I quit killer at last!

The stress isn't worth it anymore lol, literally get forced to camp and tunnel because all gens get done in 5 mins (with gen defense perks). Injure everyone and they're healed in a minute thanks to the unlimited COH (COH is basically a fifth perk for all survivors). Maps like "the game" still exist, literally a god pallet map lol. And map designs like "Macmillan Estate" where survivors literally get a jungle gym into TL into another jungle gym, right next to each other lol (a set up balanced around 10 hour newbie survivors). Oh yeah and the notorious second chance perks survivors get, what's even the point of mind gaming and outplaying them when they can just Dead Hard to a pallet. And don't forget the best survivor perk "discord". It's such a joke that the killer has to sweat their balls off to win while the other side has always been a chill experience. No wonder we're getting AFK killers purposely trying to lower their MMR in order to actually have fun. But i won't go AFK, i quit instead lol. Hope i contribute to the long queue times survivors get, cuz yet another killer main leaves the role.
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Well in dbd the whole game mechanics working against killer, you really have to work if you want to kil a survivor, your only chance if survivors are clueless.
Thats why the game is so popular, and since getting harder for survivors, they are leaving the game, but the truth in SWF the game is joke
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I quit months ago the killer side, the more people leave the more devs will be forced to balance the game
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So far they’ve announced nothing but killer buffs for the next patch, including a heavy CoH nerf. But have you not experienced the fun that is being hard camped and tunneled on the other side, which you say and do? Bet those survivors are having loads of fun too!
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There is a way to enjoy killer, you play normally, and after you got 2 hooks on everyone you let every survivor go.
Your mmr will be lower, and can enjoy playing killer.
Thats how I did when played killer.
At high level survivors can play then you have no chance outside of using nurse or blight with best addons, and training thousands of hours, even then cheaters are rampant so may mean not much
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Gaming is supposed to be fun lol, but playing killer is dbd is probably the most unfun gaming experience ever.
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That feels unfun for me though, like i should be rewarded for my hard work and not 4 survivors clicky and t-bagging at the exits. I'd rather not play at all.
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Well here is the thing survivors refusing to play games where they arent favored.
Every other asymetrical where the power role is killer failed, due survivors refusing to play.
DbD's success is that the game caters towards them, recently killers got several buffs and the results survivors leaving the game
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I'm a killer main too and I'm already playing way more survivor. The devs should realize at some point that something is wrong. I respect your decision but it's really bad that this needs to happen before the devs do something about it.
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That is the player playing within the DEVELOPER'S RULES. It comes back around to game balance. Not the individuals.
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Survivors will always be the power role in the game, sad that in a 1v4 game the 4 people are the power role instead of the 1. The killer buffs we got are just some slight buffs to 2 of the weakest killers in the game. And the COH nerf, well they can still have unlimited healing cuz they can still bless the totem as many times as they want. Hell survivors even get to choose which totem they wanna bless, whereas killers can just hope their hex totem spawns in a location away from survivors lol.
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Well I can guess that there are 10 times more survivors than killers on waiting for games. So I think they can manage some tweaks here and there. But many times devs just revert some other change that penalises killer. Case in point, Twins, Wraith, killing Oni with boon totems, and more. So many examples through history.
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I never said he was breaking any rules. The topic here was fun, not legality of gameplay styles.
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COH is still in the game and the issues have not been addressed.
SWF is still a problem in relation to game balance.
2 man gen speed is still 47 seconds. Almost half the time for minimal cost.
Dead hard is and will still be in the game in some form. Even if they nerf it. Both aspects suck to play against and amount to a third health state.
Unfairly nerfed killers are still nerfed and forgotten.
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Well since like 90% of the player base are survivor mains they will always favour survivors lol. The devs won't do anything about it except for a buff like "we decreased Legion's power cooldown by a whole 1 second"
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They are only buffing killers because the matchmaking so bad, the game needs more killer player.
But of course they cant nerf SWF or buff killers to SWF level because survivors would leave the game
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It's not about breaking the rules. It's balancing the game to force unfun gameplay. What the devs balance goes hand in hand with how fun the gameplay is for both sides.
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Love killer, but mostly play surv at night to chill these days. Not even sure why people play one side only tbh.
I play both every time I play. I went from playing killer only, to playing more surv tbh. When I sit down to relax at night and do a couple matches, I usually just knock out daily ritual killer match, play some Legion then stick on surv as night goes on.
People dont think killers switch sides, but I can tell you, most of us play just as much surv as we did killer, and know both sides well,... its simply more relaxing to run around and get chased sometimes.
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Do you actually think 90% of players solely play the survivor role? Any sources on that?
because I would think many people are actually playing both sides (of course not 50:50 but still)
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I do play survivor when i just wanna chill and actually have fun with friends.
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Just practice Nurse for a couple of weeks and you'll wreck teams in no time.
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True but I'm still hoping they will ever realize that this game can't be played without killers. I'm almost getting a survivor main too even tho I love to play killer. Before MMR and the cheater pandemic I had amazing games and had so much fun. I just want to have fun again!😥
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That's what I did and belive it or not but even with Nurse the game is survivor sided if all you go against is 4 or 3 man swf's. SWF and SBMM are huge problems, not to mention the insane amount of cheaters that we have to deal with.
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At high mmr, 50% of survivors using some kind of cheats, many streamers experienced first hand, you know those who playing the game for living.
At very least seeing every aura is the bare minimum cheats that cheaters are using, subtle speedhacks, faster gen repair etc so many cheater
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I agree cheaters and SWFs are a problem. But a Veteran Nurse can do 2k at best if they atleast try.
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I'm the same I play both side for me I have more fun in solo match as survivor then killer which is sad.
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do you really still believe in the existence of a working mmr? why do you think they do the tests these days? because it's ridiculous.
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It is not about buffing or nerfing one side.
The game balance has been tweaked to a point it is not fun anymore for no one.
The fun aspect of the game is the interaction with the opposite side, in one word : CHASES.
What about chases nowadays ?
- For the killers : they are frustrating, gens are done too fast = you always have the feel to have no time
- For the survivors : chases don't last as long as before, they end up doing gens most of the time = terrible gameplay
The good balance to make a fun game is tweak gens speed or add some new objectives. Of course, balance the map's layouts + killers to make chases longer and funnier.
That's all we need and all we want. No side has ever wanted chases to be over in 30 seconds top.
In 2017, chases were way funnier.
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Tbh the only problem with DH is the invincibility window. A lot of people are complaining about it for the distance it gives, in a lot of situation, I found my chainsaw rush or lunges that would have hit in the end of the DH animation, but that are stopped because the game doesn't understand that there aren't any hitboxes. DH should be an evasion move, a dash, not a "look how'am fast dude, an'you can't hit me even if you'd predicted it".
And glad that Circle of Healing is going to be nerfed, classic M1 killers are currently impossible to play (or it was a bunch of potato survivors).
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Devs have made this game a total absolute joke, and miserable experience for killers.
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I honestly quit killer myself, i won't touch this game until anniversary
i never got a headache and stress from any other game, until i played this one
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Oh yeah and let's not forget that the devs are planning to give a 5th perk to survivors by making Borrowed Time basekit. So the devs will just punish camping, and not look into what's causing the camping and tunneling, that is mostly gen speed.
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Part of why hard camping and tunneling is everywhere now is due to the direction the game took over the past year. I despise the idea of camping every hook or tunneling. When my matches got so sweaty, and so fast (MMR) that I found myself considering camping and tunneling, I grew concerned. Then CoH hit and hit and run went to crap. I found HUGE success in camping and tunneling as it became the top tactic to counter the new direction of the game.
That is when I quit playing. I can't stomach playing like that. The developers have pushed the game into tgis corner. Here's hoping they recognize that and pull it back out again.
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You're halfway there.
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My solution is just to play nurse, which somewhat makes the stress more manageable and makes survivors DC which makes your games easier.
I gave up playing other killers because they aren't fun anymore, even huntress is too stressful now, snipe hatchets get blocked by LOLDEADHARD.
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is this an airport? do people usually announce their departure?
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COH went from 16 to 21 seconds... woo...
Like i said. Both aspects of dead hard are a problem. Most of my interaction with the perk is me holding W and not even getting the option to hit them before they E to a pallet or window.
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More likely they'll stretch the matchmaking parameters even further to keep queue times down
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Hope you got some swfmates, because selfish q is even worse
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Nah i'll just quit the game all together lol. Don't wanna be forced into survivor just because the killer experience is trash.
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People go to airports to announce their departure? Doesn't even make sense.
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tell me you've never flown without telling me you've never flown
flight departure times are announced pretty often, much like op decided to announce to everyone.
zoinks dude
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As Mathieu cote say,
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When I get "rushed" I just accept it and hope my mmr goes low.
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I Lost the love of the game long time ago and since Patrick Said on the Last Q&A that gen speed is NOT a problem i just literally quit... This is a devs that don t know what are doing, they don t know anything about their game... Now the only thing they do is add DLCs to with huge horror ícon to steal more money from the users and all that sorry but didn t buy this One and probably i will never do it again... WE players who play the game more than 24h or way way more can tell what it needs to be changed what are the Issues etc etc. Its easy to fix it ? No is not... Nobody Said that would be easy but many years passed alot ideas were introduced and nothing was done !! The game still more Toxic devs keep steal US etc etc. And if ANYONE says any truth in their forums GET JAILED OR BANNED... Like i Said before and Said again i am just done of it...
Post edited by Fnatic47 on1 -
Flight departure times are announced yes. But do passengers go around announcing at the airport "hey i'm leaving"??
Try harder maybe you'll come up with a better roast next time.
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who or what exactly "forces" you to camp and tunnel?
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Another case of gitgud. Its always the same "complains" and noone is thinking about themselfs. Always this and that. Quite sad state of killer players.