Build ideas for Legion?

So Legion is one of my favorites, & there getting buffed, & I haven't really changed my perk load out for a while, wanted some thoughts.

My personal build for them is thannatophobia; Surge; Surveillance; Hex:Ruin

Why Thanna is here should be obvious, slows gens down, helps me defend ruin, encourages surviors to heal.

Surge A.K.A jolt(just a worse name) Legion can only down with basic attacks, work with ruin vs something like pop, & can give me Surveillance info when ruin leaves the board.

Surveillance with surge & ruin give me a lot of info & helps me put my foot down on there gen progress.

Ruin is good early game slowdown & has synergy with every other perk in the build.

I really love this build but am looking to spice things up a bit.

So both new ideas, & thoughts on the build above are welcomed & appreciated!

If you have ideas around the buff coming out thats great too!
