Aura Perks for Survivor?

Does anyone know of a good list for aura perks for the killer? I was playing a Legion game and I was trying out some new builds when I noticed theres like a TON of perks that let killers see survivors aura, like constantly. And it isn't anything to snuff at either. Like the Onyro's lets you see ALL survivors auras for 7 seconds, thats INSANELY long, especially for someone who can go across the entire map to get to you--or even if you're a Legion like me and have to go for a jog. 7 seconds is PLENTY of time for me to across a lot of ground and find at least 2 survivors.
Not to mention things like Nurse's Calling, Discordinance essentially lets me know WHICH gen youre on and how many, etc. I was scrolling through my survivor perks and noticed, at least in my repetoir, huge lack of aura perks--at least ones that reveal the killer. The only one I can immediately think of is the one that tells you when the killer is breaking a pallet, or Object of Obsession that reveals the killer's aura to you--but you also get your OWN aura revealed. Aside from that, theres a key add-on you can use, but even then it only works 32m and you have to activate it--and even then it may only last a few seconds, and you cant perform other actions while using your key.
Aura perks for survivors are things like Hatch, Generators, Windows, Pallets--like... I get it, those are useful, but what would REALLY help is knowing where the killer is.
I'm sure there ARE aura perks that let us see the killer, but I legit cant think of any and Idk if I got the patience to read through every single perk in the game. What are some good aura perks that let you see the killer?
Well there's Object of Obsession, Kindred, Dark Sense, (Rancor for killer technically counts), Buckle Up (it sucks but you can see the killer), Babysitter (See Buckle Up), Alert (Underrated af) and probably some others if I'm possibly missing some.
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Yeah OOO and Kindred are really the only 2 I could think of, ty for mentioning the others! I'll try to see if I can unlock some of those for my future builds :)
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Np. I'll see if there's other perks I can find
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As it turns out, those are the only perks to reveal the killer. Most of the aura reading is objects and people
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Why use a perk for auras when you can just use a map
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A map isn't going to tell me where the killer is? Like... did you read the post?
I dont need a map to tell me where a gen is when there's literally white blinking lights in the sky that tell me where a gen is. On top of that, maps run out. Perks you can use the whole, or majority, of the game.
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I wasnt calling you out i was asking others already mention OoO but usually knowing where the killer is isnt as nec as the TR is often times just as good.
If you must know where the killer is use one of the following: Alert, Dark sense, kindred, OoO, Premonition(sort of), Spine chill. I think there is one more but i cant remember its name.
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for newer players i guess a map definitely will help but after X amount of times im gotten pretty familiar where gens/totems/chests spawn. im mainly interested in finding aura reading perks, i have a ton for killer but none for survivor save for like 2 mentioned. Spine Chill is a good perk for sure, but not "quite" aura-seeing it probably is the best suggestion since it can be used at any time in the game without conditions.
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Dark sense was the last one i was missing
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Kindred is practically the best Aura reading Perk in the game (imo).
Off-topic but Scourge Hook: Floods Of Rage isn't all that good. Most of the time, the Survivor will get rescued while the Killer is doing something important, which means they won't really have time to see the Auras of the Survivors
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I never go into a game without Kindred. Its such a great aura perk. Esp if you're in a swf you can feed the info to your teammates for safe unhook. And I believe if you're hooked with kindred they see the auras you would as well.
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Alert is really strong. Gives you constant information and effectively reveals who the killer is very early in the trial if you haven't figured it out. Its super useful in chase/loops as you can go the opposite way to them when there aura is revealed (pallet break)
Kindred is decent but rarely seen for me
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Then what you want is a Blood amber key.
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Trust, I go through those like a MFKER.
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Use alert
One of the more better if not the best info perks
Sure you won't get the aura against a stealth killer but you know that oh ok they are breaking something