This Game Is Really Taxing For Killers (Not Nurse or Blight)

You cannot chase anymore. Its detrimentally ridiculous how easy it is to lose a game because you go against survivors who just know safe tiles. I wasn't one of the ones who thought dead hard was nonsense but it def proved problematic when the whole team has it. There are no fast downs as a basic attack killer its old news now. I think that is why there is such a decline in player base because I feel it too. The more I play the less I want to.
Just play Ghostie Billy, or Onryo. There's nothing to sweat over then.
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Billy has the best detection and slowdown power in game. Nothing to sweat about. It's those lesser killers that can only run in a straight line that you have to worry about
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Billy has a chainsaw... how does that help him detect and slow down Survivors?
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Playing Nurse or Blight isn't any less taxing you know.
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Yeah. M1 killers be like should I drop the chase or not, whatever, I waste time doing either anyway.
And everyone knows where to run. Even if you get rid of the pallets gens gonna pop. It is tough sometimes especially against coordinated groups.
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With m1 killers it’s often a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation.
What’s the usual advice if you’re stuck in chase for too long? Drop chase and find someone else, right. But what do you do when you’re stuck in the next chase for too long? Doesn’t matter. The games already over by that point.
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Agreed. There really isn't much you can do being an M1 with how the maps are laid out now a days. Solution Don't play them. But that should not be the solution.
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Don't you just love when Nurses and Blights that don't crutch on meta perks and add-ons get lumped in with the super-sweats?
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Do not try hard, you will end up in a good MMR to have fun. Do not force to get kills. Offer the escape to some survivor sometimes etc...
Honestly, i play both sides and really to day the survivor experience is horrible. Killers are extremely toxic to secure kills. They camp and tunnel every game at high MMR, it is horrible.
Toxic survivors exist but it's rare. SWF bringing broken items or a survivor "exploiting"semi infinite and trolling are here and there but i don't face them as often as i face a camper/tunneler (like 95% of the time)...
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I was joking because he needs a rework.
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I have never had a killer give toxicity in chat it's always survivors.
If you don't camp at all and just try to have a chilled game not worrying about result you still get abuse.
They think they are demi gods but have no clue how much harder killer can be.
99% ggs if they win 1% ggs if they lose.
Do they realise there is no game without killer? I doubt it lol
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Not always. But if they make a mistake then ... 😈
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Ghostie,billy;; both are m1s when going against good survs
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Yeah i agree with this, i started playing killer and wanted to play fair, but man did they start playing like a$$es
okay i'm new at killer, does that mean they have to make the experience miserable for me ?
and my favorite are Myers and Sadako, so yeah, after a while i feel powerless
and like you said, for a game to start, it needs a killer
i just don't get it, i'm supposed to be the killer, but when gates are open and i hook one survivor they all run to me like they are invincible gods, i got a 3K from it cause of what i guess was overconfidence, but still, thats just wrong
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Chat toxicity is a thing, toxic gameplay is another. Honestly, survivors can insult me iin the end chat, idc but facing a camper/tunneler is horrible...
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Toxic survivors exist but it's rare.
We definitely do not play the same game.