I had 2 killers message me yesterday.

I had 2 games where I was the last survivor alive and the killer downed me and gave me hatch.
One killer messaged me saying "I gave you hatch because you were the only one not running Dead Hard gg."
The other killer messaged me "you're the first survivor in 3 games not running DH, ggwp.
Killers are actually giving hatch to non DH users that's how sick and tired killers are of seeing this perk on survivors every game.
There's also the ones who will target you BECAUSE you don't have DH to extend your chases.
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me when I lie to get my way
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Not gonna lie I expected salt from title.
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Love your Ingenuity
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Believe what you want, it happened TWICE!
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I also noticed they tunnel you more because you're the only one not using DS.
So wholesome.
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Me too but then again not surprised to see it wasn't. In my near 4 years of playing this game I've only gotten a rude dm from a killer once. All they said was "ez" cause they won.
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If a survivor is wearing a cute non-popular cosmetic like "Hiking Meg" I'll let them live, usually they are wholesome people.
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I love megs especially when they look new, I can't bring myself to kill them.
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me too
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i just want to know what you killers are going to do when they take away everything survivors can use out.....and decide to quit. what is the killer going to chase at that point? npcs?
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You mean like how killers have quit because of the lack of balance and awful addition of boons?
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Chases are the most fun thing about this game IMO
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That is called conditioning.
I will always use whatever I want. I don't care about the hatch or escapes.
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I've had killers give me hatch just because I was a Jane. Never because of lack of DH why don't I get those killers? I never run it :(
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Yeah I saw the otz video too
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Definitely a sigma male move
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Can confirm I routinely give free escapes to survivors who don't use dead hard if my ankles haven't been shattered by the rest of the team.
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NGL, I have done the same thing :D
I don't message people about it because that's....weird. But I've absolutely let people go specifically because they didn't have DH if the option came up (or I've killed people I may have spared because they had DH on). I don't go through the game planning that out or anything but if at the end I'm after someone and they DH their way away from me, that usually takes them out of the running for the hatch.
Petty? Probably. Do I care? Not really :P
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How would they know?
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nah its all in your head
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I'm a killer main on console but I play solo survivor roughly 20 - 30% of the time for tome challenges, dailies, and SWF. I'm devotion 20 and I've had 2 killers message me the entire time I've been playing this game. One guy asked to farm and another said gg. On the other hand, I have like 200 survivors blocked from sending me hate filled/salty messages on playstation network. That's without console having an endgame chat lol
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So for people think this is fake I can understand but killers will definitely do this type of thing. There are those who will see someone with no mither and be like "they will get the hatch if I kill all of them." If I see someone farming their teammate they are dying regardless of how the rest of the game turns out.
With hatch especially it really doesnt matter to killers. Unless they are red rank 2-4 (which it could give you an extra pip) it gives them less than 1000 bp to kill them at that point and they know theyve won. Thats why if they close the hatch and you know you are dead if they want you offer the item. worst case they kill you and you would have lost it anyway best chance they appreciate you being good sports and let you out.
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dude there 4 survivors and 1 killer for match there a lot more survivors or people who play both side, killers main are quiting
so yes the game will run out of killer players before it does survivor.
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must be nice; I never run dead hard and almost never am I given hatch... tho it does make me wonder if the times I am escorted there by friendly killers, maybe that’s the reason🤔
anyway, wp
DH is mildly overrated & heavily abused imo
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It is day 2117 of people being allowed to use what they want.
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As a killer who will generally never show mercy to someone using DH, but will often give people running kooky builds hatch or gate - what makes you think the OP is lying?
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Is this a trend now? Ill happily hop on this ######### dead hard
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I was being facetious.
They tunnel regardless.
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Nice April 1st troll