4 rank 1 survs on discord vs any rank killer is just unfair and unfun

like i played from ashe to gold and am a returning player and i legit see red ranks every game and mostly red rank swf groups who are toxic a holes and you can not beat. even with out flashlights you can't see their perks so you don't know their rank or their perks and get rolled.

like how is this in anyway fun versing 4 rank 1s who are a swf on discord calling out everything and with so much teamwork you just end up ether face camping a kill or afk in a corner.

like this is just so boring this is supposed to be a fun arcade game but all i see is hey guys lets group up and bully the killer the whole game.

the killer is supposed to put FEAR and PRESSURE on the survs not get bullied.

looks like i have to take another break cause this is just so boring. killer has no impact in the game and its so easy to roll a killer.

killers should have some advantage other than have to snowball but the snowball is so rare it never works.

i am just annoyed that ever game i have red ranks ether a duo or a 4 stack and i legit can't do anything cause by the time i finsh a chase 3 gens pop and its ggs at that point.

the maps are so surv sided too, the blendettes just vanishing mid chase is so annoying and confusing cause you legit can't find them sometimes since they are deep in the bush which does not give the killer los.

i just want to enjoy killer again not get bulled when i am the one who should be bulling people in a 4v1 game.

like actually unfun, why even bother playing killer at this point but surv has such a boring playstyle so why even bother playing the game in gen.


  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Ranks dont mean anything though I'm afraid.

    And killers just rough in general if people can loop and are efficient

  • SS007
    SS007 Member Posts: 168

    The game is already too survivor sided DH , COH , tool boxes , gen rushing , sabotage , body blocking , flash lights , subtle cheaters and when you play with 4 other players using voice chat killers have no chance at winning because your location is communicated constantly between everyone so they know when to work on gens and when not. They can time body blocks and sabotages efficiently and flashlight saves which makes hooking someone way more difficult especially when someone is on death hook and the 4th survivor is always working on gens and they swap and every gen progress is known to everyone because of voice communication someone can always finish the gen when the killer chases the survivor that was repairing it .

    Usually 4 stack swf runs the same perks that will give them a big advantage as a group so if you either slug or do anything else they have solutions plus the 5th perk slot for everyone ( COH ) but solo q everyone runs their own build that doesn't make the whole match impossible for killers like swf does.

    This whole thing hurts solo q survivors too so I think nerfing swf is necessary either slow gen speed or limit swf to 2 players max it's easier to deal with 2-2 stacks than a 4 stack.

  • Notionless
    Notionless Member Posts: 243

    I feel you, but ive found that these matches are rare and not unwinnable by any stretch of the imagination, its just the early game that is so tilting, ususally.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,344
    edited April 2022

    Changing the gen speeds would be a terrible idea, and make doing them more tedious as well.

    Let's say they do as you suggest:

    You're solo with another solo and a two-man, one of which is dead, with one gen to go and the other solo slugged. The killer is chasing you and the remaining swf is on that last gen, but it takes them twice as long as a solo would to repair (or whatever % debuff) and you after an epic chase finally are downed. The killer then chases the other solo and downs them





    Maxitolliony Posts: 17 3:03PM

    like i played from ashe to gold and am a returning player and i legit see red ranks every game and mostly red rank swf groups who are toxic a holes and you can not beat. even with out flashlights you can't see their perks so you don't know their rank or their perks and get rolled.

    like how is this in anyway fun versing 4 rank 1s who are a swf on discord calling out everything and with so much teamwork you just end up ether face camping a kill or afk in a corner.

    like this is just so boring this is supposed to be a fun arcade game but all i see is hey guys lets group up and bully the killer the whole game.

    the killer is supposed to put FEAR and PRESSURE on the survs not get bullied.

    looks like i have to take another break cause this is just so boring. killer has no impact in the game and its so easy to roll a killer.

    killers should have some advantage other than have to snowball but the snowball is so rare it never works.

    i am just annoyed that ever game i have red ranks ether a duo or a 4 stack and i legit can't do anything cause by the time i finsh a chase 3 gens pop and its ggs at that point.

    the maps are so surv sided too, the blendettes just vanishing mid chase is so annoying and confusing cause you legit can't find them sometimes since they are deep in the bush which does not give the killer los.

    i just want to enjoy killer again not get bulled when i am the one who should be bulling people in a 4v1 game.

    like actually unfun, why even bother playing killer at this point but surv has such a boring playstyle so why even bother playing the game in gen.


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    • ThiccBudhha Posts: 5,401 3:05PM
    • It depends on how good they are. Most swf are garbagio to be real with you. I am scared of 4 competent survivors regardless of rank more than 4 clowns who are coordinating.
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    • SS007 Posts: 84 3:13PM
    • The game is already too survivor sided DH , COH , tool boxes , gen rushing , sabotage , body blocking , flash lights , subtle cheaters and when you play with 4 other players using voice chat killers have no chance at winning because your location is communicated constantly between everyone so they know when to work on gens and when not. They can time body blocks and sabotages efficiently and flashlight saves which makes hooking someone way more difficult especially when someone is on death hook and the 4th survivor is always working on gens and they swap and every gen progress is known to everyone because of voice communication someone can always finish the gen when the killer chases the survivor that was repairing it .
    • Usually 4 stack swf runs the same perks that will give them a big advantage as a group so if you either slug or do anything else they have solutions plus the 5th perk slot for everyone ( COH ) but solo q everyone runs their own build that doesn't make the whole match impossible for killers like swf does.
    • This whole thing hurts solo q survivors too so I think nerfing swf is necessary either slow gen speed or limit swf to 2 players max it's easier to deal with 2-2 stacks than a 4 stack.
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    • Notionless Posts: 111 3:17PM
    • I feel you, but ive found that these matches are rare and not unwinnable by any stretch of the imagination, its just the early game that is so tilting, ususally.
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    SS0073:13 pm

    The game is already too survivor sided DH , COH , tool boxes , gen rushing , sabotage , body blocking , flash lights , subtle cheaters and when you play with 4 other players using voice chat killers have no chance at winning because your location is communicated constantly between everyone so they know when to work on gens and when not. They can time body blocks and sabotages efficiently and flashlight saves which makes hooking someone way more difficult especially when someone is on death hook and the 4th survivor is always working on gens and they swap and every gen progress is known to everyone because of voice communication someone can always finish the gen when the killer chases the survivor that was repairing it .

    Usually 4 stack swf runs the same perks that will give them a big advantage as a group so if you either slug or do anything else they have solutions plus the 5th perk slot for everyone ( COH ) but solo q everyone runs their own build that doesn't make the whole match impossible for killers like swf does.

    This whole thing hurts solo q survivors too so I think nerfing swf is necessary either slow gen speed or limit swf to 2 players max it's easier to deal with 2-2 stacks than a 4 stack.

    Changing the gen speeds would be a terrible idea, and make doing them more tedious as well.

    Let's say they do as you suggest:

    You're solo with another solo and a two-man, one of which is dead, with one gen to go and the other solo slugged. The killer is chasing you and the remaining swf is on that last gen, but it takes them twice as long as a solo would to repair (or whatever % debuff) and you after an epic chase finally are downed. The killer then chases the other solo and downs them, all because it took them much much longer to work on a gen.

    That's just one senario. Plus sitting on a gen isn't exactly the funniest activity either.

    The devs seem intent on lifting solos toward swf level, not punishing anyone with limits on perks and such.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,344

    Wow. How the fudge did I manage to mess up that post?!!!???

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,923

    You confused the hell out of me. What in the hell was that?

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,344

    @MandyTalk or another mod, can you undo all that extra stuff after my comments please? I cannot seem to fix it...

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Here's the thing though.

    4 competent survivors solo will be matched up against the same killer as the same 4 survivors playing a fully coordinated SWF together.

    The 4 might be manageable alone. But together, they'll send that killer to Eyrie with 3 further hook offerings and make them want to uninstall.

  • Plsfix369
    Plsfix369 Member Posts: 566

    The fuk was that long a&& post?

    yeah they should start buffing weak killers, it just starts becoming stale as the meta requires you to tunnel and camp against SWF and be as toxic as possible every game, this isn't going to end well for DBD's health

  • EngineerDispenser
    EngineerDispenser Member Posts: 52
    edited April 2022

    Given I just witnessed this tonight on a friend's Twitch stream, survivors really need adjustments.

    Game starts on Ormond with a Ghostface:

    - Survivors have mostly meta perks.
    - Ormond Offering from Survivors.
    - All five generators are done by 3 minutes and 50 seconds. 
    - Survivors had 3 Prove Thyselves with zero toolboxes.
    - Only one hook was established by this point.
    - Killer had to facecamp for 2 kills.
    - Total match time was 6 minutes and 50 seconds.

    Like zero joke. I've been hesitant on saying survivors need nerfs and killers need buffs, but the state of the game is an absolute joke with MMR on. If a game can be completed under 4 minutes by simply slamming gens without a care in the world and abusing a strong map, then why even bother with half of the killer roster in this game?

  • PNgamer
    PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415

    Just to clarify. I've always said that SWF is a bad gaming experience for killers, and have been since 2016, but there is a difference between grade 1 survivor with a 2000 mmr and grade 1 survivor with a 1000 mmr. Ranks are dead. Every player should have realized that by now. There are Grade 1 Survivors who just play a lot and that's why they reached that grade. But they play so poorly that even a weak killer can get at least a 50-50.

  • Schiffer
    Schiffer Member Posts: 3

    I entirely understand your frustatition. But this is how it is my bro. Try to watch the positive thing dude, if you are matched mostly against 4 sweaty man it is because you reached a high skill level!

    As a friendly advice: Try another killer, build. Put a test a different gamestyle. That's all we have for now to fight the most tryhard swf