What do you want nerfed about Dead Hard

Why not both?
Completely rework it
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The Invincibility
Id rather it be "dodge" than just free invincibility from almost every killer power and attack in the game
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The Distance
Make it a dodge like a protection hit.
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The Invincibility
The invincibility is the main issue with the perk.
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The Distance
Rework the Perk completely.
If you nerf the I-Frames, the Perk will still be uncounterable when used for distance.
If you nerf the distance, the Perk will be useless
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The payment.
I'm okay with the effect the perk has. I just want survivors to be forced to consider its drawbacks before equipping it.
Each perk has some sort of a price or counter, Dead Hard has no such thing - aside from that it has a shared cooldown with other strong perks via the Exhaustion status.
However, survivors must be made to weigh their options and play around things of such power - and the killer should be able to keep tabs on it in such situations instead of having to juggle timers in their mind. Players should be made to avoid using Dead Hard unless they MUST. It should not be a 'get out of jail free' card, it should come with a very real drawback that can land them in trouble down the line if they are not prepared to adjust to the consequences of the perk's employ.
This is the kind of perk that, if used poorly, can ruin your game and send you back to que faster than ever. It should also be a perk that, when a team focuses on keeping it viable, can win games - as it currently does in spades.
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The Distance
I'm fine with the Invincibility but extra distance and just wasting another 5 mins looping its just pain, or doing some massive big brain just for them to press one button and get away with it just makes me disgusted
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The Invincibility
The invisibly over M2 attacks, such as getting directly hit by a hatchet. And the ability to dead hard over traps.
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Nothing. You can't nerf it without making it completely useless. I'm sure about it.
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The Invincibility
It is interesting to see it's a 50/50 votes
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The Distance
I'll take one or the other. Both are frustrating in their own right.
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The Distance
Making it solely a skill based, dodge ability makes sense. Does anyone really think that they wouldn't use it if the distance was shortened?
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Apparently I’m of the minority here because as a killer, I don’t even mind when survivors use it. Maybe I’ve just somehow never come across a situation where I’m being looped HARD and then had it used when I finally caught up. Usually they use it and then I hit them 10 seconds later.
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The Distance
DH for dodging can be countered by baiting it. DH for distance is uncounterable to the majority of killers.
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I think Dead Hard should be two separate perks, one perk that lets you lunge for distance but you can still be hit, and another that lets you be very briefly invulnerable but that doesn’t give extra distance. Both effects are useful on their own that they’d see use.
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The Distance
That solves nothing. Distance dash on demand is busted and unhealthy design.
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I disagree, I frequently see the same survivors using Dead Hard both to get distance AND to dodge attacks successfully in the same match. Distance is the better use of the two but dodging an attack is still useful and happens all the time.
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The Distance
I recommend a perpendicular dodge to the side.
-rewards more skilled plays
-nullifies it as a free distance, second chance perk.
I have a few ideas for reworks in my discussions
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The Distance
I think it would be interesting to see how many people would pair both dead hards. Making it effecitvely take two slots up to equate to the current dead hard doesn't seem like a bad idea.
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The Distance
The people voting iframe don’t understand why the perk is an issue in the first place. The iframe has counter play. The distance part does not. That is where the issue is.