every day whenever I play killer
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Honestly, I don't get the killer distributions. Lots of weird ebb and flow. I get tons of Blights and Huntresses, but almost never see a Nurse or Spirit most of the time, but when I do, it's in bunches. I recently went a week without facing a Huntress, which was truly bizarre.
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In the past five days I've only encountered her twice, and both times were the most fun I've had in a while because I love her playstyle.
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Haven´t seen her in over a week.
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Seen her all the time the first week she was out but I never saw her again after that.
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No one play her anymore.
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Probably because of the MMR tests, but she's actually been the most common killer for me in the last few days.
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I've gotten more twins than her during these mmr tests lol
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I haven't seen her in the last 3 days.
So, maybe once in 30 games.
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I see her 10% of the time maybe? She definitely has more of a presence than killers like Hag, Clown and Twins but it's not an every match thing. I enjoy seeing her, but you have to take the match seriously if she's the one chasing you down.
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Very rarely. I see Nemesis and Blight more than anything, with a few different killers here and there. I rarely ever see Sadako among those killers.
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this, Sadako and Nemesis are the killers that i get repeated the most
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Fairly often
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There is a killer called sadako in this game? huh.. didn't know
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Never, because I quit the game months ago lol. Still waiting on them to fix DH, boons and map design. Also give my boy Slinger some love, you butchered him when he wasn't even that good to begin with.
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I'm still seeing her at least once a day.
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The hype is gone, thanks God
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I don't think there was much hype since the chapter was revelead months before PTB even came up.
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First week when she came I was facing every match against her so yeah, it was hype, maybe not big, but it was
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It's true that I think I saw her more times than when Artist came out xD
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People did not love Artist i guess. She is decent but she was not even popular at her first week. Probably people got bored because of anti-loop killers.
People are playing Sadako i think for some reasons:
She is stealth killer and stealth killers loved by community. Just look pick up rates for Wraith, Ghosty and Myers. Pig is probably only one not popular.
She is fun to play and face.
And she is so adorable.
I think we will see more Sadakos after CoH nerf and Haemorrhage buff. This is good thing btw, i always appreciate different killers.
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Quite often, most of the time at least once per day.
She is far more common than other Killers were shortly after their release (e.g. I have seen way less Artist-players two weeks after the release, and Artist is without a doubt stronger than Sadako).
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Never see her because people realized she's terrible and has no real power.
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Pretty regularly actually. Far more than I ever ran into/run into Artist for example.
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Once in a blue moon. They really ######### up by making her power take ages, and not letting her see how condemned survivors are so that she can be played more strategically.
Her power does not help in chases at all, when it should help a bit, like Freddy's power does.
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Quite often, not every game like it was- but if I play twelve games a night, I usually see about five of them. I did an experiment for a while of how many killers I saw over x amount of hours/days. I should add Sadako to that and really see how often I see her now.
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anti loop killers are fun. To attempt to stifle your illusions, people hate artist because she is slow and clunky with multiple slowdowns and a power you can't fully utilize in chase because of the cd and 2 hit requirement. her power was clearly designed with bird mines as part of the kit, but got removed by popular demand in the ptb.
Nothing to do with being anti loop...
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Glad it removed, it was imposible to play against her. She is okey now. And i disagree, she is decent anti-loop killer. But not my type.
I am man of Nemesis, most fun anti-loop killer at moment (for me).
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How is she an anti-loop killer?
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What? She is decent killer. Good anti-loop and good map pressure. Are you arguing Artist is not anti-loop? I wanna hear your opinion, please tell me
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Since the mmr test? 0
Mainly just nurse and blight... fun...
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Interesting how half the posts say they never see her or nobody plays her and the other half are people who see her frequently.
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I get her pretty consistently in my matches.
She is a very fun stealth killer.
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Sadako ?
Who is she ?
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Oh, I thought you were talking about Sadako xD. I was like "what anti-loop?". Anyway, then yes, Artist is of course great.
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