Whats a Perk you think MORE People Should use ?

As a survivor: Breakdown.

I've had this perk come in clutch SO many times in so many games, and I finally convinced my friends to all run it too on their builds for a few games. Lemme tell you---NOTHING really beats the absolute confusion a killer gets when literally every hook is broken in the area for not one... not two.... BUT THREE FULL MINUTES. Literally not a single hook was available to a killer in one game where I got downed, and hooked--and once I was unhooked it broke. So when the killer got my friend downed, they walked to mine--only to find it BROKEN, and by the time they got to another hook--my friend wiggled free. This rinsed and repeated another time so there were about 2 gens in an area and 3 broken hooks, and the killer pretty much would be forced to run us out of that area, or wait out the remaining 1.5min for one of the hooks to respawn.

Plus, an endgame breakdown, especially on a hook RIGHT by the gates... **chef kiss** I always bring this perk. I love it so much.

In higher ranks its probably not a great perk, but in my lower-mid tier its so good because people like to play really altruistically and often times when they make a save, they'll immediately get downed and just hooked back onto the same hook and sharing tetanus with everyone.

As a killer: Mad Grit.

Ive gotten so many 4ks just from survivors trying to body block me from hooking, and I can just SMACK SMACK SMACK with no cool down. Like gurl, MOVE. Trying to do work here.


  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,168


    You'd be surprised how much time it saves in the long run if you can get it working

    Typical for killer I'd simp for agitation but I'm gonna switch gears and recommend Play with your food instead

    It's not easy to use nor is it super effective on all killers but I can't deny that it's fun to mess with survivor muscle memory by being faster than they expect me to be.

  • Satelit
    Satelit Member Posts: 1,377

    I do like bringing Mad Grit as a little surprise perk,it's so satisfying when they keep taking hits without realizing I have it.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    For survivor, it's probably Distortion. Even with 3 tokens my opinion on it hasn't really changed. Knowledge is power. Just ask otz after that Legion game that was posted today where he used Blood Echoes lol.

    Being able to sometimes confirm that there's a 0% chance of Noed is nice as well.

  • UnluckyDucky
    UnluckyDucky Member Posts: 330

    YES. I love Distortion as well! Honestly all of Jeff's perks are massively underrated and I love him so much. Just because his perks arent meant for looping doesnt mean they aren't useful, especially as a Solo Q survivor who likes to play altruistically, its so helpful to have Aftercare on so I can see where everyone is 100% of the time.

  • SomberNokk
    SomberNokk Member Posts: 732

    No mither, as a Oni main it reeeeeeally screws me over omg survivors dont run it its op.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,180
    edited April 2022

    Bond! (at least in Solo Queue, less necessarily obviously for 3 or 4 man SWFs)

    Information is king in this game. Knowing where to go when you're hurt. Knowing where to go when someone else is hurt. Knowing where to go when gens are being worked on.

    Sometimes, knowing where NOT to go can be just as important (how often have you had teammates accidentally bring the killer right to the gen you're working on when it's just about to pop?).

    Bond can also give you important information, even indirectly. Like if you can hear the heartbeat but see your teammate running around erratically downstairs on Midwich, you can be mostly certain that the killer is down there chasing said teammate, allowing you to keep hammering that upstairs gen instead of stepping away and wasting time hiding from a killer that is not near you.

    Or if you're feeling like a vindictive little jerk like I do at times, you can "accidentally" bring the killer to the Claudette who has spent the entire damn match hiding in the bushes 😈

  • UnluckyDucky
    UnluckyDucky Member Posts: 330

    YES haha! The shy Claudettes and Dwights really do be playing hide and seek

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,487

    Detectives Hunch

    Amazing for totems and to prevent a 3 gen, it also pairs very well Inner Strength or Boons since you can find said totems easily

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    Soul guard

    The amount of times a noed user slugged me and it's like hey thanks for the free escape

  • CharlieChatBox
    CharlieChatBox Member Posts: 258

    Plunders. Items are pretty strong. A free Engineers is pretty neat. As is a Free Ranger's.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    Plunders is a S tier perk that basically nobody uses and I will stand by this opinion

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933
    edited April 2022

    Borrowed time

    Please randoms in solo queue stop farming me without that perk, save your fancy builds for swf games

    As killer, I'm all ears is heavily underrated

  • Salvador578
    Salvador578 Member Posts: 79

    Spine Chill

    -Cuts the balls off all stealth killers and basically reduces most of them to M1 Killers

    -The extra speed boost on actions while a killer is coming for you can help in situations like a 1v1 endgame situation where you have to open a exit gate with the hatch closed

    -Allows you time to gain distance when you realize a killer is coming for you while you're on a generator, totem, etc.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    NOED should probably be on any killer's build who is trying to win. And yet they will not run it because they are afraid of the opinion of survivor mains. It is kind of cringe. Imagine being influenced by people who whine about efficiency.

    Survivors already run what they should because they aren't beta. I would have said Boil Over is underrated, but they nerfed it... So... Yeah. I guess just stick to second chances as the developers clearly intend. Niche builds are the only ones that get nerfed.

  • Sepex
    Sepex Member Posts: 1,451

    Blood Hound. It's sick with Legion & Scourge Hook Gift of Pain.

  • UnluckyDucky
    UnluckyDucky Member Posts: 330

    Omg YEASSSS. I want Im All Ears so badly, it hasnt come into the shrine in a while

  • UnluckyDucky
    UnluckyDucky Member Posts: 330

    Jeff perks are so underrated. 2 of them are just bit fat info perks and I literally NEVER see used. with BBQ being so popular now distortion is invaluable

  • CrowVortex
    CrowVortex Member Posts: 961

    Pentimento, even 1 stack get's you major value in the long run, especially paired with Plaything. Even more so once CoH changes come in and less people will run it and more will move to inner Strength.

  • Ula
    Ula Member Posts: 276

    Weirdly enough, I like Ace in a hole even though this perk doesn't do anything except greed. I used to play it very often with a strong medkit considering that my Ace in the hole was a selfcare on stéroïdes.

    Although spine chill makes some survivors run for their life as soon as it lights up ahah.

    Yes it's a really good perk, but it's also one of the 4 cursed perks (I remember otzdarva made a video about how survivor can play very poorly with sprint burst, spine chill, urban evasion and selfcare).

    Here's the link if you're curious, or if you wanna revive some memories: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DH9Hmf6Xt10

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,452

    Dark Devotion, very underrated killer Perk. Especially when paired with Stealth Killers.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Whispers... it let's you know if there is a Survivor within 32M of you... I can't even count the amount of times i caught Survivors hiding in lockers

    Stakeout... Getting 4 stacks of it then hopping on a Gen to get guaranteed Great Skillchecks plus the added bonus for hitting a great skillcheck... On Gens though

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047


    Let’s you know if the killer is gonna just run back to the hook sooner rather than later.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    For Survivor, Kindred without question. The information is crucial, especially if the killer is camping when you're in solo queue.

    For Killer I like to run Plaything. It lets me sneak up on survivors, forces them to cleanse hella totems, and pairs nicely with Pentimento, like a bagel pairs nicely with a quality made cream cheese.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,724

    For survivor, I'll go with Stakeout. It's a perk I use sometimes and it definitely adds up over the course of the game. The main downside is if you get a stealth killer or one with a small terror radius like spirit or huntress then it won't do much.

    For killer, Pentimento. People seriously sleep on it thinking boons completely destroy it (and when they first revealed it I thought they would too) but in reality that doesn't always happen. You do need to build around it, but at its full potential it's a very strong perk.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    Why would I need noed... when I can get wins without it?

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    MYC. If you can find the person who made the rescue, it discourages tunneling but still yields pressure.

  • El_Gingero
    El_Gingero Member Posts: 1,147
    edited April 2022

    For killer:

    lethal pursuer - often equals out to the same value as corrupt but with faster results and less counter play, meaning you generate pressure faster, thus translating into greater pressure over a given timespan. (Depends on the killer though. S tier for Hillbilly)

    infectious fright - even on killers with low mobility or lethality, a nicely timed infectious can generate tons of pressure. Get a down, go chase the other survivor, first one gets picked up but now you’ve downed the second. Instead of 1 hook and 3 people sitting on gens you’ve got one slugged, one going for the pickup, and one in chase, and you still get a hook out of it. Plus the first survivor is probably being healed as you hook the second, so now two people spending time healing.


    quick n quiet - great for dukes and sneaky locker plays. If used well it can get you out of a bad situation and waste plenty of time for the killer.

    empathy - being able to see injured teammates across the entire map is incredibly valuable and can help you make the right calls instead of simply guessing.

    aftercare - same as empathy but they don’t need to be injured

  • Smolshark
    Smolshark Member Posts: 19

    Never leave home without spine chill

  • UnluckyDucky
    UnluckyDucky Member Posts: 330

    I have gone TOO LONG not appreciating this perk. It has become so invaluable to me in these Ghostface times.

  • UnluckyDucky
    UnluckyDucky Member Posts: 330

    All of Jeff's perks are top tier to me and should get more attention. Nothing beats knowing where my entire team is the entire time, whilst also having Distortion to prevent my own aura from being read to the killer by BBQ, and my thicc Jeff butt breaking a hook when I get rescued and preventing the killer from rehooking me. Bring BO just to really make sure my lardbutt escapes.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    On the killer side, Hex: Plaything. It's the only Hex that you can guarantee won't get broken 15 seconds into the match, and I find it to be extremely powerful on my Pig build -- I've lost count of the number of times I've run into a survivor crossing the map looking for their Jigsaw box who had no idea I was there. In a game where your need any kind of slowdown you can get as killer, forcing survivors (who, largely, won't want to stay Oblivious) to do a 2nd objective of a totem search is invaluable.

    On the survivor side, Lucky Break. Paired with Iron Will and a solid med-kit (or even COH, or both), I've lost killers with basic moves that had no business working. If you're running Overcome as well, against any killer that isn't high mobility, it can be an easy escape from a chase. On an indoor map, it can be a nightmare for whoever is trying to find you. Whenever I play killer and I run across someone running this perk, I'm always thankful that I don't see it more often.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Visionary or Deja Vu for Survivor. Just knowing where the generators are helps people a lot more than Dead Hard ever could. Doesn't matter how good you chase if generators aren't getting done.

    Discordance / A Nurse's Calling are still favorite perks of mine. You don't see them often anymore but they can make a difference.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Enduring, especially on Demogorgon.

    It allows you dive-bomb every Pallet without a problem. It's especially good on Demogorgon, as you want to get the hit on the Survivor, and getting the Pallet down.

    Honorable mention goes to Play With Your Food.

    It's a fun Perk that works moderately well with Hit N Run Killers and special builds

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Survivor: Desperate Measures

    It's such a nice perk to run. The unhooking speed alone makes it extremely good vs any campers.

    Killer: Save The Best For Last

    Yes this perk is used quite often but I think every low tier M1 killer should be using this. I don't care if it's Clown, Trapper, Freddy etc. If you also need to camp at end game it makes unhooking nearly impossible if you've got more than 4 stacks.