Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

My bad experience as a new player....

01) - I think online matches should only be with random people and not have this "invite your little friend to your match" because everyone is on call as a survivor, and a random assassin who doesn't know what's going on falls, this is a huge disadvantage.

  • Friends room = everyone has to be friends, even the killer
  • Public room = everyone is a random player

this would also decrease the queues for sure, without "little friends" assembling teams to crush the assassins, this besides being a big disadvantage is discouraging for those who are starting to play, frustrating. This can really spoil the experience for new players, and if they are not persistent like me, they will probably leave the game after 3 or 4 games :)

02) - Fix resolution 16:10

I know you did this to remove "ADVANTAGE" from those who used some kind of change in resolution, but you did it in a completely ignorant way, ignoring those who use resolutions other than 16:9 and it hurts me a lot, basically I have to play with black bands on my screen, or I have to change my monitor resolution to a lower resolution (WHICH RUINS MY DESKTOP AND STRETCHES EVERYTHING ON MY SCREEN! HORRENDOUS.)

03) - I bought a lot of killers, and I realized that some killers are very WEAK, very weak, I believe that the weakest killers that are forgotten should have some new skills, because it's frustrating for me to buy a killer to spend my money on it and find out that he will stay unusable for being UNUSED during the game..


  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Hi newbie - welcome to the nightmare! (I...half kid).

    I do feel your pain though. Let's take a look.

    1. This would mean that SWFs barely get to participate in the game, can't earn BP and stuff. I don't think that's reasonable. The trick is going to be getting solos closer to the level of SWFs and then buffing about 2/3 of the killer roster to compensate. Matchmaking should also account for SWFs.
    2. Yeah, it's a tricky one - the problem is that allowing players with ultrawide monitors and the like native resolution would be giving them a pretty big advantage based on their setup.
    3. Absolutely, yes. It's...mindboggling to see the delta between say Onryo/Pig/Myers/Clown and even 'A' tier killers like Plague/Hag/Artist. It feels like the devs are balancing around gross kill rates, which are heavily offset by newer players - resulting in several killers being left to rot, while others are given buffs despite being 'S' tier.
  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    1 - This can not happen. Why people are playing multi-player games? Because they are more fun with friends. If you block this on DbD, this game can not survive even a month. And i am sure about this.

    Instead blocking mode, you can balance game better.

    2 - I have no idea why game has not different resolutions.

    3 - Some killers are weak but not that much. But yeah, all killers should be viable at all levels.

  • MissBehavingX
    MissBehavingX Member Posts: 493
    edited April 2022

    Welcome, how long have you been playing?

    This is a genuine comment and not trying to call bull or make your post less valid, but it does read like a player who's not new, addressing things pretending to be someone who just started playing to make it somehow more dramatic? IDK how to explain it. Again, not trying to point fingers but I'm just saying what first came to mind, having experienced being new myself starting as a killer and seeing the experience of RL close friends who just joined the game, it usually comes across as "damn i need to practice/I'm just learning" rather than "I had a hard time it must be SWF" that's why I asked how "new" you were. NOT trying to discredit you.

    As a solo survivor I do struggle even paired with SWF, but I don't think people should be punished for wanting to play with their friends, I think solo queueing needs improvement and some killers do too..

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    Like i said, you can not tell people "Hey we have online game but you can not play with your friends. Find another game." This is bad business. But what you can do? You can make balance better, so they will not be stronger than killers.

    And which killers are weak? You are new, maybe you were not good with them because some killers are weak for sure but useless? That's strong word.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Killer balance in this game is just so squiffy.

    It feels like the devs need to make it overt whether they are balancing around new player kill rates (the gross kill rates we always see stats wise) or a more holistic approach.

    Certain killers (Myers, Cenobite, Pig etc.) feel like they're being held back from getting the help they desperately need because they can be overly effective against new players.

  • MissBehavingX
    MissBehavingX Member Posts: 493

    Yeah thats why I asked how long this person has been playing. These issues don't usually come to mind as issues when you are new, you usually think the survivors are stronger because you haven't learned killer yet not because they are together communicating.

    Same with killers, it takes a while to get used to the killers, I started with trapper, and good ol' Chuckles gave me plenty 4ks in low ranks when I started once I knew how to be kinda strategic with the traps placement.

    Not saying there arent weaker killers, there are, but you also need to practice cause I've seen stupidly good clowns and pigs, those are not as common but they exist.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564
    edited April 2022

    I agree. Add tunnelling, camping and NOED kills. All of this boosts kills and then most killers are looks like okey while they are not.

    I am trying play fair with killers but it is imposible with most of them. But i know nothing will change.

    Yeah, true. Trapper is weakest killer in game but i saw some God Trappers who destroyed us. But game should not balance around this people because most Trappers can not do this.

    You are just so new my dude, this is why you are bad. But don't worry, you will get better. If you wanna, i can help you for pratice. You can add me on Steam.

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    1. They didn't have the option to play with friends previously. But people would just dodge infinitely until they got their friends. This made the queues horrible, everyone was even more mismatched in skill level, and finding a match was a chore that took to long. If you removed the option to play with friends people would just start dodging again until they could play with their friends anyways, resulting in the same outcome as now, but with way worse queues. No thanks.

    2. Until a couple of patches ago this wasn't a thing. And there were tons of people using their different resolutions to stretch it to the point where they could have a highly unfair advantage. Yes in a perfect world everyone would play by the rules and it'd be fine. But unfortunately we live in a world where people have to ruin the experience for others. Sucks but the alternative is worse.

    3. Yes some killers are worse than others. But that'll happen in any game. Amy game where you have multiple characters, classes, operators, abilities, ect.. there's always going to be things that are stronger than others. I will tell you, even the worst killer can still win and 4k consistently, it's just harder to do so. The goal shouldn't be to be completely balanced, that's impossible in a game like this. Rather they should look at bridging that gap as close as possible to be equally easy/hard regardless of which killer you use. Which I believe they're trying to do. Just badly and slower than molasses lol