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Should Dark Theory be buffed?

We all know Dark Theory is the worst boon out of the 4. So does it need a buff? This perk is very tricky to change because you can never tamper with survivors MS without making it busted. This perk can either be weak or strong as #########. Heres what I would do

When within the Boons 24 meter radius. Gain 2% Haste status effect. Gain 2% speed to vaulting and dropping pallets. This effect lingers for 2/3/4 seconds when leaving the boons radius.

All this perk needed is a secondary effect. I think this works just fine. But still do you think it needs a buff or no?


  • ElleGreen
    ElleGreen Member Posts: 1,063

    yes no one uses It

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I think boon: Exponential is the worst out of the 4.

    As to your suggestions I think this is a good change

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,465
    edited April 2022

    Maybe just also make it have a windows of opportunity effect within its area (auras of all windows and pallets within the boons range is revealed while under effects of the boon), its a boon about running and speed, why not also give it some support for knowing whats around you so you can also run smarter while running faster

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I do agree that Dark Theory does need something

    A number change isn't what it is I'm glad someone was able to notice that

    I do like the change as well

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,047

    Giving it a second effect would be a way to buff it. Because you cannot buff the initial effect (the Movement Speed-Increase).

    However, I dont think that 2% extra vault speed would make the Perk better. If you want Vault Speed, you have Resilience and Spine Chill, both dont require Setup Time (even tho, Resilience needs a Setup aka you being injured), both work map-wide and both grant more Vault Speed.

    Then it is questionable if you want to run Resilience OR Spine Chill with Dark Theory. Because you would only gain an additional 2% Vault Speed. And if you want to dedicate two Perk Slots to get more Vault Speed, you can run Spine Chill AND Resilience to gain way more than Dark Theory with either of them.

    And you will most likely not dedicate 3 Perk Slots to Vault Speed...

    So, yeah. Adding another effect which does not make the Movement Speed-Increase broken would be an option, but giving it another weak effect which is outclassed by other Perks is not helpful I guess.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,957

    I honestly would support it being reworked to vault speed and then getting a big numbers buff like 8% or something

  • ManyAchievables
    ManyAchievables Member Posts: 667
    edited April 2022

    Just give it a different effect already. Haste is such a difficult thing to balance as is. Maybe something like 20% vault speed instead would make it actually usable.

    The boons we have currently are a very mixed bag in general, in all honesty.

    Dark Theory is useless.

    Shadow Step and Exponential are situational (inb4 people complain that Shadow Step doesn't let them use their BBQ or smth).

    Circle of Healing was genuinely broken, and still is going to definitely be very good after the new nerf.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,465

    Thank you this compliment means a lot to me actually.

  • ElleGreen
    ElleGreen Member Posts: 1,063

    It Is a really good idea I love windows It Is super underrated your buff idea would help teammates In chase last longer potentially

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    I just don't get what "Dark Theory" has to do with going faster lol

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    It 100% needs a secondary effect. Either faster vaulting speed or showing you the Aura of Totems within 48 Meter (idk about this one)

  • Plsfix369
    Plsfix369 Member Posts: 566

    It should be Boon: Resilience when you get hurt you get extra 1 percent haste(now 3%) + 5% vaulting speed.

  • VirtuaTyKing
    VirtuaTyKing Member Posts: 465
    edited April 2022

    I haven't come across it much but it did my head in as killer on RPD.

  • Midori_21
    Midori_21 Member Posts: 723

    Maybe dark theory should also increase status effect recovery, like a weaker vigil?

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    Boons need to be destroyed and removed from the trial when snuffed by the killer. Their benefits SHOULD be broken and OP - but not too heavily handed. Something very strong that will give survivors an edge... something worth taking 14 seconds out of the match and losing your perk slot over once it's gone.

    Increasing movement speed by 2/3/4% would be pretty massive. 2/4/6% if you're daring.

    I'd rather Dark Theory had a massive benefit that made it worth risking your perk slot over. Going into a chase with 4% or 6% is both powerful and fun. Honestly, if that were the case - I may bring it on survivor, and I wouldn't even be mad when I play against it as killer, because I know that once I snuff it out - it's gone for good.

    That 6% boost might let survivors wind me around loops for a little bit and waste my time, but not only can I still mind-game them, I can find the boon totem and snuff it out, removing 1 of 16 survivor perks from the game.

    It would be worth it, in that case.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    Here’s the deal though, if boons were destroyed on 1 hit then I would be ok with it. But boons can be relit infinitely. So increasing movement speed would never work. Making survivors faster is very hard to balance

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    In it's current state it will be either - OP or Bad. I would rather keep it bad than OP. However buffing it by adding some special not crazy effect to it would be good way to buff it I quess.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Delete it. Messing with run speed is a stupid thing to do.

  • Yippiekiyah
    Yippiekiyah Member Posts: 478

    Perk can’t be buffed unless boon mechanic is changed.

  • FrostyEyesSusie
    FrostyEyesSusie Member Posts: 421

    Because survivors don't have it easy enough already lol

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,114

    more haste like 5-7% would make the perk better.

  • Mazoobi
    Mazoobi Member Posts: 1,564

    That would be so busted. Not to mention, it ain't stopping people from combining it with other perks to go even faster...

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,114

    The other haste perks are not used anyway. no one equipping Hope over Borrow time or dead hard etc.

  • Mazoobi
    Mazoobi Member Posts: 1,564

    I suppose, but you never know. I wouldn't want to run against a SWF that places this version of DT in a good main building with Blood Pact or Dead Hards. I'm good.

    The 2% speed is fine since speed is something that needs to be carefully touched. It just needs a secondary effect.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Yes, it definitely needs a change. Can't really up the numbers on the Haste effect it gives without it getting out of hand, but maybe give it a secondary effect.

  • espooked
    espooked Member Posts: 465

    Yes it does. All Yoichi perks need a buff. And we need a Yoichi portrait avatar on dbd forums

  • Sakurra
    Sakurra Member Posts: 1,046
    edited April 2022

    Exponential is not the worst boon. It saved my life against a noed blight. Kate knew my boon was exponential and she crawled to it then she saved me. She couldn't escape tho, but it's better 1 escape than 0.

    And in another match it saved my teammate from death hook. I died on second hook though because I took the killer's attention and he was a camper from beginning.

    Dark Theory is the worst boon perk 100%.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    Agreed - but that's kind of my point.

    If boons were designed HEALTHY then this wouldn't be a problem.

    However, because the developers screwed up this bad - we're stuck in this awkward space of either having too much or too little to deal with.