Why do survivors get punished when someone DC's?

I played 4 matches today, all of which two survivors disconnect within the first 3 minutes of the game, usually with 1 or no generators done. Each time, it comes down to me and one random person trying to finish 4/5 generators and open the exit gate because hatch isn't an option. Inevitably, we end up losing, I get killed off first hook, and end the match with like 7,000 bp and I lose rank. How is it fair that I depip and now my mmr goes down because other people decided they didn't want to play a match? They should make it so that when half your team disconnects, you don't lose rank or work on bots to replace disconnected people or something.


  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,901

    I thought they made it so when a dc happens mmr doesnt go up or down.

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    Probably not accurate, but... If a survivor DC's it does not count as a win or lose for the killer, however, the other kills/escapes do count towards the killers MMR. Killer is playing 4 MMR games, where survivors only play 1 MMR game... A killers MMR is adjusted up and down per survivor.

    But a DC at 5 gens basically means the killer wins all four matches... cause if 3 survivors do 5 gens and escape in a 3v1... The killer either let them, or they are TERRIBLE at the game.

    So basically a 3v1 at 5 gens (even 4 gens) is basically all survivors losing that round.

  • Awkweird
    Awkweird Member Posts: 30
    edited April 2022

    First of all you shouldn't care if your MMR goes down. There is absolutely no reward for having a higher MMR, you only get tougher opponents. Also it's a magical value that no one sees.

    Why do teams suffer because of the actions of a member of the team? That's a fact of life that BHVR can't change. If someone gives up, yeah you're gonna have a ######### time.

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    Well thats not entirely true... They could allow players to do multiple things. For example they could implement AI, which it appears they are tyring to do so, at least from what I've seen on youtube. Or they could make it so that when someone DC's the rest can just DC.

    Cause honestly, as a killer, if someone DC's at 4+ gens, I'd much rather just have the option to DC and go to the next match. I don't want to play a 3v1 at 4+ gens.

    Basically the first person eats the punishment but no one else does... Now you might say SWF can abuse that but really only a little, they get up to 4 DCs? It most likely wont be on the same killer every time, so it shouldnt be that annoying and DCing is still way less than it was a few years ago.

    So AI or only the first person DCing gets punished everyone after that can DC freely.

  • Awkweird
    Awkweird Member Posts: 30

    The problem is that most of survivor DCs (from my experience) is when they are severely outplayed at the start. They get found in a locker or a quick down at a safe loop.

    To then 'reset' the game as if it never happened isn't fair to the killer. If others don't want a 3v1 they can just let go when hooked and get out of the game quickly. Which is what happens now.

    There is already a reset if someone fails to load in. This game isn't competitive enough and the matches aren't long enough for team rebalancing or other solutions you've listed. Just take the loss and move on to the next. . There is no real punishment. MMR doesn't matter, ranks don't matter.

  • Wendygo
    Wendygo Member Posts: 114

    There Actually is a reward for some to have higher MMR. You play against tougher opponents. It's the challenge and satisfaction if you had a hard game. Not everyone likes easy matches.

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    How do bots or just letting the killer leave with a 0 gain 0 loss not count as a fair system?

    For example, if bots replaced the DC'd player, the match goes on like normal. So really it would be like the person Didn't DC.

    As for my example that DC'ing is free after the first one always the killer to just step out. Or the other survivors for that matter. To be clear, there probably needs to be some more specific rules in place. But I am talking about an early on DC. For me as killer, when someone DC's at 4+ gens, I just want to leave the match. I usually do one of two things... I either hook everyone and let the last guy get hatch, or let them do all the gens, cause honestly, its not fair to the survivors that some asshat decided he didn't want to play anymore.

    But if I could... I'd rather just DC and go to the next match. If someone DC's at 4+ gens, the game is over, the survivors stand little to zero chance of winning. I don't want to play that, I like the stress of the killer role and want to have a challenge, I dont care about BP or MMR, I just want to play the game and earn my win... So if someone DC's I'd love the option to just DC and go into the next match then spending the next 5-10 minutes killing/letting go of the survivors

  • Awkweird
    Awkweird Member Posts: 30

    I agree, but if you are good, you're going to get a high MMR regardless. It is inevitable, it's not a reward. A few DC matches don't matter either.

  • Awkweird
    Awkweird Member Posts: 30

    Now you're getting into subjective territory. You want fair matches as a killer, you don't like exploitation, earn your win etc etc. Go play chess. This game isn't perfectly fair and that's why it's popular. It's closer to poker, where the cards are sometimes against you, sometimes in your favor. But guess what, it's more fun that way.

  • Wendygo
    Wendygo Member Posts: 114

    Fair point. But I also don't think it's enviable to get into high MMR. Tons of people on this forum are probably very good. Yet I bet a vast majority are not in high MMR. They just think they are. I solo q survivor so I very much highly doubt I'm in high MMR. I like having 'higher' MMR as it challenges me allot more, regardless if I die. So it is a reward. There are many that just want to pub stomp or bully killers. 'Easy' games.

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    Where are you getting this "fair matches", "exploitation" stuff from... The only thing in your reply that I said was "earn my win" which is something subjective to me and I didn't say everyone else had to play by. Reading back I did say

    its not fair to the survivors that some asshat decided he didn't want to play anymore.

    Do you really think a 3v1 at 4+ gens is fun for either side? That comment wasn't about the game being balance, it was saying the survivors stand no chance in that scenario and I PERSONALLY find that unfun for both sides.

    My point is, do you really have fun playing against 3 survivors at 5 gens who aren't really trying cause they just gave up because the game was a lose? Do you find that fun? If so, then you don't have to DC. I simply said, I don't find that fun and would like the option for me to be allowed to DC without suffering a penalty.

  • Awkweird
    Awkweird Member Posts: 30

    Most players like the game because they can exploit unfair things, whether it's perks, offerings, addons, game mechanics etc. BOTH killers and survivors like to bully the other side. That is what made the game popular in the first place. Competitive players are a VAST minority.

    If you don't believe me, then a simple experiment will prove it. Make separate casual and strict MMR ques and you will see that the MMR que will be dead within a week.

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    Guess we just look at the game differently. I don't expect anyone to really like MMR, for example, I don't think anyone was actually asking for it other than BHVR, as since its been introduced its just been a spiral of download average players. I don't give two craps about my MMR, its on of the reasons I am Pro let me DC if a survivor DC's cause my MMR means nothing to me, I really just want to move onto the next match once that happens, but I can't because DC'ing means I have to wait 5, 10, 15, 30+ minutes each time it happens. I think last night as killer I had like 4 DCs, if I DC'd each time I'd have to wait 30 minutes or more before I could queue again.

    I don't care about MMR, I care about getting into the next match and PERSONALLY, I don't find 3v1 fun, so its either try and kill everyone or let them do gens and get out... both of which can take 5-10 minutes to do so. A DC would be instant and depending on the time of day, I'd be in a new match in less than 5 minutes.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I mean, you kinda want MMR to go up for survivors who keep playing when there is a DC. They are often survivors who play altruistic and survivors you can use in your favor. The reason why high mmr killer is either super sweaty or super boring is because good survivors lose MMR due to stuff like this.

    How to fix it? Well, multiple options:

    1. replace the DC'd survivor with a bot. Even if the bot is utter #########, its better than nothing.
    2. increase survivor repair speeds based on how many gens left, with increasing speeds per gen left, 0% with 1 gen left, 5% with 2 gens, 15% with 3 gens, 40% with 4 gens and 85% with 5 gens(also goes the opposite way, so if 1 gen is finished, they now have 40%, when 2 gens are finished, 15% etc etc, and no, it cannot be exploited since the killer already gained a kill without needing to hook, which automatically reduces survivor efficiency by up to 35%, if not more)
    3. at the very least, give each survivor full points in Survival so they gain 8k points just to compensate(doesnt count if the teammate was pre-made). It's already going to be a 8k game at best, so ending the game with 16k points would be the smallest compensation you can give.
  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 334

    I love the people that DC at the beginning of the match for whatever reasons. Oh I don't like the killer, oh I got outplayed, oh they looped me, oh they locker stunned me. DC!

    Insert Cartmans voice, "Screw you guys..... I'm going back to the lobby."

    My thing is.... if you don't want a challenge in your video game, go play Hello Kitty Island Adventure. There you can have no challenge and win all the time! You're Winner 🏆

    Just play the match. You may get beaten or you may win. At least try. Don't just DC cause you want an easy game. Enjoy the challenge.

  • Awkweird
    Awkweird Member Posts: 30

    I don't think DBD is a good game for competitive players and I see a lot people get frustrated because of that. Maybe it's the dev's or some content creator's fault for pushing the game in that direction but it will never satisfy the competitive drive inside you because it is fundamentally unfair.

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    Wait are we on the same side? Cause my whole point is that I don't care about the competitive nature the game seems to have, I just want to play the games the way I want to play them. But DC'ing + DC'ing penalties force me into playing games I don't find fun and am now just doing it to do it?

    To be clear, I do think a DC punishment is fine, I just think there should be conditions that allow other survivors/killers to DC after someone else DC's without punishment.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Take it up with survivor mains. As if anyone can explain their reasoning, it is beyond our understanding.