Survivor rage quitting because of another survivor?

Mushwin Member Posts: 4,576

So...i was the wraith yesterday, using the last of my mori, two down, two to go, Kate already hooked, Claudette not. All GENS done! Gates awaiting. I am going back and forth between gates thinking where the hell are they? Anyway i found Kate and well was it was mori time, and she dc'd. I messaged the player saying "Lol" because i mean why? wha? because they were moried? no...they responded they rage quit as the other player was in the basement, just waiting there...for hatch? who knows...i responded, that you just lost all the points you had though, and not cool to be face camping down there....i ama believer in team my question is, why do survivors rage quit due to another survivor? i know the player as Kate was cheesed because she was let down....but eh? scratches my head they just lost their own points....


  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371
    I enjoy it when they disconect and lose all of their Bloodpoints. Once I had a "perfect match" 4 survivors disconected at the end :) they just don't like when their avatar dies
  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460
    edited January 2019

    I wouldn't do it so late in the game, but I have rage-gaveuponthehook at a highly selfish team where I protected one of them when we were found at a gen at the very start and the killer was going for her because I stood in one place like a dope to let her run in front of me since she was behind. And then the other player was being a stealthy claudette hiding in a stupid spot, got found and I literally just finished healing myself from the last chase, ran to try and take a chase away from her, succeeded, the 4th person finished a gen, the person I got caught on the gen with finished our gen (Which I got hooked next to) and then the killer supposed they would come to rescue me since one generator was done right next to me so came to guard and make sure they don't try it.
    Thats fine, that's cool. Don't save me in front of the killer, smart.
    But I noticed that the claudette and the Meg I had helped knew exactly what other gen far on the other side of the map the 4th person was on and both of them went straight there and continued to gen rush with him far away from my hook without so much as checking to see if the killer is still camping. I got to 2nd phase and eventually very very close to death on 1st hook while they continued to ignore me. So I gave up and let myself be sacraficed, then went to spectate and help the killer obliterate them. Some people would ragequit and I get why, but imo if you're going to "rage quit", do it if the killer is doing suspect stuff that breaks the game not if your teammate is unfair.
    That kate gave claudette the hatch, lost her points, and made you lose your earned points. Like what?

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519
    u know how many times ive dc'd because a survivor dropped a pallet on me and I went down for it???
  • nancyt1428
    nancyt1428 Member Posts: 66

    I was playing a game today, got 2 gens done, creeping around the big building in the Ironworks to find another one and a Claudette came by, dropped a firecracker by me to give away my location, teabagged and ran away. Which ended up almost getting me killed. She wanted the hatch and got it as soon as everyone else was dead and I got slugged. Killer ran off to find her, I saw her jump through the hatch and happened to crawl my way over to it and escape -- so jokes on her/him I guess.
    Still so annoying.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Sometimes you get a bad team. It happens. I almost always just roll with it.

    There are some really good team perks that are worth running. Might help out with your games some.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    While there really isn't a good reason to DC aside from being stuck I suppose, "my teammate was in the basement" has to be the bottom of the bucket. It was likely she didn't want to give you the mori and made up something about her teammate to side track from what she did.

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,576

    @fluffybunny is what i thought....i mean she is only punishing herself...the mind boggles lol

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,214

    Well, i feel i become more toxic to my fellow survivors now, because of the things i experience.
    They unhook you in front of the killer, then bodyblock you to get safely away themself.
    They are in a chase with the killer, see you hiding/healing up, and run past you several times, until the killer finally notice you and takes you down.
    You are near the hook and want to do a safe unhook, but they rush in, triggering the hags traps just so they get the unhooking points.
    Against a trapper, one got downed next to the hex-totem, and while i wanted to heal her, i got caught in the bear trap she concealed with her body. I think she did it on purpose, because she thought noone could get the hextotem without healing her.
    And yes, after things like that, i sometimes give up on the hook.

    But latlely i started to join them. I try to get the unhook for myself, and dont care about their saftey anymore (well, thats not entirely true, if the killer is too close i still shield them with my body, and try to lure the killer away).
    But since i use bound in every setup, i can easily find a distraction for the killer chasing me. They do it to my, why should i not?
    At least, now i get a decent amount of bloodpoints each game, even if the team often looses.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    I can't understand it either, it's almost as if they think that by disconnecting, they somehow deny you the victory. It makes no sense to me. THEY lose the points, no one else. They lose in every aspect of the game.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    PiiFree said:

    I can't understand it either, it's almost as if they think that by disconnecting, they somehow deny you the victory. It makes no sense to me. THEY lose the points, no one else. They lose in every aspect of the game.

    I think in their warped mind, they feel like they are in control because they pulled the plug.
  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @sulaiman said:
    Well, i feel i become more toxic to my fellow survivors now, because of the things i experience.
    They unhook you in front of the killer, then bodyblock you to get safely away themself.
    They are in a chase with the killer, see you hiding/healing up, and run past you several times, until the killer finally notice you and takes you down.
    You are near the hook and want to do a safe unhook, but they rush in, triggering the hags traps just so they get the unhooking points.
    Against a trapper, one got downed next to the hex-totem, and while i wanted to heal her, i got caught in the bear trap she concealed with her body. I think she did it on purpose, because she thought noone could get the hextotem without healing her.
    And yes, after things like that, i sometimes give up on the hook.

    But latlely i started to join them. I try to get the unhook for myself, and dont care about their saftey anymore (well, thats not entirely true, if the killer is too close i still shield them with my body, and try to lure the killer away).
    But since i use bound in every setup, i can easily find a distraction for the killer chasing me. They do it to my, why should i not?
    At least, now i get a decent amount of bloodpoints each game, even if the team often looses.

    Not everyone purposefully sandbags and throws the killer onto you. I would definitely suggest bond as often people will run to loops and you may be at a loop they're trying to use and abuse. Honestly, you shouldn't be healing within terror radius, anyway. If the killer has nurses, that's a free down, basically. Also if someone was on an open trap and you healed them, they would be caught the second you stopped. 1000 IQ plays lol. It's possible it was reopening, though, and she hadn't noticed. How she was playing doesn't make all that much sense.

    If I go for hook, I attempt to do so safely. While it sucks when it happens to you, that person on the hook probably never did that to you and it ultimately kills the team when you farm others. I know it's gonna be a short game when I see insta saves going on. You should be looking to get points by doing gens and by doing other things. If you struggle in a chase, there's guides online on what to do in certain tiles. Your reaction shouldn't be to screw over your team 'cause some do that. You're adding to the toxicity. Just because some people are bad, doesn't mean you have to be.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354
    sulaiman said:

    Well, i feel i become more toxic to my fellow survivors now, because of the things i experience.
    They unhook you in front of the killer, then bodyblock you to get safely away themself.
    They are in a chase with the killer, see you hiding/healing up, and run past you several times, until the killer finally notice you and takes you down.
    You are near the hook and want to do a safe unhook, but they rush in, triggering the hags traps just so they get the unhooking points.
    Against a trapper, one got downed next to the hex-totem, and while i wanted to heal her, i got caught in the bear trap she concealed with her body. I think she did it on purpose, because she thought noone could get the hextotem without healing her.
    And yes, after things like that, i sometimes give up on the hook.

    But latlely i started to join them. I try to get the unhook for myself, and dont care about their saftey anymore (well, thats not entirely true, if the killer is too close i still shield them with my body, and try to lure the killer away).
    But since i use bound in every setup, i can easily find a distraction for the killer chasing me. They do it to my, why should i not?
    At least, now i get a decent amount of bloodpoints each game, even if the team often looses.

    Doing the same wrong things is foolish and imature... .
    They show awful egoistic behavior why would you want to do and be the same?
    Sure there are these antimates, but the more join in that behavior the worse the game gets.
    I'm just leaving the game as I refuse to play with ppl like that. They don't deserve having fun and getting unhook points. But sometimes if I got sandbagged by someone and I'm in struggle I just let them rush up to the hook and let go right before they can unhook (if it's the antimate). But I wouldn't change behaving like them right from the start.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354
    Peasant said:
    PiiFree said:

    I can't understand it either, it's almost as if they think that by disconnecting, they somehow deny you the victory. It makes no sense to me. THEY lose the points, no one else. They lose in every aspect of the game.

    I think in their warped mind, they feel like they are in control because they pulled the plug.
    Can't speak for everyone, but if I got farmed or unhooked near the killer and he goes for me I'm out. I just refuse playing with ppl that play unfair. The killer is the power role and they get to decide which one they are following. One in power shouldn't reward an unsafe unhook by going for the unhooked letting the farmer get away without any punishment.
    If I'm playing killer I usually find s.o else on a gen instead of staying close to the hook, but if s.o unhooks seconds after I hook s.o they can be sure about not escaping the game.
    As a survivor I don't care about the bp I might loose by leaving the game. It's a statement for me. Bp aren't as important as integrity.
  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @tennmio said:
    Peasant said:

    PiiFree said:

    I can't understand it either, it's almost as if they think that by disconnecting, they somehow deny you the victory. It makes no sense to me. THEY lose the points, no one else. They lose in every aspect of the game.

    I think in their warped mind, they feel like they are in control because they pulled the plug.

    Can't speak for everyone, but if I got farmed or unhooked near the killer and he goes for me I'm out. I just refuse playing with ppl that play unfair. The killer is the power role and they get to decide which one they are following. One in power shouldn't reward an unsafe unhook by going for the unhooked letting the farmer get away without any punishment.

    If I'm playing killer I usually find s.o else on a gen instead of staying close to the hook, but if s.o unhooks seconds after I hook s.o they can be sure about not escaping the game.

    As a survivor I don't care about the bp I might loose by leaving the game. It's a statement for me. Bp aren't as important as integrity.

    Honestly I'll down the person so that the person loses their points, emblem, etc. and then leave that person for someone to get them up, but you shouldn't DC because you were farmed. The only person you're hurting in that situation is you. The person farming doesn't care if the team works, they just want points. And the killer gets points for you DCing. If you find yourself being the first one downed and tunneled off hook often, I would advise taking in perks to help you avoid the killer so that you can gain points.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354
    edited January 2019

    @tennmio said:
    Peasant said:

    PiiFree said:

    I can't understand it either, it's almost as if they think that by disconnecting, they somehow deny you the victory. It makes no sense to me. THEY lose the points, no one else. They lose in every aspect of the game.

    I think in their warped mind, they feel like they are in control because they pulled the plug.

    Can't speak for everyone, but if I got farmed or unhooked near the killer and he goes for me I'm out. I just refuse playing with ppl that play unfair. The killer is the power role and they get to decide which one they are following. One in power shouldn't reward an unsafe unhook by going for the unhooked letting the farmer get away without any punishment.

    If I'm playing killer I usually find s.o else on a gen instead of staying close to the hook, but if s.o unhooks seconds after I hook s.o they can be sure about not escaping the game.

    As a survivor I don't care about the bp I might loose by leaving the game. It's a statement for me. Bp aren't as important as integrity.

    Honestly I'll down the person so that the person loses their points, emblem, etc. and then leave that person for someone to get them up, but you shouldn't DC because you were farmed. The only person you're hurting in that situation is you. The person farming doesn't care if the team works, they just want points. And the killer gets points for you DCing. If you find yourself being the first one downed and tunneled off hook often, I would advise taking in perks to help you avoid the killer so that you can gain points.

    Well what U describe isn't tunneling if u let them get that person up. It's not quite different and I'd still stay in the game. But usually (if I'm the unlucky getting farmed) I do try to get away from the hook so even if the killer tunnels the farmer probably get their safe hook rescue points even though there is no real chance Depending on map and hook it's more or less difficult to get to a decent place loop and hopefully loose the killer. With those antimates it's likely that most of the safe paletts are gone already. If I got farmed once and the farmer got his points for the unhook I'm not going to let that happen again.

    It's not like it's happening every game nor is it ,of those games where farming happens, often me, but I hate it. I hate that ppl do it, and it doesn't matter if it's me or another survivor. That egoism disgusts me as a human being.

    There are things like Fairplay and Sportmanship and Fairness that ppl should stick to if they are 'good', fair and respectful ppl. 

    As I said I don't mind losing a pip every now and then. I do get enough bps usually so I don't really care about them neighter. What I care about is Fairplay and human beings that - even if it's only a game - behave respectful towards each other.

    It's not difficult: Treat others just the same way you want to be treated.
  • bigbadbeetelborg
    bigbadbeetelborg Member Posts: 18
    I have a huge problem with DCing in general. I have made a pact with myself to never DC on purpose and I intend to keep it, no matter how irritating ######### can be in this game. The worst way to DC by far is survivors DCing after they get found right away and are the first to go down. We still have 5 ######### gens to do and now only 3 people to do them. And ######### me if there's a ruin on top of that #########. I wanna DC bc you DCed, but I stick it out and get a little something at least. Also, sometimes the killer farms and we get a ######### ton of points. Also, sometimes the killer is a cancer and messages you that they're going to farm and then Moris you, but that's neither here nor there.

    Tonight I played a session and the first person to go down DCed, then the 2nd person to go down DCed. We had 4 gens still left to do. Guess what? I super died shortly thereafter. As survivors, we shouldn't be throwing a tantrum bc the Killer is hunting us. That's the ######### game. Sure, nobody likes to be the first to go down, but also nobody likes to be 1 of 3 survivors left with 5 gens left to do and a hex totem to find and cleanse. One of those things is a consequence of the game's mechanics, one of those is a consequence of a crybaby's hissyfit.