Build ideas for Legion?

So Legion is one of my favorites, & there getting buffed, & I haven't really changed my perk load out for a while, wanted some thoughts.
My personal build for them is thannatophobia; Surge; Surveillance; Hex:Ruin
Why Thanna is here should be obvious, slows gens down, helps me defend ruin, encourages surviors to heal.
Surge A.K.A jolt(just a worse name) Legion can only down with basic attacks, work with ruin vs something like pop, & can give me Surveillance info when ruin leaves the board.
Surveillance with surge & ruin give me a lot of info & helps me put my foot down on there gen progress.
Ruin is good early game slowdown & has synergy with every other perk in the build.
I really love this build but am looking to spice things up a bit.
So both new ideas, & thoughts on the build above are welcomed & appreciated!
If you have ideas around the buff coming out thats great too!
I'd switch out Surveillance for something like I'm All Ears or PWYF, something to remedy their lack of chase potential.
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I like to run Thana and Blood Echo on Legion, since I think they're the killer that uses those two perks the best. The exhaustion from Blood Echo can help you get that m1 for the down. I also like to run Lethal Pursuer to get all that injuring started right off the bat, allowing Thana and Blood Echo to do their job quickly. Then I like to run ruin, just for good measure.
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I've just been running thana, BBQ for BP, corrupt, and no way out on legion for the past like 2wks lol. Been working out so far for me.
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If iri button doesn't get changed, that should be good by itself since the cooldown is getting reduced a good bit. For now, that and cold dirt along with enduring, spirit fury, thanat and noed. It's best if you bring a small map. It'll make survivors either winge or be impressed that legion can 4k at 3-4 gens.
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Legion Imo has the "to many attacks problem to use PWYF", to save stacks you can't use your power, & I've always find trying to farm pwyf to hurt me more than it helps. It can be fun, I just don't think Legion is the right killer. I'm all ears could work, but I don't think I'd just sub it in, would need to tinker with the other perks too.
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Spirit fury & enduring is a good combo, but doesn't leave to much room for tracking or slow down, do you that Hex:Blood Favor would be good, especially with the reduced cool down thats about to happen?
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I can see it, especially with filth blade & defaced smiley pin to slow the healing down, although i think more mid game tracking would be needed, maybe Bb&q or nurses?
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Curiosity question, in the original build, do you think something would work better than ruin, maybe Pain Resonance?
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I've always used Pop, Thrilling Tremors, Jolt, and Thana.
Ruin's also useful, and if you want a chase perk I highly recommend Bamboozle or Enduring.
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Most killers feel to slow to use pop a lot of the time, I know I can use my power to gain speed but I feel like I'm stretching to far. I know it can be good in a 3 gen but I don't like planning to get for that point on Legion, feels way to hard to control.
I wish pop was more of a charge vs a timer, like how new gear head is just on once it condition is met then off when used
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It's supposed to be more focused on making up for his lackluster chase. Already pretty good at tracking especially since you have iri button to tell you where everyone is at one time. I feel that Blood Favor would be counterproductive considering the whole idea is to basically have pallets be useless so having a perk to stop them from pulling it down just... makes the build goofy. Besides, that can be cleansed. Only reason why I suggested noed is because I've had no one thus far cleanse all the totems for me to not be able to get value out of it.
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BBQ can definitely be a good alternative to Lethal Pursuer for sure. Especially considering the fact that it'll get you even more BP, which Legion is already good at getting a lot of.
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I think you misunderstood me, using blood favor over spirit fury enduring, to save a perk slot, it can be cleansed, so its to help early game pressure.
And yeah, I forgot Iri button gave map wide tracking
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Kk, thanks, I'll give it a try. I enjoy hearing people thought on this stuff.
Now I just need to make sure I don't get spun for 45 seconds lol
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Then maybe... Maybe...
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Even if you do, they aren't recovering from their exhaustion cause they're running.