I quit killer at last!

Devilishly_Rowdy Member Posts: 440
edited April 2022 in General Discussions

The stress isn't worth it anymore lol, literally get forced to camp and tunnel because all gens get done in 5 mins (with gen defense perks). Injure everyone and they're healed in a minute thanks to the unlimited COH (COH is basically a fifth perk for all survivors). Maps like "the game" still exist, literally a god pallet map lol. And map designs like "Macmillan Estate" where survivors literally get a jungle gym into TL into another jungle gym, right next to each other lol (a set up balanced around 10 hour newbie survivors). Oh yeah and the notorious second chance perks survivors get, what's even the point of mind gaming and outplaying them when they can just Dead Hard to a pallet. And don't forget the best survivor perk "discord". It's such a joke that the killer has to sweat their balls off to win while the other side has always been a chill experience. No wonder we're getting AFK killers purposely trying to lower their MMR in order to actually have fun. But i won't go AFK, i quit instead lol. Hope i contribute to the long queue times survivors get, cuz yet another killer main leaves the role.
