I'd like to note that I've owned DBD since release and have had fun playing it. But... skillful players don't want to be anywhere near rank 1 and I'll tell you why. The closer you get to rank 1, the more D-strikes, flashlights, BMPs you come up against and as for survivor, you never get a game without Ruin ect. So... ranking up is not about how skilled you are as a survivor or killer, It's more about what Perks/Items you own and bring into a game. But what can you do, survivors bring BMPs or DS why would a killer not bring Ruin. It's bull ######### and we all know it. THEY SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN IMPLEMENTED INTO THE GAME.


  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    edited June 2018

    It is BNP btw, brand new part, and yes it shuoldnt be a thing

    As long as it is ridiculously easy to rank up and as long as there are no rewards for ranking up, rank in a non-competitive unbalanced game is just a big joke
    Oh and then we dont even have a casual mode, I mean #########?

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    Okay as I understand the DS (its annoying but I mean you can't ask them to just take it out lol) and flashlights (hate them to death when I play killer ALWAYS have frankies on its my main perk) are a pain the ass but there are also ways to make it so you dont get flashlighted? I mean wait to see what they have until about 10 seconds left then base your layout on what they have? thats what I do anyways..and the BNP its kind of a no brainier on why they have that in there lol. I mean survivors are FIXING I just yeah it sucks having them used on you but I mean..Everyone is trying to get rid of the few good things that the survivors have..they want SB nerfed they want SC nerfed (Which I understand) they want DS nerfed (But its just like being pallet stunned) but that would kinda like survivors saying that they should nerf BBQ and nurses and bloodlust lol..It all goes hand and hand but yes some of the perks are O.P but they are how they are used..and the closer you get to rank 1 the more swf you see..thats all there is to it..But Ive said it before and Ill say it again...No one is EVER going to be happy with the perks and the way the game is there is ALWAYS going to be someone saying something needs changed..end of story.

  • Envees
    Envees Member Posts: 370

    I ranked up to almost 10 as surv. Never again. Same with killer. Never again. Not ever. I would rather give two survs a pass than go through that again.

    And DS is not like a pallet slam as mentioned above. A saved DS results in a hatch standoff win. Cant wait till i can close the hatch and force the last to do a gen. No more free escapes just cos they were the last.

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736
    Envees said:

    I ranked up to almost 10 as surv. Never again. Same with killer. Never again. Not ever. I would rather give two survs a pass than go through that again.

    And DS is not like a pallet slam as mentioned above. A saved DS results in a hatch standoff win. Cant wait till i can close the hatch and force the last to do a gen. No more free escapes just cos they were the last.

    I thought with hatch being closed it powered the exit gates? I mean either way a killer shouldn't expect 4 kills every single game..that's just will get out played you will mess up..just like with the survivors.
  • Sn0wJob
    Sn0wJob Member Posts: 247

    @MrsMaliciousX said:
    Envees said:

    I ranked up to almost 10 as surv. Never again. Same with killer. Never again. Not ever. I would rather give two survs a pass than go through that again.

    And DS is not like a pallet slam as mentioned above. A saved DS results in a hatch standoff win. Cant wait till i can close the hatch and force the last to do a gen. No more free escapes just cos they were the last.

    I thought with hatch being closed it powered the exit gates? I mean either way a killer shouldn't expect 4 kills every single game..that's just will get out played you will mess up..just like with the survivors.

    It powers them, but they still need to be opened. This means at gens 3 or Gens 2 the moment you find the hatch you sit on it because its not worth closing until you see if they progress any generators or try for the hatch
    At 1 gen left you slam the hatch asap and get over to a gate, it's basically a 50/50 if you don't see the survivor.

  • Yohthao
    Yohthao Member Posts: 9

    I'd like to consider myself a skillful killer and well... I actually don't care about hitting rank 1 as a killer. Yes, it may be challenging because, as you would expect, the higher the rank, the better everyone else is at utilizing the mechanics.

    The developers are working on making Decisive Strike a one time use, in which afterwards a survivors health becomes permanently injured for the entire game. I think it's fair to me considering that Decisive Strike is a very strong survivor perk and that it also puts more consequences on using a simple perk like DS.

  • Claustr0ph0bia
    Claustr0ph0bia Member Posts: 6

    My point is... If we removed these things.. that we all hate (on both sides), then "maybe" the games/ranking would come down to skill and a lot less rng, playing Hide and Seek with the totem or having to deal with 4 DStrikes