What killer do you love playing, but hate going against?

I recently picked up Sadako (by recently I mean like yesterday LOL) despite the nightmares that girl gave me as a kid. And as survivor I don't like going against her at all, but I found out playing her is actually really fun to me ... go figure.
Any killers you guys love playing but hate going against as survivor?
Trap killers. I can never see them no matter how close I am. Even if I crouch to be careful, I'll still step in one. They are the bane of my existence...
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Blight...and Blight.
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Probably Twins
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Pinhead. I love playing as him, but hate going against him.
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Cenobite and Clown. Clown is the biggest one. I really dislike the screen blurring when I go through the gas
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blight seems so fun to play, i dont have him but ive watched streamers like OhTofu learning him. looks fun to play him LOL.
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Super fun to play as her, you are feeling like God. But playing against her terrible. When i see it's Nurse, i wanna just leave game as fast as i can.
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Silent Bell wraith
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Totally agree. Why does she seem so much quicker when she's against me? She's only a little girl and she's "walking" at what feels like 5 metres per second.
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probably the only one in dbd history but huntress for me, dont like having to run and dodge at the same time, but i oh so love sniping people
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For some reason, while I consider Myers to be the ultimate 'comfort' killer, whenever I play against one they are always either running TSP or Infinite T3 and hard camping on the first down, constantly hitting people on hook etc.
Trickster would be another, but that would require me to enjoy playing Trickster.
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Twins. I enjoy going up against the other Killers I play, but I can't seem to do well against Twins when I play Survivor. I'm not sure if it's because they're so rare to come across that I can't learn to win against them or just some other reason.
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It's fun to make predictions on which areas survivors will run through and make you feel big brain when you catch them.
Playing against him though the chase can end before it even begins and the only fun part about playing survivor is being chased imo.
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Nemesis atm.
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Hiii, Plague main here but GOD do I despise playing against her.
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All of them :(
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I enjoy playing as Sadako but I dislike going against her. Her constant teleports always confuse me
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...Yeah. Love playing Plague but wow - my team either cleanses every second or never cleanse at all.
Hah, I'm the opposite. I really struggle to make things happen with her, but I don't think I've ever died to one.
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Plague. I love playing her, but every time I go against her I get the three most braindead teammates you could imagine. They literally smell puke and they're already cleansing 2 seconds into the match.
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Myers I guess. He snowballs for no reason if my teammates feed him, whereas I usually have to fight tooth and nail for my stalk as Myers.
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Honestly huntress I tend to vs really laggy huntresses lol
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None. The only killer I dislike is Hag, and I dislike both playing as and against her cause of her jumpscare traps.
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Definitely Huntress.
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Nemesis, and I don’t really hate Nemesis himself, I just really dislike his zombies.
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Lol his zombies are crazy. They're either God tier or derps. There is no in between. I've seen them help in a combo and put someone in a dying state or they're just chilling facing a wall in a dark corner lol! Cracks me up
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Pig. Most of them just tunnel while you already have the trap on your head.
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One of my mains is Doctor and Huntress. I absolutely love their playstyle, but oh boy i hate to face them. If i ever meet a Huntress that sold me a hatchet from the opposite side of the map, my friends have to hold me in game by force or i would just DC.
And then i'll just go play killer and proceed to do the stuff i hate when they do to me.
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Trapper and hag.