Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Playing killer just isn't fun

Exactly as the title says.

Playing killer at mid-high levels just isn't fun in any single way at all.

You have to play like a sweatlord to win a game, hell even just to down one player some of the time.

Then when you lose you get tbagged at the gate and trash talked post game chat for whatever reason.

Like are the developers of this game actually this blind to what's going on in their game?

It really is atrocious that they've allowed this game to spiral so far down this path to the point where the player numbers are starting to show a very concerning trend.

The game since last August has had a player count drop of 56% on steam (hate to think of the playercount drop on console)

This shows that players are not happy with the state of the game and most haven't been happy with the state of it well before SBMM came into play.

I think a major issue is the way the game is now played even in mid tier levels where killers tunnel and survivors either get bored of holding M1 all game on a gen or get sick of dealing with camping/tunnelling killers. Problem is camping/tunnelling is the only viable strat in the current meta because patrolling gens generally gets you nothing.

The fact that this stupid gamestyle hasn't been addressed and moreover the fact that the survivor role hasn't been tuned since release concerns me the most. They simply just keep adding more and more characters which means more and more perks and it's just digging that grave even deeper at this point.

A game should not make you even more frustrated when you reach higher levels, it should feel rewarding and give you a sense of achievement which this game currently does not. No matter what role I play it's just never ending frustration.

In summary I really do hope they turn this around because I used to have fun with the game and did like it alot once upon a time but if they allow it to continue down the path it's going well then... good riddance dbd.



  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    Part of the big issue with DBD is there's no feeling of true progression or rewards. You play a match, or many matches, whether you win or lose, you get a little bit of player xp which largely gets ignored because you get a very small of shards that doesn't really amount to much, and a little bit of bp. This bp is used to buy perks and invest into a characters bloodweb. The problem with this progression system is the grind is so large you don't really feel anything on a match to match basis. Add in the fact that you have a small pool of perks on each side that are really good that get used 90% of the time, a few decent perks that occasionally get used, and then a mountain of useless perks that almost never get used. And with all survivors being the exact same outside of what perks they bring, most matches feels exactly the same.

    So on a match to match basis, you feel no real progression, and most matches feel exactly the same. The only real reward you get is, "you did well, here's some harder players to go against." And that happens pretty quickly with their current system. A few good matches can have you playing against the strongest opponents.

    DBD doesn't feel rewarding for playing well, and you don't feel like you're really progressing all that much.

    So gameplay gets stale quickly, matches go by super fast, so instead of enjoying yourself and your survivor/killer and getting into The atmosphere of the game, you have to rush everything to kill everyone or escape as fast as possible. And there's nothing that keeps your attention outside of getting to use your favorite killer/survivor.

  • Hawk81584
    Hawk81584 Member Posts: 405

    A game stresses you? Why do anything for entertainment that stresses you. Thing I find amazing is people talking about end game chat it’s really simple just move on and end game chat means nothing. It’s part of learning to be an adult to not worry about what others say

  • t0007319
    t0007319 Member Posts: 176

    I find playing as a killer way more chill than solo q, just because solo q you have less control who you’re paired with and there is no real saving grace if another survivor is showing the killer your location etc.

    Can agree about toxic survivors though, nothing better than watching them twerk away like rabid tiktokers at the gate haha

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Bold of you to assume I don't like sweating

  • Whoudini
    Whoudini Member Posts: 309

    You can force plaything to be cleansed by running other totem perks, its like complaining about your haunted grounds staying up and you don't give them a reason to cleanse it (I have had times where my team have agreed not to do totems because we find 2 glowing and no ruin is up etc so we assume haunted).

    I think in general blinding and saboing is fine. They are not doing gens whilst this is happening and you can play around it (I cant even remember the last time I lost to a sabo etc).

    The core issue with the game being stale is definitely the way the meta has evolved. But one of the big core issues with balance is actually map design. If the too big maps (Mothers dwelling) or the maps with just way too strong structures (Badham) were toned to actually be fair for both sides then killers would have a much less harder time.

  • ElmosPayPig
    ElmosPayPig Member Posts: 128

    That's entirely on the fault of your fellow survivors being bad and having no game sense.

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    I feel the same way. Just yesterday I kept getting matched against survivors who knew how to abuse every broken loop in the game. I remember one match where they would run to shack which had two strong loops nearby, so it was basically an infinite loop lifeboat for them. What the hell am I supposed to do? In the end I camped and tunneled for a couple of kills and as per the usual routine the last two survivors opened the gate, waited as long a possible there, and t-bagged me to show how awesome they are. Many of these idiots certainly don’t play killer - why would they? They have way more fun abusing and mocking killers. It’s those kind of matches that make me feel like the frustration just isn’t worth it anymore. I can see now why BHVR are working on bot killers, because soon that will be the only option for survivors at high ranks.

  • impulse_90
    impulse_90 Member Posts: 64

    It's fairly evident when you start vsing players that have even the slightest idea on how to loop effectively and do gens efficiently.

    On top of that let's just add body blocking and all the extra ######### a killer has to deal with into it as well.

    Those things are how you know you're at mid-high ranks.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Well I have fun playing killer so I don't think I can relate there, In fact I got my killer to rank 1 before I really even got into the survivor side for the month and now they're both rank one and I switch between them, maybe you're just burnt out of playing the same killers? Or you might just need a week or so off from the game to really want to play it, I've noticed for alot of my friends this game is a habit for them and they play even when they don't really feel like it, taking that break will make you alot less frustrated when you do have bad games

  • impulse_90
    impulse_90 Member Posts: 64

    That's nice, I'm glad you have fun with it. Yes I am burnt out of the game but that's mostly because the game is stale, broken and frustrating not because I play it alot. It has nothing to do with taking a break because even after taking one for a couple of months I came back to playing at high mmr and still it was frustrating. The reality is once you reach a certain level as killer it just becomes increasingly annoying to continue playing at that level and if you haven't got to that point yet just keep playing because it's a guarantee that at some point it will frustrate you.

  • FrostyEyesSusie
    FrostyEyesSusie Member Posts: 421

    Because unless you're activelly de-mmr-ing you'll get to that range very quickly due to the way mmr is calculated. Add to that the killer shortages, and you're facing top mmr survivors pretty fast.

  • FrostyEyesSusie
    FrostyEyesSusie Member Posts: 421

    It takes only about 18 3-4K games for you to reach top MMR as killer, so that's very likely..

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    This just in, you have to try in order to win while playing a pvp game, not fun for local killer. Surprised that people online are mean, blames devs. This and more at 6 with Fog News

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    Sometimes, it is.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    I actually had a really fun couple of games as killer recently. Both games were pretty tight and the most recent swung from one side to the other. M1 killlers probably have a way worser experience than mobility ones atm.

  • Bladeisbest
    Bladeisbest Member Posts: 308

    I agree with this response. I would love a suggestion on how they should fix this problem though. What change do you feel would be most important?

  • JeanCharpentier
    JeanCharpentier Member Posts: 370

    Both sides aren't fun to play. 6 months ago, when we still had 100k peak players on steam, on this forum i have said that with the current state of the game (+SBMM), the playerbase would decrease and that in some months we would reach below 50k peak players.

    Many have laughed about it saying that it was impossible.

    Now, there are may days where we are often under 50k peak playing. An it will continue to decrease a ton if B HVR do not make the good choice fast enough.

    Fact that they made a survey to know what is wrong is funny as we are talking about the main problems here, on steam and on reddit everyday for months now, if not years.

  • SomberNokk
    SomberNokk Member Posts: 732
  • JeanCharpentier
    JeanCharpentier Member Posts: 370

    Same as you, even though prior to SBMM trials were uneven with a biased matchmaking system, at least i had fun in almost every trials as a killer and survivors.

    Today, the fun is really rare. I still play as i love DbD but such a gem of a game being destroyed by unwise chocies... jsut because devs think they know the game better than us...

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I’m skeptical about that. Every time someone escapes your MMR goes down, and if they are lower rated it goes down even more than if they are equal to you. So if you actually somehow got to high MMR when you shouldn’t be there then every escape would be significantly lowering it back down.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,939

    Give the killers something for hooking people. That means reverting the Pop nerf and ignoring these talks of nerfing Pain Resonance and Dead Man's Switch. If the killers camp and slug, they don't get anything from these perks.

  • HelloKitty2022
    HelloKitty2022 Member Posts: 146

    The problem is SWF and to weak Solo Players. Without SWF i guess DbD would be much more fun and probably less toxic. I wonder what would happen if BHVR offer an alternative Server without SWF and slightly buffed Solo Survs. I would change without no doubt.

  • Dannyj
    Dannyj Member Posts: 39

    i'm sorry , i do enjoy killer.

    I get plenty of 4k without having to play like a sweatlord.

    You are probably focusing the really good loopers or you are not defending certain gens in a strategic way.

    Killer actually gives me the feeling i'm in control of the game even if i get outplayed.

    Playing solo survivor and getting 2 crawlers / locker hiders is way more annoying too me

  • MilManson
    MilManson Member Posts: 939
    edited April 2022

    Developers say 2k is a win, 2k is classed as a "loss" in the game.

    So anything less than a 4k isn't satisfying and the survivors claim they win if one survivors escape.

    Post edited by MilManson on
  • FrostyEyesSusie
    FrostyEyesSusie Member Posts: 421
    edited April 2022

    Killer mmr is pretty simple and straightforward.

    0K = -40

    1k = -20

    2K = 0

    3K = +20

    4k = +40

    Max MMR is 1,900 (soft cap) and the starting MMR is 1,200, but there is a rubberband effect prevents your lowest killer MMR to be more than 200 points less than your highest MMR killer. So if you are already 1,900 mmr with a killer, then every killer will have at least 1,700 MMR, even if you literally have never played him yet.

    Between the highest and the default mmr is a 500 points difference (1,900-1,200), meaning it takes 18 4K games to reach max MMR.

  • Hunkulese
    Hunkulese Member Posts: 433

    Playing killer is great. The number one thing getting in your way is you seem to be unable to admit you need to improve and you just want to blame everyone else.

    I play at high MMR. I never play sweaty. I try out different builds. I use most killers. I have fun with survivors that want to have fun. I still win most of my games.

    The number one thing you need to do is stop worrying about winning and losing and what the survivors are doing to trigger you. If you lose, try and figure out what you can do to play better. You're making a ton of mistakes in your games. The first thing you should do is stick to a standard M1 killer until you learn to win with them. The games becomes so much more fun when you're not relying on the crutches that come from using an op killer and it becomes almost impossible for survivors to be toxic and trigger you once you've mastered the basic M1 gameplay.

  • Hunkulese
    Hunkulese Member Posts: 433
    edited April 2022

    I'm not saying I use random builds. I'm just not using the same maximized builds every time. You can absolutely use non-meta builds with non-meta killers and win at high MMR, and you'll probably have more fun. You don't even have to believe me. Just look at any of the streamers people have heard of before. They're in the upper echelons of MMR, win with any killer and any build, and divide their attention between the game and their chat. That proves that it's a skill and attitude issue. Stop worrying so much about winning and losing and try and use every loss to get better. Learning anything is frustrating.

    It's the internet. People are going to be asshats no matter what. Ignore the toxic people in chat. Most people are friendly and will react in a friendly manner if you initiate the conversation. You have to grow thicker skin if you want to interact with people online.

    Becoming proficient at M1 gets rid of the in-game toxicity. Most players won't try toxic stuff when they know it means they're going to die. If they outplay you and want to teabag you at the exit gates, who cares? They earned it. You're also more likely to be in the MMR you're supposed to be at if you're not abusing op killers to get there.

  • musstang62
    musstang62 Member Posts: 517

    It really just drives the point home even more coming from him. Not a great sign when the dude that's kept his sanity through borderline impossible no hit runs on soulsbourne games, he goes and plays Sadako and is eventually like "######### this, this killer is too frustrating to play"

    The soulsbourne games were extremely punishing but ultimately with a degree of fairness to them. Playing killer anymore just feels straight up punishing

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    All I saw was "wah wah can't get 50 wins in a row anymore, game is SOUL CRUSHING" I only won 16 games in a row, and got a 2k the one I "lost".

    Dude can cry me a river lmao

  • Viciusaurus
    Viciusaurus Member Posts: 438

    Honestly the most fun I have playing killer at this point is in the tutorial match. :|

    I get genuinely anxious whenever I load into the killer screen, no matter who I play as. I hate that I actually have to mentally prepare myself to play as role that is meant to be fun, but has come to be something so stressful it may as well cause an anyuerism.

    I've lost all hope for this game to get into any better of a position, and I've really been taking Coté's words to heart of playing something else, because clearly these problems have persisted for years and very little has been done. I used to play this game for hours every day. I now barely play one match once a week, and it's just so vastly disappointing.

  • Hunkulese
    Hunkulese Member Posts: 433

    Or you could, you know, look at what he's talking about in context. He was trying to win 30 games in row. He wasn't losing every game. He was losing every 15th game. Sadako is also desperately in need of some love, but she's also a free win if you get an indoor map. Sure, there are some frustrating games every now and then as a killer, but if you're matched with survivors of your skill level, you're going to win far more than you lose.