The obvious solution to SWF
Just....make it duo/solo queue
seriously its not that hard, why not just make so only 2 people can be in a party like every darn game , it would balance out the whole problem of SWF
And sure you might get duo in a duo but it would still give a chance, because they won't be as useful as a 4 stack with comms, sure they might have a bit of team work, but it won't be the same as a 4 stack
The only way i could think of them getting 4 stacks with this duo system is if the matchmaking decided to put them together which is gonna be extremely rare
This will make both soloQ players and killers have a better chance, because let's be honest if u are in a soloQ while there are 3 SWF that clearly have no intent of playing with u, it tends to get frustrating and obviously if you try and talk it out with them after the game they will just gang on you (not that it happened to me before but i've seen it many times while playing killer )
and for killers i don't have to say the obvious, its mentally frustrating to deal with 4 people ruining every killer's day because WHY NOT
There is no SWF problem in DbD. It's a matchmaking issue if a killer is completely overmatched.
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I don't know why people don't realize BHVR isn't going to change SWF. People are allowed to play with their friends. Should they do something to adress the power balance? Sure. Hell, I'd accept even like a BP bonus for playing against SWF's. But they're never gonna just limit people being able to play with their friends.
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Yea ######### anybody who has more then 3 friends LMFAOOO
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The only solution to the SWF problem is to clearly show who is queueing together in the lobbies.
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then most killers would dodge SWF is the dev cashcow.
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Why would they dodge when SWF offers absolutely no advantage whatsoever and it's 100% fair and balanced!? :^)
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There are definitely more than 3 viable killers. You can even 2k with a killer like Clown against the sweatiest possible 4 man if you play smart.
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Consistently though? Across every map and then averaged out?... Don't think so.. Nurse is still # 1 in that regard.. Same formula..
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There is absolutely no reasons for any change regarding the group size. Stop blaming SWF for every loss.
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It is unbalanced. Anyone in denial of that needs a reality check. You don't even have to play Killer to see how unfair it is.. xD
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I have said this in a previous post. Swf (especially with comms) is an advantage.
Sure killers can still win. You should not be punished for playing with friends.
I would hope everyone can admit that it IS an advantage. A perk like knockout is negated by swf on comms. "I'm down by the shack come get me"
That's an advantage.
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Bingo. Knockout being a very very small fraction of what Killers have at their disposal that is easily negated by SWF. 100% agree.
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So you're idea of balance is punishing anyone with more than 1 friend?
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More of making it less frustrating, for people that are trying to play the damn game and don't have friends, or just wanna climb in peace but LO AND BEHOLD a 3 stack SWF that don't want to help your soloQ ass because they are too busy bullying the killer
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The obvious solution would be to add an opt in voice chat for solo survivors in game and then adjust balance accordingly, rather than making small changes that barely change anything over years while both solo survivors and killers suffer.
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so the amount of times i have just bieng playing with friend i should get a penalty
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I know it won't be stopped but comms is my biggest gripe with the game right now.
No need for aura reading perks then. More perk slots!
Balance the game against this!
Good luck lol
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Lmao ######### anyone who has more than 2 friends i guess?
The actual solution is to buff Solo Q and certain Killers to be at a SWF-level
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The advantages get overstated though, and although there are advantages, they're not hugely significant against highly skilled killer players. SWF amplifies bad matchmaking, but it's not going to hugely swing a well-made match.
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Exactly this.
You can not punish people that who want to play with their friends.
You can not nerf survivors without punish Solo-q more.
Best solution is buffing solo-q to SWF level and then balance game around it.
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I beg to differ. You can't be everywhere at once but they can be all over. Some swf are highly coordinated. Some games I couldn't do more but still lose hard. I don't play nurse but have a little experience with blight. Not the most fun to play with IMO.
Even long standing streamers struggle.
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I wouldnt mind showing me it's a swf "after" the match. That way if I get destroyed I'll feel better knowing I was up against a group.
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I wouldn't to much either some wouldn't more BP something may help.
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It's a balance issue. If SWFs at a certain MMR dominate the killer whereas it would be pretty even if they're solo, then how is matchmaking gonna do anything? That's avoiding the problem, putting killers against survivors they can beat vs ones that they can't even if they played perfect.
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This isn't a solution. This just hurts the game.
In all online multiplayer games they let you play with your friends. They don't restrict you to only playing with a few of them or restrict you from using all any perks/items etc.
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I legit can't imagine playing this game without friends.
Limiting it to solo or duo queue would absolutely kill this game.
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Id like to see you play against a swf with clown, billy or wraith. You will start balding from the middle of your head. I dont lose my mind like most other people but my composure is just a physical facade of what o have to endure against swf. But i will say playing against an unorganized team (most of my games btw) is what gives me hope sometimes
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But I like do play with my friends...
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The game is already losing players. Limiting people to one friend will just make it worse.
I have always been a fan of the idea where you limit perk options for each extra person in a SWF, since being in a SWF gives you free access to the information many perks give you. So solo players and duos get 4 perks. Three stacks get three perks each. And a full SWF only gets two perks each.
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honestly, SWF would likely be more fun to both play and play against if it played by a different set of rules than solo queue. for example, what if perks were made unique so only one instance of each perk could be used by the group. or make this optional for SWF groups but they get a BP boost if they use this option. Similarly, let killers decide if they want to match against SWF groups or not, but let them get a BP boost for doing so.
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Then this would show that there is a problem with SWF balance
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You should see the solo q balance, it’s hell.
Hopefully it’s what the devs are fixing in mmr, maybe it’ll take swf into consideration so killers get a fairer game, and then hopefully they fix solo q in that respect as well (I know I’m dreaming haha)
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You can't balance around swf because communication is everything in this game. This could help but it's never going to happen.
No way the devs will make killer more fun and more fair.
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Again you are punishing a group of friends who want to play together? I get that they can be hard to face but the idea that punishing a player for playing with friends is just insane. If you want to kill a player base that is already leaving then sure punish people for having friends to play with. Balance the game around survivors in SWFs not try to nerf the SWFs. I don't get why a killer can't change what killer they would like to play when looking at the group. Honestly comms will never go away and so they need to just balance the game around having them and give the solo q comms so they can be just a sweaty but then buff the majority of killers to give them even a chance to kill survivors. Lets not nerf but buff.
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There has never been anything released to indicate X killer struggles at X MMR though. That is everyone imagining their own MMR relative to their opponents' imagined MMR.
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I actually did play Clown in a tournament setting and walked away with a 2k. But go on...
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You're kidding, right? Everyone here is kidding, right? How about fix gen speed and tiles? Jesus christ bruh the issue is clearly there
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They obviously made it clear over the years that they won't nerf the gen speed, so might as well look for another solution
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Dude if you actually looked into it more you'd notice that just making gens take longer isn't a good solution. With that mentality then we should stop thinking about solutions because for 6 years the game is unbalanced and the devs will not do anything about it.
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I'm not saying you're wrong, but just a side note of who actually uses knockout?
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The obvious solution is to remove survivor names and cosmetics in the lobby so killers don't dodge and screw up the matchmaking. I like the idea of showing SWF in the end screen though.
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Won't stop us from going AFK in the matches though when we realise we are against yet another toxic SWF with 4 toolboxes/medkits.
Enjoy getting no pips.
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Or.... you could buff solo so they have the same info SWF does, and rebalance around all survivors being "SWF" (at least in level of info), instead of trying to juggle solo vs SWF balance.
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well tbh they are doing something now, i mean it barely took them any time to nerf Boil over and they are changing CoH as well, so maybe they are turning a new leaf cuz the game is almost dead
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so basically make the killer go insane so u can have fun with you "friends" while bullying him, yea that makes sense i guess
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Ideally, DBD matchmaking pits you up against equally skilled opponents.. and early on in the SBMM tests, it worked really well, so I know matchmaking can work with SWF in the mix because that was more than half of the games I had on the PTB. There was no "bullying". There were ######### that liked to taunt, but so what-- that's online gaming for you.
When you're queued into a lobby, matchmaking works well if players want it to.. meaning, they can't leave. Once they do, there's a good chance that whoever fills in that spot will be put up against someone outside of their skill range. A good killer & good killer player can do well against a good SWF. Do not blame SWF. You can blame matchmaking and balance (and all that encompasses), but blaming SWF is not the way.
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k first all of PTB is A COMPLETELY different experience, in PTB is mostly people screwing around and not playing like their actual lives are on the line
and why SWF is a problem because, if you play as an SWF and put one smoll ash player with u while u all are iridescent, you get a baby killer, yay ez game as they all say -_-
so not only does it render the whole matchmaking stuff useless it just makes people and new players who want to actually try out and maybe get into the game, just uninstall and probably refund
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No, more than 3 friends is great, that means at least 5 players, so that swf can play with their own killer.
Also, that would solve a lot of toxicity in this game if the killer is one of your buddys.
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Why not just eliminate the ability to invite anyone and force all games to be 100% solo queue if sad makes killers so miserable? It’s not like the killer doesn’t already hold most of the cards in the game already, right?