Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Cry Wolf?

This sincerely is getting annoying anymore. I been getting "reported" or told im getting reported, for playing the game. They (and it feels like it's always the same person on a different gamertag each time). Telling me off. And nothing I do MYSELF to report it is being done, but I cant even text because I've "voilated" policies. What report are against playing this game? I play as the game intends. But I'm Trash?? And reported on for it?

Also, to all survivors: CLARIFY ONCE AND FOR ALL - What is Tunneling.

(Because in my experience, I'm smacking everyone I see in front of me, chasing the wounded for a down, how am I tunneling?, I'm NOT singling ANY One out)


  • lavars
    lavars Member Posts: 312
  • lavars
    lavars Member Posts: 312

    Sorry, but i couldn't resist ^^

    don't mind other peoples opinion, play as you want. Both sides cry all the time, and everyone will find something unfair. :shrug:

    There will never be a real definition, as it will be bend as soon as they feel they have less fun.

    I sometimes get tunneled or tunnel, it really depends on the game. I ignore the survivors and act as they are bots.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Tunneling: going for the same objective again and again until its finished. Ignoring other objectives.

    Sorta, like when there is a gen at 90% and regressing and another one at 0% nearby. You go for that 90% gen, no matter what.

  • Waterfall
    Waterfall Member Posts: 202

    They’re just trying to make you upset next time they threaten with false reports type “gg ez” and leave chat. They will implode from not getting the last word and they’ll end up looking like that giant monster from Akira.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,054

    Tunneling: Finding one surv, chasing/downing/hooking them, then chasing them immediately off hook, downing and hooking them, repeating until dead. All to the total exclusion of other survs, only hitting them to get to the target of your tunnel. The minute you break off of them to focus on another surv for any amount of time, the tunnel is over.

    Of course, people will define this differently, from something like my narrow definition to "You didn't immediately run to the other side of the map and ignore me for five minutes, you're tunneling!".

    Since there is no common definition, just play however you want, people will find some justification to make their failure your fault regardless.

    And turn off chat.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    Hackers don't get banned so you have nothing to worry about.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    Tunneling does not exist.

    If Survivors are allowed to go back to that 90% gen you kicked; You are allowed to go for the wounded, dead-on-hook Survivor they let slip into phase 2.

  • VirtuaTyKing
    VirtuaTyKing Member Posts: 469
    edited April 2022

    I have rules i would like to make up for survivors. Would they listen? No.

    I try to have a fun game If possible but if I'm not allowed then neither will they be.

  • Plsfix369
    Plsfix369 Member Posts: 566
    edited April 2022

    In Low to Mid MMR where both survivors and killers skills are so bad, tunneling and proxy camping is a problem, but in High MMR where good survivors and SWF exists its justified.

    The problem is the SoloQs that are only playing casually suffers from the consequence as they're practically easy 4ks for the killer who capitalizes against injured survivors since its extremely advantageous to watch em all unhook and chase the unhooked, knowing that everyone of them are either average in looping or aren't using meta perks to gain MMR.

    You can get a kill as early as 3 minutes and no one is there to stop you.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Tunneling - exclusively going after a single survivor off the hook, regardless of other targets, BT, DS or what have you.

    In many cases it's an optimal way to play. It's absolutely not against the rules.

    If someone says 'I'm reporting you for tunneling' your response is 'go right ahead, get banned for abusing the report system'.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    It does exist, or we wouldn't all understand it in the parlance of DBD.

    Does it matter? Well that is a much different debate.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,500

    This is savage. I see what you did there, and I like it.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756


    If you chased one player the entire match until they were dead ignoring everything else you tunneled.

    If you switched targets smacking, downing, hooking and kicking gens you didn't tunnel.

  • FrostyEyesSusie
    FrostyEyesSusie Member Posts: 421

    Survivors don't feel bad about them tunnelling gens, so don't feel bad about you tunnelling them. They don't get to dictate how you need to play the game, they sure pull no punches or care about if you're having fun or not. So why should you?

    BHVR has specifically said tunnelling and camping are not against the rules. It's only against their made up BS rules which you ought to ignore and break at your heart's content.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    Not true. We understand 'dragon' to mean 'flying reptile' at the very broadest. Yet they don't exist.

    'Tunneling/Tunneler' is a fake title meant to force Killers into playing sub-optimally through shame and threats of reporting. It's used by people who want to win at all costs, which includes lies and threats.

    Which is ironic, because they're upset that their opponent is also trying to win.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    In the end OP, you play how you want. Does it really matter if it's tunneling , to you? I think @ThatOneDemoPlayer defines it quite well.

    But, I do agree, more players should play both sides so they truly understand what these terms mean, and why a killer may engage in these tactics at a certain point in the game.

    And While I don't really enjoy being tunneled out at 5 gens, I respect ones right to play how they want, and I simply move on to the next game.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I see your point, but we are talking about an action in a video game, one which everyone understands what it means and how to defend/oppose it in debates. Many things have parlance that are only related to that particular activity. DBD is no different.

    Now, I certainly agree that sweats complaining about their competitors sweating is quite hypocritical, and often amusing. But most of us, watching a clip of it, would know exactly what it is, and would use the term to define it.

    Regardless of how we feel about it.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    It exists semantically.

    It doesn't exist as any sort of rule, particularly not something that's reportable.

    This is actually a pretty good example of an Ontological Fallacy - just because we have a word for something, doesn't mean that it has any sort of physical existence. Just ask a passing unicorn.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    No, no; we understand what people ATTEMPT to ascribe meaning too it.

    What one person calls 'tunneling', another calls 'fair play'. There's no set meaning. Just a loose understanding of what someone's attempting when they scream 'You're a dirty tunneler!'. That does not mean it's the official definition.

    K? Make sure the cat's don't push everything off, then.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    You saying something doesn't exist doesn't make it not exist.

    Tunneling just exist, which comes from someone having tunnel vision and focusing on another player, even when they aren't the easiest target, ignoring everyone else.

  • CodeDB
    CodeDB Member Posts: 299

    Alright, someone has to say it.

    Survivors don't hate tunneling because it is the "optimal way to play" and they just hate to see those dastardly killers win a single match. Survivors hate tunneling because it prematurely removes them from the match.

    This limits the BP they earn, possibly earns them a depip, and makes them wait in queue longer (or just sit there doing nothing if playing with friends) all for the mortal sin of being the first one found in a casual game.

    Comparing tunneling to finishing a gen is one of the most asinine and frankly disingenuous comparisons I've ever heard. Does finishing a gen kick out a player? No, even if it is the last gen powered, there is still the end game (shout out to the NOED defenders).

    Back to the original question though, what is tunneling? That is debatable and I think some users here give a pretty decent definition. There is no hard set rule for or against it and nor should there be. The best thing you can do though is to put yourself in the other players shoes and think how you would feel in that situation and hope they do the same for you.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    You're wrong. Tunneling does not 'prematurely' remove someone from a match.

    Such a term fosters the idea that Survivors deserve, or are owed, <x> amount of time before the Killer is allowed to kill them. When, in reality, if the Killer kills them; they had their alloted time in the match. They did not die 'prematurely'.

    'Does finishing a gen kick out a player?'

    So the idea is that tunneling is unfair but genrushing is not is...because a Survivor is kicked out of the match if the Killer plays his objective?

    That's, once again, operating on the flawed idea that Survivors are owed, or deserve, a certain amount of time before they can be removed. The comparison works because Doing gens is how Survivors ultimately win, while killing is how the Killer wins.

    Complaining that camping is 'unfair' because 'Survivors are moved from the match' is silly. You're saying 'It's unfair the Killer won because I did not get to play as long as I wanted'. Which, for most Survivors, would be 'until I walk out those exit gates & no sooner'. So if we let Survivors dictate WHEN Killers can kill, the answer would be 'never'.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,769
    edited April 2022

    The "best thing to do" is play however you want in a manner that lets you get the most enjoyment/value out of the game.

    It really, truly sucks that so many people are unable to mentally handle being eliminated quickly in a game based on....eliminating people quickly, but that's a problem with their own expectations and/or sense of entitlement.

    Edited to add that I literally don't care about anyone's thoughts or feelings when playing the game (aside from cutting someone that is obviously new a break from time to time, but that's more so because the game doesn't have an adequate training mode to practice against various killers) - I'm not a tool by any means, always say gg, and compliment people on their good plays in the end chat (even if said play results in me being left hanging for two minutes or getting 0 kills/hooks).

    I don't entertain people's imaginary rulesets or expectations regardless of the side I'm playing and actually understand that the dynamic swings in performance/tactics/cheese/grease/whatever is what makes the game replayable. If I wanted the same experience every time, I'd play a single player game with a linear path.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I didn't say it exists in a state that would require us to acknowledge it with rules. Just that in the parlance of DBD, we all understand what it means.

  • HexDaddyissues
    HexDaddyissues Member Posts: 328

    most survivors who say they're going to report you, usually only do so when they know thyey've been bested. Much like how you had that friend in elementary school where, if he didn't win, he'd immediatley threaten to tell the teacher, even though you did nothing wrong.

    However, with tunneling (ignoreing EVERY other aspect in the game and hyperfocusing on one thing and only that thing (specific survivor, stamping out only one gen, etc etc) is where most survivors will actually get up in arms, mostly due to the fact they feel cheated in the game (even though tunneling is sometimes a necessary evil)

    for the most part, i'd ignore people threatening to report you. Unless you're blatantly cheating, you have nothing to be concerned about, really.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    What I'm getting at is that it means different things. There's no set 'he was tunneling' definition. Let me see if I can explain:

    I stopped watching most youtuber/twitch people play DBD, because the SECOND the Killer walked towards an unhook, the youtuber would scream 'He's TUNNELING!'. I mean, even if the Killer was not at the hook, had not hit anyone, and was only walking in that direction.

    I've also seen people scream 'TUNNELING!' when they were self-caring under the hook they were unhooked from. As if they believed they should be immune to attack because they were unhooked.

    I've been accused of tunneling when I was chasing the unhooker, and he accidentally led me to the unhooked, who had run away & started self-caring. Well, the unhooker, dropped a pallet, and now it's me, a pallet, the unhooker running away, and the unhooked 3 feet away, still self-caring. So CLEARLY I was tunneling when I hit them for being an idiot.

    So while we know what people are trying to say. What I am saying is that there's no actual definition. it means different things to different people.

    Person 1: Tunneling = Hitting an unhooked Survivor before they heal up.

    Person 2: Tunneling = Hitting them right off the hook. But if they start to heal, work on gens, or do bones; they are fair game.

    Person 3: Tunneling = Hitting the unhooked Survivor at any time before hooking someone else.

    THAT is what I mean by 'tunneling does not exist/does not have a set definition'. We know what the person is trying to say via context, but to say 'This is what tunneling is' is to THEN admit that doing it is bad if the definition is bad.

    And, given that 99% of 'Tunneling' is just 'I'm salty I lost'...Well...We really should not codify it and give salty people ammo to sling around.

  • CodeDB
    CodeDB Member Posts: 299

    And, per usual, you're assuming the worst of survivors. Shocker.

    A killers objective is not to "Remove that Jeff you found as quickly as possible", a killers objective is to "Prevent the survivors from escaping". You're conflating what you think is the optimal strategy with the actual objective.

    This would be similar to me saying a survivors objective is to "Complete the center gen on the map". That is obviously false, even if by doing so it increases the survivors chances of escaping more so than completing another gen. Optimal strategy does not equal actual objective.

    As for tunneling removing a survivor prematurely, it ABSOLUTELY does so. That is the whole point of tunneling as it makes the match easier as a 3v1. Having to get 9 more hook states after the first survivor is eliminated is much longer than having to get 3-6 while the survivors, assumedly, still have more objectives to complete as well. No one, except you, is talking about a specific deserved time in game. I'm talking about the survivors perception of the match with specifics to CHANCES to get BP/pips and then having to sit in queue.

    A 4k match where you are able to get 2 unhooks, heal someone, complete half a gen, bless a totem, and die first FEELS much different than a 1k match where you didn't even get a chance to get to a single pallet before the killer was back on you after being unhooked. I wonder if this comes from killers seeing survivors as a single entity instead of 4 individual players. Unless the survivors are a full comp squad, the survivor tunneled out receives no compensation for a 3 man escape (aka a survivor "win").

    I question your reading comprehension in general though, as I made no mention of camping or fairness. I was explaining why I believe survivors dislike being tunneled to try to spread some empathy. Try re-reading my last paragraph to see that. I specifically said both sides should try to understand the actions of others as I believe if a survivor feels they were tunneled, they should be introspective and think did the killer actually tunnel (or was I just the one happened to be found) and if so, why the killer chose to do so.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,769

    Forgot to mention that I find it pretty amusing when I'm trying to get someone out of the game ASAP and the other survivors will all take turns bodyblocking 1 hit each, knowing the exact position that I'm chasing the survivor in/to, indicating a strong micced up team.

    I'm obviously making the correct play against teams like this as they can just do this on any death hook/when the gates are powered.

    Admittedly, really good teams can misdirect when all survivors are injured via blood/scratches and force a hook on someone else, effectively gaining additional time for their team.

    The complaints from teams like this, stacked with meta perks is always a hilarious read - there's nothing wrong with them playing like this and I don't mind as I like the variety, but the attitude/entitlement is laughable.

  • Voriis
    Voriis Member Posts: 131

    From the title I thought this was a killer suggestion, there is a horror movie called Cry Wolf.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    a killers objective is to "Prevent the survivors from escaping"

    And...How do you think the Killer does that? The only way to prevent a Survivor from escaping is to KILL THEM. If they are alive; they will do their objective, which is 'attempt to leave'.

    You're conflating what you think is the optimal strategy with the actual objective.

    No, you're disassociating what the Killer's objective is in order to claim 'The dude called 'Killer' does not actually have the goal of killing.'

    This would be similar to me saying a survivors objective is to "Complete the center gen on the map". That is obviously false, even if by doing so it increases the survivors chances of escaping more so than completing another gen. Optimal strategy does not equal actual objective.

    Once again; you're deliberately mixing up 'strategy' and 'objective' for the Killer. Let me ask you these 2 questions:

    1. How can the Killer prevent Survivors from escaping, for the entire match, without killing?
    2. How can the Killer win, without killing?

    The answer is 'he cannot'. Therefore, Killing is not a 'strategy'. It's his objective. Stop trying to muddy the definitions to make a dishonest point.

    That's like me saying 'The Survivors objective is not to do generators; it's to survive. Therefore, they don't NEED to do gens.'; I'm deliberately making a vague, if technically correct, statement to make a point that would otherwise be wrong.

    As for tunneling removing a survivor prematurely, it ABSOLUTELY does so

    No, it does not, because there's no 'premature'. If there is: what is it? When does the Killer get to kill? After 2 minutes? 3? 5? 7? Nope! Generators are done. Survivors escaped. Match over. There. Is. No. Set. Time. Before. The. Killer. Can. Kill. Thus; there is no being 'prematurely removed'.

    It's another buzzword being flung around by Survivors trying to invent rules and balance flaws so they can demand change in their favor.

    I question your reading comprehension in general though, as I made no mention of camping or fairness

    Ah, good; getting right into the insults and personal attacks. The sure sign you have 0 valid points to make. I was talking about tunneling, and accidentally typed 'camping'. Anyone having an honest discussion would have asked if I made a mistake, as it's clear I was talking about tunneling earlier. But you went right into personal attacks instead.

    As for fairness; it was somewhat implied with 'camping kicks people out of the match'. Implying the one camped has suffered an injustice, an unfair event.

    Anyways; we're done here. I don't engage with people who go into ad hominems anymore.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077


    Well, in that case you're saying that tunneling has a purely subjective existence.

    But okay, my perspective on 'tunneling'.

    Going after someone right off hook is a schmucky thing to do at 5 gens, but if you're up against a strong team/map or are really struggling, it's sometimes the only realistic way to win.

    It definitely grinds my grapes on survivor.

    What you're missing, though is that - at the end of the day - it's your team's responsibility to keep you alive. Survivor isn't a solo role. They should be bodyblocking, pallet saving, bringing real perks and ensuring that damage is distributed evenly.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Worse are the gen campers who just stay on one gen till its complete.

    They don't even leave that gen to find the killer or start another gen they just stay there. Very low level of game interactivity.

    I can accept tunneling the gen by coming back to it if pushed off by the killer, but to just sit on the same gen for the first part of the game is just scummy.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    To the OP

    Tunneling is the deluded belief that you are somehow immune to being targeted by the killer if you have just been unhooked. If the killer doesn't respect that even to their own detriment then they are tunneling you.

    This applies no matter how long ago you were unhooked or how many people have been hooked since you were unhooked.

    Yes this is facetious but not without merit, because lets be real this is how the term gets applied in 90% of my games.