Aura Perks for Survivor?

Does anyone know of a good list for aura perks for the killer? I was playing a Legion game and I was trying out some new builds when I noticed theres like a TON of perks that let killers see survivors aura, like constantly. And it isn't anything to snuff at either. Like the Onyro's lets you see ALL survivors auras for 7 seconds, thats INSANELY long, especially for someone who can go across the entire map to get to you--or even if you're a Legion like me and have to go for a jog. 7 seconds is PLENTY of time for me to across a lot of ground and find at least 2 survivors.

Not to mention things like Nurse's Calling, Discordinance essentially lets me know WHICH gen youre on and how many, etc. I was scrolling through my survivor perks and noticed, at least in my repetoir, huge lack of aura perks--at least ones that reveal the killer. The only one I can immediately think of is the one that tells you when the killer is breaking a pallet, or Object of Obsession that reveals the killer's aura to you--but you also get your OWN aura revealed. Aside from that, theres a key add-on you can use, but even then it only works 32m and you have to activate it--and even then it may only last a few seconds, and you cant perform other actions while using your key.

Aura perks for survivors are things like Hatch, Generators, Windows, Pallets--like... I get it, those are useful, but what would REALLY help is knowing where the killer is.

I'm sure there ARE aura perks that let us see the killer, but I legit cant think of any and Idk if I got the patience to read through every single perk in the game. What are some good aura perks that let you see the killer?
